Blurting it out....Playground style

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spiritshadow67 said:
huh? what photo thread???
What!?! What!?! What!?! YOU. YOU don't have a photo thread? Love your avitar!

I also enjoy your poetry. :rose:
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Thank you!!

~I didn't want to pour on THAT much guilt!

~Maybe it's good for them??

~I'm so damn tired... I think I'll never catch up!! *sigh*
To be honest with you, I don't have the words to make you feel better, but I do have the arms to give you a hug, ears to listen to whatever you want to talk about, and I have a heart; a heart that's aching to see you smile again.
Major blurt.....

I fuckin give up!! No matter how hard I try, something else always kicks me to the ground!!!!!!! I finally see a light at the end of the tunnel with my "company" moving this weekend and NOW THIS!!!

I got home around 6:45 to my daughter freakin out about the front door being left open. I didn't see anything missing so I didn't think much more about it. We left to spend the evening with friends and didn't come home til after 11pm.... I called around 8ish to see if they had come home and ask who was the last out the door today. They both swore the door was closed tight and locked.... Needless to say, my daughter freaked out AGAIN when she found that her Christmas money was missing from her room along with the DVD player being pulled from the tv shelf.... obviously they were too stupid to detatch it along with the fact that not even jewelry was snatched from out in the open. They saw the $85 cash, thought they hit the jackpot and ran.... *sigh*

I called the cops just to ask them to keep an eye on the place and they made me fill out a report.... all just to get them to ride around my block a couple extra times!! I know that all they wanted was some cash and they prolly won't be back.... it pisses me off they took my daughter's money tho!! Not to mention her feeling of security by having someone she doesn't know in her room!!

I'm thankful none of us were here alone when they came but damn.... can't we get a freaking break somewhere???????!!!!!!! :catroar:

TGIF, ya'll.... *sigh*
TantaLiza said:
Major blurt.....

I fuckin give up!! No matter how hard I try, something else always kicks me to the ground!!!!!!! I finally see a light at the end of the tunnel with my "company" moving this weekend and NOW THIS!!!

I got home around 6:45 to my daughter freakin out about the front door being left open. I didn't see anything missing so I didn't think much more about it. We left to spend the evening with friends and didn't come home til after 11pm.... I called around 8ish to see if they had come home and ask who was the last out the door today. They both swore the door was closed tight and locked.... Needless to say, my daughter freaked out AGAIN when she found that her Christmas money was missing from her room along with the DVD player being pulled from the tv shelf.... obviously they were too stupid to detatch it along with the fact that not even jewelry was snatched from out in the open. They saw the $85 cash, thought they hit the jackpot and ran.... *sigh*

I called the cops just to ask them to keep an eye on the place and they made me fill out a report.... all just to get them to ride around my block a couple extra times!! I know that all they wanted was some cash and they prolly won't be back.... it pisses me off they took my daughter's money tho!! Not to mention her feeling of security by having someone she doesn't know in her room!!

I'm thankful none of us were here alone when they came but damn.... can't we get a freaking break somewhere???????!!!!!!! :catroar:

TGIF, ya'll.... *sigh*

TantaLiza said:
Major blurt.....

I fuckin give up!! No matter how hard I try, something else always kicks me to the ground!!!!!!! I finally see a light at the end of the tunnel with my "company" moving this weekend and NOW THIS!!!

I got home around 6:45 to my daughter freakin out about the front door being left open. I didn't see anything missing so I didn't think much more about it. We left to spend the evening with friends and didn't come home til after 11pm.... I called around 8ish to see if they had come home and ask who was the last out the door today. They both swore the door was closed tight and locked.... Needless to say, my daughter freaked out AGAIN when she found that her Christmas money was missing from her room along with the DVD player being pulled from the tv shelf.... obviously they were too stupid to detatch it along with the fact that not even jewelry was snatched from out in the open. They saw the $85 cash, thought they hit the jackpot and ran.... *sigh*

I called the cops just to ask them to keep an eye on the place and they made me fill out a report.... all just to get them to ride around my block a couple extra times!! I know that all they wanted was some cash and they prolly won't be back.... it pisses me off they took my daughter's money tho!! Not to mention her feeling of security by having someone she doesn't know in her room!!

I'm thankful none of us were here alone when they came but damn.... can't we get a freaking break somewhere???????!!!!!!! :catroar:

TGIF, ya'll.... *sigh*

Hugs to you and your daughter Liza...

Hang in there. I know. Easier said than done. I had my truck stolen last year so I know 'a little' about how it feels. And while the damage done to my truck during the 10 days they had it was much more than what you lost, I would NOT have traded it to have my house broken into.

Our houses are our islands. They are our refruge where we seek comfort and protection and relaxation. At least that's the idea at home right ;) To have a stanger, unwelcome, come into your home is a gross violation of privacy. It may take a long time before you and your daughter feel safe once again.

Thoughts and prayers for both of you my sweet. As hard as it, consider yourself so fortunate it was not much worse. Pull back. Rally around your family and friends. Real life friends and the wonderful support group you have here online.

You know where to find me if you need to talk...

D :rose:
20smoke said:
is there any way to let her know just how much I love her?
Baby, just keep loving me. That's all you have to do, because I'm gonna love you til my last breath.
((((((((((((((((((((((Liza, sissy & your daughter :rose: )))))))))))))))))))))))))

I'm so sorry this happened. *sigh* Like D said, it will probably be a while until you and your daughter feel safe, but I am praying for your safety and for peace to cover you like a warm fuzzy blanket.

mercator said:
What!?! What!?! What!?! YOU. YOU don't have a photo thread? Love your avitar!

I also enjoy your poetry. :rose:

nope I don't have a photo thread lol.... I'm normally on the otherside of the camera...

thx for the compliement on the AV but that's not me *winks*
as well as on my poetry *soft smile & blushes*
PearlNecklace said:
I wonder if 2006 and will be better than 2005? Will the things I missed out on and the things that I craved come to me or will I continue to miss out?

Am I being stupid by clinging to him so tightly? Just because hes everything I want and more? Wouldn't it be better to leave him alone and not be a hassle to him? Stop talking to him and leave him be?

But then, how do you leave someone who is such a big part of you?

What do you do when the very thing you crave is the thing you're being denied?

OMG can I ever relate to this!!!

It STILL haunts me!

Hang in there, luv.
what a lousy day!Iwoke up,so full of hope,then,,travel plans that I was really looking forward to and needed like i need air were cancelled,,then a few other random but shitty things happened.i am SO tired of saying"its ok,,i understand"...LOL...i want to be a brat for just two mintues and say"hey...thats not fair to me" do undertand though..doenst mean i was not PROFOUNDLY dissapointed,,,
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