Booyah! I think I have a shot at whupping this insomnia thing!


On the Downbeat
Sep 12, 2001
I decided that going for the quick fix wasn't going to be the answer. It wasn't a tough decision - nothing I had tried worked with any regularity.

So I decided to take a long approach to things. I've been making a great effort to relax an hour before bed - read, talk to a friend, relieve stress the best way I can find. Then I take two valerian root capsules. These things stink to high heaven, but in the last could of weeks, they've started to work really well, I think. There was no immediate effect, but each night changed a little toward the good.

I don't know what, exactly, I'm doing right, but I do know that I've been able to fall asleep more easily and quickly in the last week. I don't wake up in the middle of the night, unable to get back to sleep. And when I wake up, I genuinely feel rested and refreshed. That's a very nice change. :D
Have you consulted a doctor? There could be medical reasons for this. An allergist could rule out any nasal contribution (apnea, for example). I was sleeping horribly 2 years ago and it turned out to be an ulcer. I'd hate to see you put the finger in the dyke of a more serious problem, so to speak.

Not that cutting out sugar isn't a good thing...
I didn't mean to imply that what you're currently doing is not a good thing, BTW.
storm1969 said:
I'd hate to see you put the finger in the dyke, sorry.

I got rid of my insomnia by eliminating all caffeine and large amounts of chocolate after three, and occasionally taking a Lorezapam when absolutely needed.
Wanna sleep?

Buy it, or rent it.

It's a terrific documentary, but I swear, after the first 150 times you've watched it, all you gotta do is drop it in and the voice of John Chancellor will knock you right out.

Make sure you set the sleep timer.

I'm not lyin'.

Removing the television from the room where you sleep can help a lot, if you haven't already. Also, if you don't fall asleep in the first 15 or 20 minutes, instead of tossing and turning, get up and do something relaxing for a little while, until you start to feel sleepy again, then try lying down in bed. And don't snort any of that crystal meth stuff. That keeps me up for days.
I've got something even better than John Chancellor

I have a tape on diamond setting techniques that no less than 4 jewelers have tried to watch several times, and no one has made it to the end YET. And these were all hardened professionals. It would probably put a lay person into a coma.