Bonds of Paper (closed for Mayu)

Jared relaxed a bit and offered the glass to Bella, "I know this might be hard for you, but... I can't do this alone, either. I was lucky enough to find the wine right now." He gestured, asking for permission to sit.
She took the glass and motioned with her head to come relax, she took a sip and sighed a bit. "I used to sneak little drinks once in a while, from an already opened bottle of wine. " She chuckled. "I must be a very interesting sister to have"
Jared watches Bella, smiling and sipping his own wine in thought. Finally he said, "You were interesting to have a sister." his tone was as if clarifying or making a point though he didn't go into it in further detail.

Changing the subject, Jared relaxed where indicated asking, "Do you know why our parents were on vacation?" He wondered how much she knew of the divorce talk they'd had. How they wanted to go back and try to reconnect. In his own mind Jared wondered if they'd found what they were looking for before they died, or if they were just as bad as they'd always been these last few years.
Bella smiled as she listened to what he said about her being interesting, but when he finally asked what he did she nodded. "Our parents never really stopped loving each other, our mother always faithful. Mom was never the kind of woman to do something like that, but she told me things you nor dad would have known. Mom was afraid he was getting sick of her, you know like she was boring and not worth the time. But she never stopped loving him, so she had asked him to give her another chance. The vacation was a reconnection therapy, a vacation to relax, to trust one another and to reconnect. Mom had called me when they got there, she said it was a beautiful resort. Course Ive seen pictures of that place, its for everyone but its more for couples then anything. Last thing she said to me was that she knew dad still loved her and he was willing to make a go of it" Bella sighed.
Jared nodded, listening and even sat as Bella told her story. He drank, more than sipped, from his wine and offered her some. "I know." he agreed, "They were happy but..." he shook his head not wanting to go on.

His heart was pounding, and Jared could feel the heat rising from his neck, "I know it's wrong, but when I heard I kind of wished..." he got up, steadied himself quickly. The wine was almost done and it was threatening to finish him off as well. "Never mind."
Bella was taken back by him, she smiled looking into his eyes for a moment. But when he got up she followed, placing her hand on his shoulder. " to me please....what did you wish?" part of her wondered if he didn't want there parents to work it out, she stood in front of him, she refused to let it go.
He knew better than to start something he couldn't finish, and Bella was on one of her rails. That's what Jared called it once, when they were young. Bella was like a train. There was no stopping her, but how much did he dare admit.

Jared's eyes fell to Bella's lips, she was right in front of him and it would be easy to just kiss her as he'd wanted to these last few weeks. He'd stopped thinking of her as his sister the night he saw her naked and walking to take a shower, she was a woman and they were only siblings by law.

"I wish things had turned out different." it was safe enough. True, but vague. "You know, if they did get a divorce..." Jared kicked himself mentally. He'd started it, and she's see that he finished it. "Well, obviously we'd stop being siblings... legally speaking." They weren't siblings, not in the true sense of the word but they did grow up together. She was as much a sister to him as any real sister would be... and yet he still wanted to kiss her, so he blamed the wine and tried to stop looking at her lips.
Bella looked at him and watched the way he looked at him, a soft smile on her face. "I think I understand what you want to say but wont, Ive seen the way you look at me. A look you dare not give because of our parents. I have noticed how different you are toward me, now that I'm of age. I have to admit Ive wanted you for a couple years now, you see me as a woman not as your sister. Am I right?" She moved in closer, placing a hand to his cheek.
She was right, and all Jared could do was lean into that hand touching his face. It was as if he could feel a pull, trying to draw him closer to Bella. "I've always loved you, and always cared for you." Jared tried to explain, "Now that you're this... woman... if our parents never married, and I saw you now..." He moved in, as if to kiss Bella but stopped. "Is this wrong?" he whispered with a hint of fear in his tone.
She was taken back by what he said, watching him move in but stopping himself. She heard what he asked and she smiled shaking her head. "No" She said softly, placing her hand on his cheek as she moved into him and kissed him softly on the lips.
Jared didn't seem to hesitate as he kissed back, enjoying the perfection of Bella's lips. They were firm but not thin, and soft but not sloppy wet. Kissing her, Jared didn't care if their parents were married or not he wanted to kiss her more.

Ironically he pulled away, breaking the kiss, and then ducked down to put the nearly empty bottle of wine. Standing back up he went right right into kissing Bella with intensity. He started shallow at first, then deepened the kiss holding her her against the frame of the door. He wasn't pressing her forcefully, but holding his body against her securely.
Bella was glad that he didn't seem to resist her, they maybe related but only by a marriage. They were not blood, when he pulled away she watched him put the bottle of wine down. Before she could say anything he had stood back up and kissed her again, the kiss shallow for just a moment, but then the kiss getting deeper, she felt her body against the frame of the door. It helped keep her in place, as he kissed her deeper she couldn't help but moan into his kiss. Her arms around him, never wanting to let go.
Jared's body was growing as hungry as his kisses grew deep. One hand now on the small of her firm back, the other slid from her hip, up the side of Bella's ribs, and came to a stop just below her breast. As if afraid to touch her in that way, his hand just lingered. His lips however constantly transitioned from one kiss to the next. In sparks of excitement he found himself all but sucking on her bottom lip as he kissed her like a lover and not a relative.
Bella closed her eyes as she enjoyed the way he was touching her, but she felt it when his hand hesitated. She took her free hand and took his hand placing it on her breast, showing him it was alright. She went back to hugging him close as he sucked on the bottom of her lip, she moaned softly. Happy to have him this way.
Now, free to explore, Jared cupped Bella's breast firmly as he kissed her deeply. He slip his kisses free and pressed her mound up towards his lips. Leaning down he kissed the exposed part of her breast, just past the neckline of her blouse. He'd forgotten they were just at a funeral recently. His mind guarding against anything that would break this moment. He was consumed by his passion for Bella. Moving his hands he quickly lifted her up and carried her back to her old bed while doing his best to continue kissing as if he would fall away without her lips.
She wrapped her arms around his neck as he picked her up, there kiss never seemed to break. Even as he walked through the hall. Soon she could feel him ease her down onto her old bed, it was an old comfort of this place. Once she was laying on her back on the bed she moved her hands to push off his jacket he had on. She never stopped kissing him, her hands going to his shirt as she unbuttoned his shirt and pushed it back, feeling his warm skin under her hands.
Jared worked the shoulders of Bella's dress down. He inhaled sharply, feeling her hands on his chest. He moved each arm so that she could remove what she wished, leaning down to kiss her neck then her shoulder. He worked his way down to the exposed tops of her breast then returned to her lips. It was as if he wasn't the same man he was before, now just a man eager to be Bella's lover regardless of who she was related to.
Her hands traced his muscular chest, it was surprising he wanted her. He could have any woman he wanted, yet he wanted her. She smiled feeling his lips on her breasts, as she managed to tug off the rest of her dress. She reached up into the kiss as her hands went to his pants, and removed the belt, tossing it to the side and unzipped them. She smiled looking into his eyes, it didn't feel right, it felt like it was meant to be.
Jared pulled away, standing to simply removed the rest of his pants. Now completely naked he gently tugged Bella to her feet. Once she was off the bed again Jared slipped her panties down and stood to kiss her deeply while reaching past her to pull the bed sheet away planning for hem both to lay beneath the covers.
She managed to post the covers away and continued to kiss him, her hands resting on his back as she let out a soft moan. She was content with him there she always was, Bella closed her eyes running a hand in his hair. There kiss only getting deeper and deeper, something she was enjoying very much. She looked into his eyes and spoke softly. "You could have anyone you want, why do you want me? I'm nothing special Jared.."
Jared stopped, settling over Bella and putting his weight on his elbows. He watched her as she played with his hair. "You are special, Bella. You've always been the strongest woman I've known. You've always been there for me and no one understands me the way you do. The moment you turned into a woman. A very sexy woman... I couldn't imagine finding more..." Jared moved in, kissing Bella gently and tenderly.
She blushed some, no one gave her a compliment like that. Not even her boyfriend who only wanted sex, but she had a connection that was older then her relationship with her boyfriend. She closed her eyes as he kissed her again, enjoying the tender feeling of his lips. She was glad her bed was big enough for the two of them, her hands ran down his back. Enjoying the feel of his body against her own.
Jared continued to kiss Bella, never going any further physically. He broke the kisses, letting his fingers find her hair. He touched he cheek and looked into her eyes, "I love you, Bella. More than I've known for anyone. More than I imagine I can feel for anyone." he placed himself in line with Bella's own body hen kissed her chin followed by her neck all the while holding off from that first thrust of union.
She smiled looking into his eyes "I love you to Jared, your the only man Ive ever connected with. You know how I feel just by looking into my eyes, you make me content and no one has ever done that. " She stroked his cheek lovingly, her smile never fading. She loved him very much and would do anything for him, she just hoped he knew that. But deep down something told her he understood and knew that.
Jared smiled, letting his weight settle as he slowly entered Bella. His eyes never left Bella, a look of pure bliss in them. It was perfect, no awkward resistance or the need to shift into new angles as he'd had in the past. It was, truly, as if their bodies were meant to connect.

"Bella." he said, breathily. "You're so perfect."