"Blood At First Sight"

John was already pushing his limits when, while thoroughly enjoying the licking and suckling of Adrienne's magnificent breasts, he had dared scrap his teeth along the top and bottom of her nipple and pressed them in, on a faux bite of her firm, but full flesh. When he felt her body react, particularly to the use of his teeth, he was terrified he might have crossed a line! However, her reaction, let him know, not only had he not ventured into unwanted territory, he had barely dipped his toe into the depths she truly desired!

"Harder," she purred when John bit softly upon her right nipple. She must have felt the twitch and throb of John's cock as she asked. Something had happened to John at the club, he had seen, witnessed, even felt things although almost none of that did he remember, but he had seen enough to feel it, know it, like it! He was kinky! Or at least he wanted to see more, learn more and see where his limits might be. Territory he never would have considered was suddenly extremely intriguing.

He did as aske, he suckled hard on her breast and bit down harder, nibbling, no biting her nipple and breast, but still he was careful, too careful! "You can't hurt me..." What was she saying, how rough did she want to be? Did John want to be rough, could he do it? He thought he could. "...Bite me." It was oxygen to his flame, and down he brought his teeth hard, driving them in as if her nipple were as tough a a $3 steak! She would learn John took commands and urging exceedingly well. He would run through a wall if so demanded.

Perhaps it was the way her body obviously loved the rough treatment, that so surprised him as he reached for her pussy, just beginning to feel the heat emanating from her core, when he was gently, but clearly rebuffed. He was confused, wanting to know why, when without a moment of warning he felt his head snapped back, as she pressed her mouth into his neck.

Perhaps he had been too timid, to gentle, just as she wanted her breast bitten, maybe she expected her pussy taken. While trying to calibrate, he felt her breath on his neck, felt his cock pulse and then he thoujght, but never had the chance to say, "What the FUCK!!!!"

The pain was searing, body rattling. He instinctively tried to push her away, but her teeth were like a grappling hook and her strength overpowering. For Christ sake, John was a college football player, who still, up until a month ago, worked out twice per week and could bench nearly 250 pounds, yet she manipulated him like he was some little girl!

"Fuck...Jesus ...what?" He somehow gasped as he was quickly falling away, the last thing he remembered was seeing vampires floating overhead. No that was not the last, the last was....cumming! Cumming hard, ejaculating with intensity to the combination of the pain and HER and who knows what the fuck! He had a smile on his face as he passed out, perhaps an epiphany just prior to black out, that yes, he was kinky...and....probably dead!

Morning did come however, and he felt that same sense of grogginess, dizziness, and hangover he had yesterday. The horror and eroticism of the prior night came flooding back, but then .... he felt her. His gorgeous, red haired vampire was in his arms, head sleeping gorgeously upon his chest, her naked body pressed up against and draping over his.

He had assumed he was dying, and he found it ironic to think how he had once hoped, that when he went, he would go in the saddle! He wasn't sure he still felt that way. He reached down, and felt it, his dry cum covered cock. He had cum just as hard as he thought. He felt her stirring and found no urgency to leave, actually quite the opposite. Boring, old, John Clarence Stevens had just had a night unlike any other, and awoken with the most gorgeous, naked woman he might ever meet.

Finally he saw her eyes blink a bit, and he pulled her on top of him. "Okay, tell me what is going on here...and...I have to ask...am I still alive?"
With her belly filled and John's blood being digested and stripped of the nutrients she required for both her human and beyond-human needs, Adrienne had drifted off quickly and remained wondrously asleep until her new donor stirred beside her.

She awoke and looked into his eyes, and without hesitation or resistance allowed him to pull her up onto his body as he asked, "Okay, tell me what is going on here...and...I have to ask...am I still alive?"

"You are very much still alive, Jonathan," she purred, pressing her lips to his in a soft kiss. She sat up tall, straddling his groin upper thighs, peeking down at his cock as it laid off to one side. Smiling, she reached to the flaccid member and toyed with it a moment, quipping, "Well, all but this."

Whether he wanted to be sexually excited at this moment wasn't really his choice, as his cock began to harden almost the moment Adrienne touched it. She looked back to his face as she stroked him slowly but tightly.

"I am what you would call a vampire, and last night I fed on you," she told him bluntly with absolutely no signs of regret or apology. Then, playfully shrugging, she finished, "That's what is going on here."
"You are very much still alive, Jonathan," she purred, pressing her lips to his in a soft kiss. Well, this was good news, and the kiss a very nice beginning to this morning after the horror and sublime of the night before.

She then sat up, and for a moment, John just stared at her sheer physical magnificence. She gripped his cock, his very flaccid cock, and just for those of you wondering, losing two pints of blood renders morning wood impossible. She teased him, "Well, all but this." It was an interesting conversation they were having today, he being the victim, and her the perpetrator of last night criminal,it was criminal isn't it, to simply bite and suck out two pints of blood, there had to be some type of law against that, assault.

But instead they, or rather he lay there, and she straddled him on top, as if they had made love deep into the night, and the sex kitten now atop of him, was tempestuously seeking another romp from his spent cock. He looked up from his cock to her eyes, as he felt what scarce blood he had left, surging to respond to her call to action. "Just give him a minute, trust me, he's trying!"

A normal mane, a sane mane, or a man with options, should have been pushing her off, and trying to get the fuck out of there. However, John had a certain pragmatism about him and when would he ever have a woman this beautiful, naked, on top of him, gripping and teasing his cock again? And he knew the answer, if not her, and wherever this may lead, NEVER!

She explained the situation succinctly, unapologetically, and almost completely lacking any emotion entirely. "I am what you would call a vampire, and last night I fed on you...That's what is going on here." Of course that had to be the answer, but nonetheless hearing it was still shocking. Sure he had seen movies, Twilight, Diary of a Vampire, a million versions of Dracula, but those were fiction and so he answered honestly. "I didn't really believe vampires existed..."

He thought a bit more, and then made a statement, that had a question imbedded, "You didn't kill me ..." Now came the question, "Why?" He had a million more questions, questions about her, have you been doing this long, just how old are you? If she didn't explain, and didn't kill him, he would ask.

He also had questions about them. Was there a them? They had a date, she sucked his blood, and now they were in bed togther, naked, after clearly spending the night, his cock, increasingly rigid in her hand. She had promised jobs, love making extraordinaire, what about all that?

And yet, in this moment, he seemed to have only one pervasive thought/question? What were her intentions with that cock now hard in her hand. Despite his increasing curiosity in venturing along that precipice of pleasure and pain, he was quite hoping she wouldn't bite him, specifically it, again. But....if she had other intentions with his now hard, and, he was proud of his size, well then, that was fair game. And so he asked only one more question for now, "Do you like my cock?" A hopeful grin on his face, referring to his member still stroked in her hand, the hand attached to her gorgeous, naked body!
John said about his flaccid cock. "Just give him a minute, trust me, he's trying!"

Adrienne chuckled playfully as her newest donor's manhood slowly expanded in her gently toying fingers. "I see that."

"I didn't really believe vampires existed," he responded to her confession.

"They don't, Jonathan," she responded, clarifying, "as far as the general public know."

She was tempted to add something to the effect of Don't tell anyone, or I'll have to kill you," but John, followed up with, "You didn't kill me. Why?"

"I like you, Jonathan, very much," Adrienne answered, that hard to place accent of hers seemingly more obvious this morning. It tended to come out after she had fed and was sated and comfortable. "Why would I kill you?"

By now, John's cock had reached almost full stiffness. It was a beautiful cock, no doubt there: eight inches long, proportionally thick, with near perfect symmetry and a bulbous head that Adrienne couldn't help but lean down and kiss softly.

"Do you like my cock?" he asked with an obviously hopeful tone.

The self confessed vampire leaned over John's groin again, reached out her tongue, and licked his length slow but firmly from base to bulb, her eyes on his for his reaction.

When she sat up tall again, smiling devilishly, Adrienne responded, "I like your cock very much, Jonathan."

She spit into her hand and began stroking his now hard as rock shaft slowly but firmly as she spoke with that mesmerizing tone. "I'm not going to kill you, Jonathan. If I had wanted to kill you, I would have let my people kill you ... and your friends at the club.

"I want to use you," she continued, clarifying, " misuse you, even abuse you might be a better term. I want to consume your blood regularly ... twice a month will cause you no harm and will satisfy my needs."

Adrienne could see that what she was doing so expertly to John's cock was pushing him closely toward orgasm already. She continued, "And you would be compensated, of course. Financially, I will put you to work for me..."

John was just moments from exploding, but Adrienne tempered her manipulation of his shaft to hold off his climax. She said with such a matter of fact tone, "We will be lovers, of course, Jonathan."

He was so close, but Adrienne just wouldn't let him reach the finish line. She reached down to clutch his balls tightly in her free hand. Oh, it wasn't firm enough to hurt him, but she knew that it would delay his explosion the minute or so she needed to complete her proposition.

"There will be other benefits, too, Jonathan," Adrienne tempted him. "You recall my friends at the club ... my servants. You recall how beautiful they all were ... how perfect. You will become beautiful ... perfect..."

Even though she didn't say it, the implication was that John wasn't yet either beautiful or perfect. He was, of course, a good looking man and had no reason to feel down about himself, even though these days he did.

But he would move toward both if he continued to let Adrienne fed on him, and it was important to Adrienne that John knew this. She began talking in that sultry voice of hers about how his body would become more toned and muscular, fit and strong than it had ever been during his athletic days.

"You will feel more confident in your professional life, your personal life ... your sexual life," she went on, still stroking and clutching him as his pleasure rose higher than he'd ever experienced before. She chuckled softly, adding, "Your beautiful cock will even become more beautiful, if that is something you wish. Longer, thicker, perfect. You will fuck all night long, pleasuring your lovers until they beg you to stop."

Finally, Adrienne released her grip on John's balls and altered her stroking in a way that quickly pushed him beyond the point of return. Just before his cock leapt fiercely, she finished, "You must only submit to me."

A massive glob of cum shot almost three feet straight up in the air over John's body. With lightning quick reflexes, Adrienne reached out over his belly and caught the sticky goo on her palm and fingers, and after shot after shot of his seed splashed down all over his torso, Adrienne made a dramatic, erotic show of licking the cum from her hand, swallowing it, before leaning down and licking up and devouring every drop of John's jizz.

She finished her second meal provided by his body, then asked in whisper, "Do you submit, Jonathan? You must say so out loud. I submit."
They had begun their discussion as she explained who she was, all the while stroking his cock in a way that, despite his best efforts, made it very hard to concentrate. Of course, that was probably the idea. "I like you, Jonathan, very much...Why would I kill you?" He didn't really know, and that seemed reasonable enough, but, "Well you didn't ask me before you did it...and I guess, I assumed...well not really assumed as I didn't think you were real...but if you were real...are real...I assumed you would kill me?" He had an innocence as he asked the question, someone who if they died, was not at all sure, they would be missed.

He had asked about his cock, the one she was currently stroking, and he smiled at her answer. "I hope you feel free to use it as much as you'd like, in fact there is no place he would rather be." It had been a little joke, but like all humor it was laced in truth. She explained further that if she had wanted to kill him, or his friends, they would be dead now, and suddenly the other morning made sense. "The bites, Your people? Are they all like you? I mean did you do that to every one of us, why bite us all over? You didn't last night?"

She then gave him her ask, "to misuse and abuse..." or so she explained, except two times a month didn't seem THAT outrageous. "When you feed, like last night...I...I think...I'm actually really sure...I came...I mean the biting hurt, but the other, the orgasm was really fucking intense?" This was all so confusing. As was just how really, really good he felt right now and how close he was to cumming again. Everything in life had trade off so...she went on explaining ...

"And you would be compensated, of course. Financially, I will put you to work for me..."

John was just moments from exploding, but Adrienne tempered her manipulation of his shaft to hold off his climax. She said with such a matter of fact tone, "We will be lovers, of course, Jonathan."

He was so close, but Adrienne just wouldn't let him reach the finish line. She reached down to clutch his balls tightly in her free hand. Oh, it wasn't firm enough to hurt him, but she knew that it would delay his explosion the minute or so she needed to complete her proposition.

"There will be other benefits, too, Jonathan," Adrienne tempted him. "You recall my friends at the club ... my servants. You recall how beautiful they all were ... how perfect. You will become beautiful ... perfect..."

She already had him, kind of like the line in Jerry McGuire, "you had me at hello" Adrienne had him at "We will be lovers, of course, Jonathan." However her other comments, all the perks made him wonder, including how he would become this incredible lover and seeming a lady killer!

"Will I eventually become a vampire too...I mean your folks at the club..." And then something saddened him a bit, "Are they all your lover's too?" He wanted to be special in some way, she had made him feel special, and he wanted to know...a bit of where he might rank in terms of her likely endless options. He hoped being lovers implied a certain degree of frequency and preference? He also wanted to learn and to test and he sensed this woman could teach him like no other!

She was driving him crazy, and then as he erupted she put on a show of catching and swallowing and enjoying his cum that left him speechless. Speechless, except to say..."Yes, I submit!" And in his mind he repeated, "YES, YES, YESSS!!! I am yours, take me...make me YOUR man!"
"Yes, I submit!" John called out between deep, pleasure driven breaths.

Adrienne spent a good couple of minutes licking her new lover and donor's body clean of his cum, taking her time, making it as erotic and sensual as she could. Each time she swept a glob of his thick white stuff up, she looked into his eyes, let him see her coated tongue, then pulled it back into her mouth to swallow.

She ended up laying atop him, her thighs parted, her cock laying inside her pussy lips. It wasn't entirely flaccid but it wasn't prepared to fuck her either. Adrienne wasn't disappointed, but only because she'd expected it: between the blood draw and the most powerful climax he'd ever experienced, it would have been a miracle if he'd been able to keep it hard enough long enough to get Adrienne off.

They kissed erotically for several minutes as she writhed ever so slowly atop him, wanting to keep the euphoria alive within him as long as she could. Eventually, though, she slid off from John, laying at his side with his arm around her, just as she had been when they'd awoken together.

It was now that she began to address the multitude of questions he'd asked while she was jerking him off. She started off with the first one he asked, sensing that it was the foremost thought in his still ecstasy stricken brain. "You will not become a vampire unless you wish to become a vampire, Jonathan, and even then, only if I chose to turn you. It is not a simple thing, like joining the Elks Club. I have not turned anyone in more than 60 years."

She could have added So don't get your hopes up but didn't. She went on, "The people at the club, they are members of my Coterie, my family. And no, they are not vampires. Not really. Not like me.

"They do feed on blood, but, again, not like me. The club, that was my way of telling them thank you for their hard work and loyalty. Each only took a couple of gulps, just enough to satisfy their need.

"And no, they are not my lovers either, Jonathan," she went on, tilting her head up to look into John's eyes before giving him another kiss. She laid down again, continuing, "I keep more than one lover at a time, though. I want you to know that. Often, my lovers are lovers themselves, or at the least friends with a sexual interest in one another, and interest I move from the imagination to reality."

She looked back up to him again, smiling. "I saw the way you looked at your friend ... Katherine, yes? When she was engaging my people. Perhaps you would like her to join you in bed or, perhaps, both of us?"
It did not take a genius to see what Adrienne was trying to do, the way she scooped up all of his copious amounts of cum, making a show as she scooped it into her mouth, and then showed him before swallowing. The show was as erotic as it was spectacular, and with every scoop and swallow he fell deeper and deeper under her spell. There was nothing he wouldn't do to be able to enjoy this woman more, visit the slice of paradise between her thighs!

She laid on top, of him her legs parted, her pussy tickling and seemingly attempting to bring his cock back to life. He wanted to curse himself, there she was, legs open and over him, all he needed was to sharpen his spear and drive it into her sweet, tender opening. But alas, the loss of blood and the earth shattering orgasm of just seconds before left him powerless, sated, and very, very happy.

So, instead they talked, as she moved up to cuddle in his arms, or really she talked and he listened! She explained that he would not necessarily or even likely become a vampire, it would be partially his choice and her agreement. She mentioned it had been 60 years since she turned anyone and he wondered if that individual were still around. She described the members of the club as part of her family. Not vampires, but..."but they feed? Drink blood? And is that what makes them...uh...beautiful?" His mind was working fast, "So, does that mean I?"

He could barely say it, but she knew what he meant. He was pleased to hear they were not her lovers, but she also made it clear that she had lovers, and he could not imagine she wouldn't. But she also mentioned something very intriguing, "Katie?" He smiled. While Katie was not even close to Adrienne, she was still a very sexy girl.

"That could work...so does that mean you enjoy women..and maybe we might enjoy them together?" He was so angry with his lifeless cock, when this woman was clearly a sexual carnival.

"So, where do we go from here? I have agreed, you have offered me a job, to be your lover? Do I go home now?" He really wasn't that interested in leaving as he was laying her with her in his arms, his body recovering from...EVERYTHING! So he did what felt most natural in the moment, he rolled her over slightly onto her back and leaned in and kissed her, long, slow and wet!
"...but they feed? Drink blood? And is that what makes them...uh...beautiful?"

"Yes," Adrienne responded simply, not expanding on how her turning them into what they were -- no longer human but not yet vampire -- and then making such feedings possible did things for them, mentally, physically, emotionally, and even sexually, that no self help seminar or gym membership ever would. She did add, however, "They are better people than they could ever have been without me, and you can be, Jonathan."

John asked Adrienne if she enjoyed women, too, after she suggested bringing Katie to her bed. She said with an easy, matter of fact tone, "Of course."

"So, where do we go from here?" John asked, "I have agreed, you have offered me a job, to be your lover? Do I go home now?"

"No, Jonathan," she said as he rolled to his side to kiss her. She returned the kiss, telling him, "Now, you go to sleep. You're going to need your energy for tonight."

She urged John to his back again, snuggling into his chest and arm as she promised, "Tonight will be a night you will never forget. I want you tip top..."

Then she reached down to almost pet John's cock before wrapping her arm around his waist and finishing, "...and you, too."


John awoke with a start to the feel of lips upon his own. Adrienne stood tall over him in an ensemble similar to the one she'd been wearing when they'd first met. The differences were slight but stunning: more cleavage in her bosom, less length to her skirt, taller heels to work with that skirt to even more so emphasize her long legs.

"Rise and shine, Jonathan," she purred, pulling the bedding back to expose his naked body. Her lips spread in a smile of delight. "Oh, look. Morning wood."

Adrienne turned and headed away, laughing. She informed him, "It's almost ten. That ten at night, in case you weren't entirely certain."

She stopped at a rolling rack of clothes that hadn't been there when he went to back to sleep almost twelve hours ago. Adrienne swept a hand before them like some game show model bringing attention to a grand prize, telling him, "These are all your size. We're going to the club again, so get showered and shaved and put on something lightweight, cool, and comfortable."

She turned again, heading for the bedroom's exit as she said with that firm tone of hers that left no room for argument, "I'll have the rest of the clothes moved to your new apartment down on the 18th floor once its been cleaned. And tomorrow, you can go to your current place of residence and collect your personal items."

And like that, she was gone from the bedroom and heading for the kitchen for a hot mug of coffee and some iron-rich snacks.
John had asked the question, almost waiting for her orders, and was actually quite relieved when the basic answer came back, sleep, rest, recover! Of course she said it in a much sexier and more sultry manner. Closing with a promise to cum for his cock, that he needed have his energy restored, because, "Tonight will be a night you will never forget. I want you tip top..."

As she patted his cock, he smiled, "Oh, I promise he will be ready!" He couldn't wait. As soon as she curled back into his arms, he was sound asleep. In fact he could not remember a deeper slumber. So deep, that he never even felt when Adrienne slipped away. He had no idea how long she had been gone or how long he had been asleep until she woke him up.

He had to blink to fully take in the view that she provided as he looked up, eyes scanning up her fishnet stockings. the tantalizing patch of silk covering her pussy, the pussy he still had not, but was increasingly confident he would soon be allowed to fuck! And up over her torso, her cleavage, and her gorgeous hair and face. "Mmmm, you look beautiful....Mistress!" The word had just naturally formed on his lips and he said it before even thinking, but it just seemed right. Her heels were so high and sexy, and he could almost imagine her pinning him down as she placed one firmly into the middle of his chest.

She teased him on his morning wood, "All for you, you...inspire me!" He was rock hard, a nine inch tent holding the sheet aloft, moments before she pulled it away to see him in full arousal. When she mentioned the time, he thought for a moment it was a commentary on his now exposed, and very hard cock. "No...just a little over nine....oh...uh...you mean the time? Yes, it is dark."

He was starving and needed a shower, but he watched as she opened a vast closet revealing racks of designer suits, custom shirts, and expensive italian shoes. There were briefs, even some jewelry, every bit of which was nicer than any single item John had ever owned. "Thank you, those are very nice!"

She told him he would be moved into an apartment on the 18th floor, which was an incredible perk, yet he felt a moments disappointment, as he sort of liked it here, with her. He hoped that the apartment would not mean he was not a frequent invitee into Adrienne's own bed. "I"m hungry, would it be possible to eat before we go, at least a snack?"

Once Adrienne walked out John walked over to closer inspect the clothes, he picked out a dark suit, something by Armani, and a cotton, button down shirt, with a pinpoint so tight it almost gave the sheen and feel of silk. He would wear this, opened collared and a pair of Ferragamo loafers.

He was stark naked as he padded out of the bedroom and headed into the bathroom. He had just stepped up to take a leak when he heard something over his shoulder. There he was met with a very pretty and quite innocent looking, young woman, dressed in a simple, very short servant's costume, indicative of a young house maid.

"Bonsoir monsieur, je suis lĂ  pour vous servir!" John had taken high school French but was far from fluent. "Hello I am John..." John felt a bit ridiculous as his cock was in his hand, a strong stream flowing into the bowl below. However, it did not seem to bother the young woman at all. "You are here to service me?" He asked, curious as the woman was dressed in almost nothing. "I do not speak fluent French, nor really much at all."

She giggled, still speaking with a French lilt, but changing to English. "No problem Sir I am yours, Miss Adrienne has assigned me to you. I am here to tend to whatever you need?" She went over to the shower and turned on the water to a steaming warmth. John shook out the remaining drips and turned around, his cock still semi hard.

Then he watched as she undid her dress only to have it puddle to the floor, now standing naked before him. "I am Genevieve..." She held out her hand..."Let me wash you first, and then, I will shave you....SIR"
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Genevieve smirk and giggled as she stepped into the open bathroom door and found John with his semi-hardened cock in his hand, emptying his bladder. When he looked to her with an expression of surprise, she smiled even wider, greeting him, "Bonsoir monsieur, je suis lĂ  pour vous servir!"

They concluded their introductions with Genevieve explaining her reason for interrupting his piss. She reached to her back, pulled down the zipper there, and pulled the thin straps from her work uniform, letting it fall to the floor about her modest heels.

Her smallish breasts were firm, and their proportionally larger nipples hardened in an instance to the cool air hitting them or, maybe, to the fact that she was now standing nearly naked with a very naked strange man. Her womanhood was hidden behind a tiny, white, lacy thong, but she pushed that off her hips as well, exposing a narrow landing strip of short, kinky curls that verified the dark hair color Mother Nature had given her.

Stepping out of her slip on shoes, she offered, "Let me wash you first, and then, I will shave you."

She looked to his groin, then back up with a devilish smirk, adding, "Mistress Adrienne likes her men smooth in all the right places."

She offered her hand to John, and once she had it escorted him into the very impressive shower stall. It had more than a dozen shower heads of multiple shapes and water dispersal patterns. Genevieve played with them and the temperature until John said he was happy with the result, then immediately set about washing his body with a soft, terry cloth rag dripping with thick, soapy bubbles.

She didn't hold back when it came to running her hands over his body, all over his body. She repositioned his cock and balls to wash them well, then a second time simply because he seemed to enjoy it.

She sat him down on a seat that was part of the shower's construction, found a battery operated razor and a blade, too, and look to his groin, asking, "Shall we?"
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Adrienne had mentioned a few perks to their "arrangement" but had not mentioned Genevieve. And so, as she took his hand to enter the shower, he wanted to clarify something important. "Genevieve, by the way, I am John..." He smiled and winked at her, "Of course, Sir works too!" He had never been a sir, never considered it, but when heard from Genevieve's lips, it had a very nice ring to it.

"...but, I want to understand. When you said you have been assigned to service me...what exactly did you mean? Just assist me with my shower here or...more?" What exactly more could mean was pretty exciting, as she was clearly about to cleanse his privates, but he was actually hopeful, and it seemed she might mean, something more, perhaps his to have in his new apartment as well.

Before she had stripped, he had noticed, but now with his hand in hers he teased a bit., "Your uniform looks very good on you, but..." And he let his eyes scan up and down her petite but beautiful naked body, "...this is very, very nice too!" John was getting used to being constantly hard, since he had met Adrienne, and this new, young, naked form only got him that way again.

She was tender and soft in her touch, using the soft, soapy rag to meticulously address every part of his body. As she went down to one knee and lifted his cock up and out of the way to first service his thighs and balls, he let out a soft moan. She looked up smiling and he simply said, "You are very good at what you do?" She smiled and had a look of, "if you only knew!" He hoped he might learn all of her talents.

She then moved around him, scrubbing his ass, even slipping a soapy finger up inside of him momentarily, which served to only illicit a greater moan. "If monsieur does not mind..." She came back around and this time, absent the washcloth, using only her soapy hand, she gave his throbbing prick three more, long soapy, cleansing strokes. Monsieur most definitely did not mind. And Genevieve was demonstrating her fluffing skills, to get him in the right mood for the night.

When she sat him down, explaining that Adrienne liked her men smooth, he smiled at her, "Well this will be a first, I have never had my....well, but please go ahead...I want to make sure I am ... uh...pleasing to Mistress Adrienne!" He leaned back and parted his legs, watching the young girls eyes as she went about lathering him up, and then making him nice and baby smoothe!
Genevieve turned off the shower and left the stall for a moment. She returned with a small hand towel and a larger bath towel. Dropping the latter on the floor before John's separated feet, she knelt down on it, then unfolded the former and dabbed at the man's groin to dry it as best as could be done without a blow dryer.

She took hold of John's junk with one hand while the other expertly used the buzzing trimmer to cut away his curls. She was very careful and, obviously, experienced, which might leave John wondering whether he'd been her first charge before or not.

When the curls were shed, she flipped the razor over and put the head to his skin, and by the time he was done, he was smooth as a babies butt down yonder. She filled her hands with a soothing, tingling lotion and caressed it into his skin all about his crotch, including his balls but not his cock.

"Restez ici un instant, monsieur," she told him in her birth language before repeating it more shortly, "Stay, sir."

She left the shower stall a moment, washed the lotion off her hands, then returned to again kneel before John, inspecting him once again with clean hands. Then, examining his cock in a way that had nothing to do with shaving about it, Genevieve asked, "Would sir like me to suck his cock, or would sir like to save himself for this evening?"
The shower was incredible, with the glass enclosure on two sides, pure black granite on the other, and enough square footage you could have a small group in here togeether. There were also handles at various heights in both the glass and granite which made John think there had been moments here that had been quite crazy! It was on a bench built out from the granite.

As soon as he sat down, Genevieve went about her business, and it did seem to be her business, a talent and vocation she embraced with passion. Just as she had soaped and scrubbed him, she now shaved him, first removing the thick coarse hair, and then shaving him smooth. It is an odd sensation to trust someone with a diamond sharp blade as she wields it like Zorro with speed, ease, and immaculate precision. It is frightening and also one of the biggest turn ons John had ever known, pure unadulterated eroticism.

He smiled as she finished, "You are very good....I can't imagine putting my cock and balls in anyone else's hands!" She looked up at him with a smile, he liked her, she seemed to have a sense of humor. "And I guess I should feel lucky to have a prodigy, as surely you've never given any other man this treatment?" This time she looked up, perhaps concerned, perhaps confused, but his wink should have set her concerns at ease. God knows in a task like this, a man wants a professional, in all the connotations that word might suggest.

"Oh God...yes that feels good!" He moaned as she applied the cooling salve. And when she said he needed to stay, he chuckled, "Trust me, the last thing on my mind was leaving." Perhaps it was his little joke that initiated it, or perhaps not unlike the salve, this was simply part of the procedure. He had noticed two things, one, he seemed to be about five pounds lighter, than he had only a day ago, and for the first time in a long time, his abs were starting to show a two, if not a four pack, with hopefully a full six not far away.

The second? Pubic hair completely gone, and his cock raging hard in Genevieve's talented hands, he looked absolutely huge. He saw the look in Genevieve's eyes, "I know..." He laughed, "Even I'm impressed and I have had it a long, long time....you really do good work!" The offer was on the table, "Would sir like me to suck his cock, or would sir like to save himself for this evening?"

Mmmm, this was a dilemma wasn't it? But he looked down into that young face, those gorgeous eyes, those sweet lips. "Uh....I do....I really do....but we should probably hurry....and maybe I shouldn't...." He shook his head, "Oh Hell, yes, please suck my cock and make me cum...I'm sure, I will be just fine no matter how the Mistress needs to use me later!"

The look in his eyes was hysterical...like a young man at christmas that had somehow seen the gifts and was about to get what he had always wanted!"
"Oh Hell, yes, please suck my cock..."

Genevieve, still as naked as was John, smiled broadly as she rose taller on her knees. She purred, "Yes, sir."

It was probably the best blow job he'd ever experienced as this was the primary reason the French girl had been assigned to him. It certainly wasn't because she was a good house maid or scullery cook.

After using a hot rag to wipe his cock, balls, and remaining groin free of any of the hair she'd deprived him of earlier, she spent a couple of minutes slowly licking and kissing his cock and balls, priming the latter for discharge by the former. When she knew he just couldn't take anymore of this foreplay, Genevieve, took the swollen head of John's cock into her warm, wet lips, sucking on it with the tip of her tongue flicking all about.

Then, in one slow motion, she took his entire length into her mouth and throat with absolutely no sign of gagging. She remained down on him for a long moment, her lips pressing against his groin at his cock's base, then slowly moved back up until only his big, smooth bulb was left hidden in her lips. She stared into his eyes for a long moment, then repeated her deep throating action, pausing, then pulling up again.

"Do you like that, sir?" she asked with her cute accent. "Should I continue?"

It was an unnecessary question, of course, and Genevieve returned to slowly and consistently taking John's full shaft in and out of her throat until he let it be known he was about to cum. She withdrew him for a moment, stroking his length with both hands as she asked, "Would you prefer to ejaculate into my mouth, sir, or onto my body?"

She knew men had their own preferences, their own fetishes about where they wanted to see their cum end up. She was perfectly open to whatever John wanted.
It was simple, submissive and utterly delightful! "Yes, sir." Came the purr of the kitten, he hoped might be spending more time scratching his pole. Was she his? It seemed so partially, and while he had never had a servant of any type, he couldn't imagine a prettier little package to see attending to his needs. And for now, his need, was the raging pylon of passion, ready to launch between his legs.

The use of the warm towel was new, and although it was used to serve a purpose of cleaning him up, it had the added upside of of getting every inch of his groin, balls and cock tingly and craving action. The atual fellacio itself was mindblowing. Her erotic multi tasking of sucking, tongue play and deepthroating, combined with fingers and hands that were downright obscene, had John wiggling, groaning, twitching and thrusting as ever nerve and cell in his body felt so alive and aroused.

"Oooohhh.....uhm ...uhhhhmmmmm...gaaah.... oooh...mmmmm..." ".olh..mmmml..oooo.. ..OOOHHHH.... OOOHHHHH!!!" He tried to breath and speak to little success of either, as, "OH Fuck this is amazing!" Finally escaped from his lips.

"Do you like that, sir?" she asked with her cute accent. "Should I continue?"

He was gripping the bench he was sitting on so tight his black knuckles were white! He looked down, was she kidding? She wasn't, she was honestly asking if he wanted to continue the best set of physical sensations any man had ever experienced over a five minute duration.

"Oh Yes...fuck yes....Oh Please dear god don't stop....fuck...yess...yesss....YESSSSS!!!" came his not so subtle but heartfelt reply. He wasn't just going to cum but like vesuvius he was going to erupt! She continued, deep, then soft, then fast and HOLY FUCK...deep!

The question was almost too much for his far too stimulated mind...but then he got it...."BOTH...your mouth...your body...." He started to erupt....rope after rope flew out with speed and volume as he arched his back and watched some go into her mouth and more rain down on her face, breasts and body. Jesus it was glorious, a true fountain of physical enjoyment.

He fed her, painted her, and loved every second of it. She was amazing, spectacular, a gift from God, or more likely the Devil. He could have cared less, he was just enjoying it...as she made it rain and rain and rain...in her, on her, everywhere!
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Answering where he wanted his load to end up, John was nearly begging as he told Genevieve, "BOTH...your mouth...your body...."

And no sooner did he get the words than his cock leaped violently in her still stroking grasp. The personal servant, as she would later tell John she was, had prepared for him, opening her mouth directly before his spraying cock. Two massive loads of cum struck the back of her throat before she leaned back and lowered his aim. After that, more than a dozen powerful pulses sprayed her from her chin to her belly button before another dozen simply dripped out cum upon her lower belly, pussy, and thighs.

By the time John's cock was only trembling within her still stroking gasp, Genevieve was a mess from neck to thighs. She'd expected this, but she could see in his face that he hadn't. The feeding on him from the Coterie at the club followed by Adrienne's feeding on him last night was in fact changing John already, much as he had believed when he looked at his body in the shower and thought his long lost muscles were beginning to show once more.

The changes in him would be far more than just appearing more physically fit, obviously. Sexually, he would find himself more easily aroused at the same time that he also found himself more virile and longer lasting in bed; his cock would in fact gain length and girth, usually about 20 to 40% of each after 4 or 5 feedings by his Mistress, Adrienne. And, as he was just now realizing, his ejaculations would last longer, be stronger, and offer two to four times the load they had in the past.

No one in the vampire community understood why exactly this happened to male donors. At the same time, no one in Coterie minded, either. And, of course, females -- whether vampires, Coterie members, or human donors -- also experienced changes in their physical and sex lives, from shapelier bodies to more perfect skin, greater sexual desire and longer, more euphoric orgasms.

When she came, for example, Genevieve herself could often remain on an ecstatic plane for as much as an hour if only her lover at the time had the patience for it.

The little blonde maid rose to her feet, moved closer to John, and sat upon his thighs. She opened her mouth to show her tongue still holding a massive quantity of cum, then gave him a questioning expression meant to make him realize that she was willing to share it with John if he was of that inclination.

Whether he met her mouth with his or politely told her it wasn't his thing, Genevieve would swallow what remained on her tongue before using fingers of both hands to wipe a majority of what he'd painted her with and suck it from her fingers as well. Finally, with no obvious droplets upon her, she stood, turned the water back on, and asked with a sexually suggestive tone, "I bathed you, so, you bathe me now, sir?"
John had had a very powerful climax to Adrienne's hand job, however, this was nearly half again as powerful. Suddenly his cock was an AK47, firing indiscriminately with what seemed momentarily like unending munitions. He came in her mouth, her body, her everything. He had heard the term painted with cum, but never had a seen, not even in porn, a woman covered like this, not by one man!

"I....I'm sorry" He said as he fired and fired, but looking at Genevieve, she seemed very pleased, proud almost of having so completely and euphorically accomplished her mission. And even as intense as this was, he would find the next several times only built on the last as his body morphed into a perfect, sexual machine!

He was in awe, of himself, of her, of this new world he found himself. Two days ago, he had bene on an over three month slump from getting laid, hell, getting kissed, and now Adrienne had lead him to to a new life, a new everything, all for the now seemingly incredible low price of two pints of blood a couple of times a month!

John could not take his eyes off of Genevieve as she scooped us his cum and made sure all that had not reached her mouth originally, eventually found its place in her mouth. When she climbed up on his lap, he wrapped his arms around her, gladly giving comfort to a woman who so willingly and devotedly had taken every drop of his massive load. When she opened her mouth, at first he was confused, and then he remembered something he had heard of once, by the kinkiest girl he had ever met.

"Snowball?" He had meant it as a question, but Genevieve had taken it as a request, pressing in for a deep kiss, as his cum now swirled around his mouth and their tongues for several seconds before she slurped his cum back in her mouth and swallowed. "Kind of salty, kind of sweet..." He commented, acknowledging the flavor of his own jizz. Well that was another first, but it wouldn't be his last first of the night. All cum now either in or on its way to her tummy, John kissed her again. "Thank you, that was incredible."

However they weren't done as Genevieve made it clear how he might show his gratitude. Yet the way she made her request, the sexy and seductive tone and look, he would have walked over hot coals to comply. "Of course I'll bathe you, never let it be said I don't reciprocate."

He grabbed one of the many luxurious washclothes, just as Genevieve had used, but as they got inside, and she stood in the center of the multiple flowing heads. As he moved in behind her, he filled the washcloth with the gel in front of them. He pushed her hair to the right, exposing her neck, as he lathered her neck and shoulders, only to lean down and kiss her freshly cleaned neck.

"If you don't mind, I will skip the wash cloth, and just clean you with my hands?" Using his hands he massaged the sudsy soap into her shoulders, up an down her back and then cupped her firm tight ass in his large hards. He stayed behind her, rolling his hands around her hips to clean her abs, and then up to her breasts. But as he did, only one hand went to clean her breasts and roll her nipples, while the other slid down over her mound and between her legs. "Just how clean would you like to get, any chance you might enjoy getting just as CLEAN as you made me?"

Genevieve did take John's response as an opening, and without hesitation she was sharing the massive double shot of his cum with him. Most heterosexual men wouldn't have done that, and whether he did because of the changes from the feedings or simply because of the erotic moment, Genevieve neither knew nor cared.

"Kind of salty, kind of sweet..." he told her after she pulled back and swallowed. She finished cleaning him off of her, and John said with obvious appreciation for it all, "Thank you, that was incredible."

"J’ai le plaisir de vous servir, monsieur," Genevieve said, translating, "It is a pleasure to serve you, sir."

John went to work cleaning her tight, young body, first with a rag, then with his hands. She preferred the latter, of course, as he caressed and groped every inch of her body from the base of her skull to her thighs, up and down again and again.

When he suggested that he should pleasure her as she had him, Genevieve turned to look into John's eyes and said with a bit of a sad expression in her eyes, "Vous ne pouvez pas, monsieur. You cannot. I am sorry."

She turned off the water flow, stood on her tippy toes to press her mouth to his with a deep passion and exploring tongue named for her home country, then explained, "We can not make love in the way you wish, sir. I am your servant. You can not, you can never do for me what I have done for you. Ce sont les règles ... um, the rules. Je suis désolé. I am sorry."

She reluctantly pushed softly away from John, pushed the stall's door open, and padded out onto the heated tile floor to retrieve a large bath towel. Looking back to John, she forced a smile and asked, "Would sir like me to dry him off?"
John had not actually intended to fuck the lovely and surprisingly innocent looking Genevieve when he asked if he could pleasure Genevieve. Given the fact he was just now acquiring and increasing his sexual stamina and capacity under the Adrienne plan, he had assumed he should save his cock for the fucking or whatever this evening, described as one he would never forget, gave opportunity to. He had simply wanted to return the favor and enjoy the soft, sweet folds of his personal servant with his hands or mouth.

In this land of almost constant sexual stimuli and opportunity, her response both surprised, and saddened him. "Vous ne pouvez pas, monsieur." He looked up with puppy dog eyes, looking like a puppy who had just had his puppy butt slapped for daring think he was allowed to enjoy the prime rib bone that seemed to be lying on the floor purely for his enjoyment.

He said nothing and finished cleaning her, but adding no more kisses, as perhaps that was forbidden too? When she asked if she could dry him, he of course said yes. In fact, in all the time they would spend together, virtually never when asked if she might puth her hands, body, or mouth to his service, would he say NO.

She was once again at knee level, tenderly and thoroughly drying his cock and balls, when he reached down and tenderly ran his fingers through her soft hair. "Why are those the rules, we both work for Adrienne, why can you service and pleasure me, and I cannot do the same for you, even if pleasuring you...." And he smiled, "mmmm....and just the thought of fucking you....gives me so much pleasure?"

Once dried, Genevieve helped him dress, even letting him feel her breath on his chest as she buttoned up his shirt, and again her breath on his neck as she helped him on with his jacket, even slipping on his loafers. Never had putting on clothes, been this arousing! His body was all tingles and neurons ready to fire, when the MIB came to his room. He looked at Genevieve and then leaned in and kissed her deep and tenderly. "Thank you, will you be here when I get back tonight?"

The appearance of the MIB was a bit disappointing too. Again, he had hoped he might have Adrienne on his arm tonight, but he was likely to be disappointed there as well. He did hope she had plans for him, and at least some of those plans included her.

She had told him that she would feed only every two weeks, and given last night, he assumed tonight would be fang free for him. However, all of this was new, so who knows what tonight might offer? Once downstairs he saw the line of SUV's all with blacked out windows. He was now part of the cavalcade, "Enjoy yourself tonight Sir" the MIB stated as he opened the door for John to step inside.
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"Why are those the rules," John asked. "We both work for Adrienne, why can you service and pleasure me, and I cannot do the same for you, even if pleasuring you ... mmmm....and just the thought of fucking you....gives me so much pleasure?"

Genevieve resisted answering, as she would have thought Adrienne had already explained it to John. She only answered, "Sir should ask Mistress. I am sorry."

After Genevieve had donned her clothes again and then helped him dress in a sharp suit jacket and pants from Armani, John asked his servant, "Thank you, will you be here when I get back tonight?"

"I will, sir," she said with a smile and, believe it or not, a curtsey. "I am your servant. I will be here when you are here."

She assisted John with his last details, which included retrieving a gold plated money clip from a drawer in Adrienne's walk-in closet. Regarding the nearly $3,000 in hundreds, fifties, twenties, and fives -- the minimum denomination Adrienne expected him to need in the future for purposes or tips -- Genevieve only said, "An advance, from Mistress."


The calvacade sat for several minutes, with the driver and escort in the front seats of John's vehicle just sitting there in silence, surveying their surroundings. If he asked about the delay, John would simply be told, "We will be on our way soon, sir."

Eventually, as the word came down to them via their ear pieces, all of the men from each of the three vehicles except the drivers disembarked to take their positions, again as if POTUS was expected. Less than two minutes later, Adrienne emerged from the building to join John in the second SUV. She'd told him earlier that she would meet him at the club, but obviously something had changed.

"Good evening, Jonathan," she greeted him, kissing his cheek and still using the given name that she had decided he should have. "I am sorry to have kept you waiting."

She looked him up and down, smiled, and after telling the driver they could leave, told John, "You look marvelous."
John had asked a simple question that apparently had a more complicated answer, "Sir should ask Mistress. I am sorry." However, he did understand, Mistress Adrienne called the shots and that was what it was. Whether or not he would question her, he was not sure. Adrienne had definitely alluded to his having other loves, but perhaps he needed to better understand the rules.

He was far more pleased with Genevieve's next answer, whether she would be here tonight when he returned, "I will, sir," she said with a smile and, believe it or not, a curtsey. "I am your servant. I will be here when you are here." Now that brought up a point he would have clarified later, did here mean here in Adrienne's apartment, or would here be in his new apartment as well? However the thing he liked most was "your servant" except of course with the limitations imposed by his mistress.

Walking out to the car, John could not have been more pleased with his choice! He looked good, felt better, and his sex life would make Penthouse blush. Once in the car, John had assumed they would get going. In his vehicle it was just his driver and his escort, which made him curious why in the hell he might need a bodyguard? However, after waiting for several minutes the door opened and Adrienne entered.

Not surprisingly she was once again in black, but this time she was in a Little Black Dress, LBD for short, with a tantalizing emphasis on LITTLE! This was, other than when she had been naked with him in bed, the most skin she had put on display, and while he admired her, simply utterring, "Wow!" She returned the compliment, "You look marvelous."

The funny thing was, he actually believed her. It would be obvious later that night, when unbeknownst to him, he ran into his friends. The way he carried himself, the way he felt with the stunning Adrienne was on his arm, every aspect of his physical image, but even more importantly, his self image, was changing, all for the better.

During the ride he dared to let his fingers enjoy her a bit, enjoying the intimacy she allowed, he almost asked but didn't, "Am I your date?" Yesterday he would have, but not now, now he felt comfortable in the assumption, that at least for now, he was.

When the cavalcade pulled up, he looked out the window. "I thought we were going to the club?"
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(OOC: I'm going to cut you off, from "Once inside..." Trust me, you'll like it.)

During the ride, John ventured his fingers over to an exposed portion of Adrienne's thigh. She looked to his hand for a moment, then to his face, then smiled. Her hand found his, interlacing her fingers with his in what most people saw as the most intimate way of holding hands.

He asked, "Am I your date?"

"In a way," she answered in a rather noncommittal way.

John noticed that the SUVs were heading a much different direction than that to the previous club's location, and when the cavalcade pulled not into a dark alley but into a seemingly abandoned warehouse building, he asked, "I thought we were going to the club?"

Adrienne only smiled her mysterious smile, and when men from the following car hurried forward and opened both her and John's door, she said, "Come, let's get this night started."

The MIBs spread all about, again looking like they were the Secret Service. Adrienne waited for John to circle around to her, as her driver always parked such that she exited on the club side of the vehicle.

But, where was the club? The sound of booming music could be heard, but it was muted, as if coming from far away or deeper underground, as it had been last time.

This wasn't the only other mystery, though. Some thirty yards away sat another SUV with blackened windows and MIB-types standing in front, behind, and at both sides. This vehicle, though, was stretched an extra four feet, allowing for an extra set of doors on each side.

"I have a surprise for you, Jonathan," Adrienne said, gesturing him to walk toward the other vehicle. "I'll meet you inside the club when you are finished."

She turned for a tiny little work shop with windows that hadn't been cleaned in years; it sat in the center of the massive and now mostly empty, abandoned warehouse as though it might have once been a Foreman's office.

The MIB on this side of the fourth vehicle opened the rear door, then stepped forward to open the center door. Out spilled Maggie, Claire, Darryl, and Katie, each of them dressed for dancing and wearing expressions of mixed excitement, wonder, and confusion.

"Where the fuck have you been?" Maggie exclaimed as she hurried forth to throw her arms around John's neck, hugging him almost choking strength. Pulling back to let the others see him or hug him, as his object of lust Katie did, Maggie told him something he might have lost track of, "It's been two days, and no one's heard from you!"

"That's the woman from the club," Claire said leaning in close to Darryl as she watched Adrienne being escorted by six men while the rest remained out and about on perimeter patrol. She added, "You know, the one we saw John sitting with. You don't think...? I mean ... look at her."

Darryl had an expression on his face that could only have been interpreted one way: Score!

"What the fuck are you wearing?" Maggie said, pulling at the lapels of John's jacket to look for the labels. "Oh my fucking God! That's Armani?"
John was unsure, "A surprise? But I thought I would go into the club with you?" John had been thinking about it all the way over, ever since Adrienne had hopped in next to him, held his hand! Never had John walked into a club with a gorgeous woman on his arm, and there was a part of him that just wanted to feel what that was like, those stares, those whispers, targeted at him!

However, he would not disrespect Adrienne, and he was quickly learning, when she said she had a surprise, he was going to end up liking it. So when the MIB walked around to open the doors and Maggie was the first out, followed closely by his other three friends, John was grinning from ear to ear.

She threw her arms around him, and John was equally glad to see her, but his hands seemed to naturally cup her firm ass and pull her close. "Busy...you know..." This was not a normal John reaction, cool, almost indifferent, rather than fawning all over his sexy friend. "A woman I met at the club, I ran into her again the next day, I've been at her place..." John said it like he had been over at the neighbor's for a friendly barbecue.

However, as they gripped each other they both should have sensed it, the not so gradual changes. Maggie's ass was bounce a quarter off it firm, her tits more full, yet perkier, those last seven pounds she put on while the gyms were closed, gone. Just as James was basically quickly getting back to his playing weight and muscle mass. The hug also lasted longer than usual, before they finally broke.

John laughed as his friends noticed Adrienne, "Yeah, that's the woman ... she's great!" John left out a few key points, like Adrienne being a vampire, or the reason all of them were looking like work out maniacs!

Suddenly Maggie had closed on him again, "What the fuck are you wearing?" Maggie said, pulling at the lapels of John's jacket to look for the labels. "Oh my fucking God! That's Armani?" John was actually blushing, even though you couldn't see it, and he looked over and saw Katie with a crooked brow, and a different look in her eyes looking at him than he had ever seen before. Actually, anything other than indifference, would have been a different look.

He smiled, "It was a gift from her, she is talking to me about handling some of her investments....I think I might be interested.... and the perks, unbelievable!" Suddenly Darryl raised his fist into the air, "Double score!!!" The five of them locked arms and headed toward the door, except this time as the got there the bouncer gave them a little bow, "Good evening Mr. Stevens, Miss Adrienne is expecting you and your friends, I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time!"
At the door of the little foreman's shack, the four friends fell in behind John, girl girl girl boy. A second MIB had been inside, and he went first, guiding them down a staircase that, like the previous club, led into a dark space with steps, handrails, corners, and other features identified with black light tape or paint.

"Did that guy call John Mister Stevens?" Katie asked Maggie as they continued. The other woman shrugged, not because she hadn't heard it but because she couldn't explain it. Katie pulled Maggie closer again, speaking quieter but with a hungry look in her eyes, "Have you ever seen him lookin' so fucking hot?"

"Wait your turn, whore," Claire said from her position just in front of the trailing Darryl. "I think I want to do him first, my god!"

The three laughed playfully, but -- honestly -- they were all thinking the same thing: I'm feeling unexplainably horny and all I want is John. What the fuck is wrong with me?

Again, just as in the previous club, Cyberpunk music was vibrating the walls, handrails, and even bodies. It got louder much quicker this time, as it was coming from the floor they were descending into now, not down two floors and around untold number of dark corners.

And yes, just as with the previous club, a former industrial and services work area had been transformed. Massive speakers flooded the 4,000 square foot space with music while a multitude of light banks, balls, strobes, and lasers made a delicious confusion of the dozens, possibly hundreds of bodies writhing in a thick crowd that looked more like a standing orgy than couples enjoying each other separately.

On the far end of the 80 foot long room, another sort of mezzanine or pedestal had been arranged or constructed or was simply already here for the event. On it sat a cushy couch flanked by matching love seats; a coffee table sat amongst them, as did smaller tables at the ends of each sitting location for the placement of drinks, food, and whatnot. And, of course, Mistress Adrienne de La Fayette was there, not so much being flooded by the ever changing colors but instead more highlighted by soft, somewhat dimmed white lights that showed off another sexy black dress that itself showed off her dramatic womanly curves to the newcomers, even at that distance.

Even though she was looking directly at John as he still stood three or four steps up the descending staircase, she didn't give him the finger to come join her this time. Instead, she swept a hand casually toward the crowd as if to say, Join them, enjoy them, this is for you.

"Oh my god, let's go!" one of the impatient women behind and above John called out. "I wanna dance!"

John was urged with haste down and off the stairs by the girls behind him, and almost before he hit the floor, hands were grasping at him, pulling him into the crowd. Although a different set of eager dancers were seeming mauling each of the five friends, this time they weren't pulled away to different locations but instead could more often than not see most of the others not too far away and they were almost forced into dancing.

Somehow, from seemingly no where at all, drinks materialized as well. Glasses of liquor or bottles of beer found themselves into the hands of the five friends, and the dancers around them -- also drinking -- urged them to empty the containers quickly.

The similarities to the previous pop-up club were continuing, though, as during just the first extended Cyberpunk song mix, clothes began to be shed once again.