I have my tongue pierced and a tatt on my lower back, as you can see in my AV. I think piercings and tatts are very sexy! My husband has his tongue and nipples pierced!
I have four tats.......three I got quite a few years ago, when I was 16: A rose and a pegasus on each shoulder blade, a heart w/wings on my ankle. Last week, I got a tribal-looking sun on my left upper arm. I also got my nipples pierced a couple years ago. They are taken out now, but I'm planning on getting them redone sometime in the near future.
I'd post pics 'cept I have nothing scanned at the moment.
Had my belly pierced but had to remove it. Gonna do it again soon. Have nine earings in each ear. As you can see in my Av, I have a tat just abouve my left breast. Also one just above my right ankle. Planning a third on my left arm. Both I have are dragons. Thinking of getting my nipples pierced but not sure about it yet.