Bopping political music

Amhrán na bhFiann / The Soldiers Song​

Irish Republican, now that national anthem of Ireland

A Roman national anthem as it might have been.

Rome. Athens. Sparta....our western cultural origins, and the best "Roman" national anthem actually comes from a Chinese movie directed by Jackie Chan....go figure

Here's the original..... from a Jackie Chan movie, where remnants of the Legions of Crassus, who were defeated by the Persians, perhaps, reached China (there are not many historical sources about this but its thought that a Roman unit serving Persia did fight a battle against Chinese soldiers) around the year 53 BC.
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"Bandera is Our Father, Ukraine is our Mother"

Ukrainian nationalist and very fuck you, Russia. LOL


"Марш нової армії" / March of the New Army​

Ukrainian nationalist - Anthem of the Ukrainian Army

Cue Rightguide and Icansarpy posting some Skrewdriver or Johnny Rebel type music...geez I'm hoping this thread doesn't turn into a shit show.
Cue Rightguide and Icansarpy posting some Skrewdriver or Johnny Rebel type music...geez I'm hoping this thread doesn't turn into a shit show.
I love Skrewdriver but its really hard to get "And the Snow Fell" on Youtube anymore. The Fascists censored it.

But here we go, actually way more topical....if you get the visual references.....

"Широкий лан" і 3-й полк - "Пісня Хоробрих" - Song of the Brave / Shyrokyi Lan​

The anthem of the Ukraine Defense Forces 3rd separate special forces regiment named after Prince Svyatoslav the Brave
Lyrics below translated from Ukrainian by yours truly.

The evening is on fire,
Our brothers have joined the ranks,
A hand laid on the shoulder,
It's time for us to go, it's time for us to go!

Step by step, a shadow in the shadows,
Wolf-soldiers go hunting.
Step by step, a shadow in the shadows,
Wolf-soldiers go hunting.

Swords consecrated in battle
Taken from the ground, gripped in our hands.
Forged by our ancestors in battle,
Steel hard, enemy fear ...

Chorus repeated.

The power of the spirits is amongst us,
In the gray steppes, our seas,
In the circle of valor, victory
Prince's two-swords on our shields ...


The fire of sacrifice goes up,
Black shields are in ranks,
Hands on swords
Time for us to go, time for us to go! ..

Fallen in battle in the midst of the wild fields
Leading from the front, calling to action.
Let's remember the trinity today
And fight again, and fight again!


Battleships that go under the wind,
Paving the way for our sons,
Years later, our grandfather's flags
flutter in our regiments
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Here's a classic old rockin' tune from Ireland.
"They take away our freedom, in the name of Liberty..." sounds especially fitting right now, like the attitude promoted by so many posters on this forum. (Who celebrate gleefully when the Supreme Court and far-right legislatures take away freedoms, while at the same time going on about how much they love "Liberty")
Anyway...enjoy the "Suspect Device!"
Many of the extras singing La Marseillaise were said to be real refugees from the German Nazis. Here's an all-time classic movie scene:

Her voice just makes me want to sing along: :love:
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The Fish Cheer aka Give Me An F. Country Joe and The Fish.You ignorant fuckers.
I remember when the Woodstock album came out the summer before I started 7th grade. Loved that song. “There’s 3000 of you fuckers out there…and it’s 1-2-3 what are we fightin for?”

Joan Baez rendition of Joe Hill was on the album too. First time I heard her voice and it was beautiful. She’s a legendary artist IMO.
A light hearted, cleverly written song with killer guitar, mandolin, banjo, fiddle and bass, calling on the TN legislature to legalize weed stores. The album it’s on was just released last month:

Down Home Dispensary in Tennessee
Artist: Molly Tuttle & Golden Highway
Genre: Bluegrass


Hey legislators, the voters have spoken
There’s too much politikin, and not enough tokin
This can be political. We won't be bailed out, have a miracle solution, or have anyone else clean up our mess.
Song : joe hill
Artist: luke kelly /the dubliners
Politics: trade unionist socialist democracy.
