"Blood At First Sight"


Really Experienced
Oct 10, 2018
"Blood At First Sight"


The five friends baled out of the Uber with Maggie eagerly and excitedly in the lead. She headed them from the well lit downtown intersection into an alley that got progressively darker and more eerie looking with each step. She looked back over her shoulder often, each time finding her friends falling just a bit farther and farther back.

"C'mon, really?" she teased. "Afraid of the dark?"

"Just where is this club?" Claire asked. There was concern if not fear in her tone. "Why can't we go to Sparkle again, like last Friday."

"This way, at the end of the alley," Maggie answered. "Trust me! I've heard amazing things about it."

The others continued into the deepening darkness. The full moon shining down between the tall buildings was soon the only light. The alley was becoming more crowded with commercial trash bins, discarded home appliances, and trash strewn all about.

Maggie screamed, short but sharp as a cat hissing from the dark. She giggled, looked to the others, then continued onward. A sudden but soft, red glow in the dark stopped her again. It was only someone taking a drag on a cigarette. On she went again.

She was about to admit that maybe this had been a bad idea when suddenly she found a purple light bulb glowing above a metal door. "We're here! See! We're here, no worries. C'mon."

A massive man covered in black leather stood before the door, blocking the way. Maggie said in a meek voice, "Black Cat."

The bouncer studied her, then the others, then stepped aside at the correct password. Maggie looked back again, waving her friends forward. "C'mon, let's dance!"

Beyond the door, black lights illuminated paint strips that indicated a set of stairs going down. Maggie grabbed the handrail, also glowing, and descended carefully in her four inch spike heels. She gave the password to yet a second bouncer at another door after they'd descended two floors below street level.

With every step forward since passing through the first door, a thumping, electronic CyberPunk music had been becoming increasingly louder. (OOC: Click here for YouTube music, then come back to continue reading.) When the second bouncer opened the second door, the music exploded upon the newly arrived like a bomb.

Maggie turned and spoke to her friends, but it was obvious they couldn't hear her. Instead, she just waved them forward again and continued onward. The club turned out to be no club at all. Instead, it was the engineering and utilities basement for whatever building occupied the ground level block above them.

Ignoring that, one would have thought they were in one of the more hip clubs in town. A thick crowd of dancers writhed to the beat and to the flashing lights and lasers that cut through the wafting clouds of steam escaping from a variety of underground pipes.

Maggie found the temperature extremely high, almost unbearable. Those already dancing had their solution for the heat. Most of them were wearing very little at all. Most of the men were shirtless, with some of them not even wearing pants. Maggie couldn't help but notice that the vast majority of the men were physically near perfect, like they'd all just left a photo shoot for men's cologne or Calvin Klein underwear. Their tight, muscular torsos glistened from sweat and water being misted from fine sprinklers in the overhead, another solution to the heat.

The dress of the women was just as erotic if not more so. Some had shed their blouses, dresses, skirts, pants. Sexy bras and panties were the dress of the day, in part or in whole for well over half the female patrons. Some women wore less than that. Their bosoms, from the tiniest of tits to the most impressive mamms, moved about to the music as did the remainder of their also perfect bodies.

Suddenly, someone had Maggie's hand and she was being pulled into the throng of writhing bodies. She could barely see the person leading her, and looking back for her friends, she realized quickly that she'd lost sight of them, too. And then, just as suddenly, she found herself pressed between three bodies, moving almost as one to the music with her between them.

In full and erotic contact with her were two scantily clad women and a man, each of them pawing at her as they moved her to the changing tune. Then, there was a second man and one of the women had disappeared. But then, again, there were two women and a man but, where they they same individuals?

Maggie looked around desperately for her friends, finding none of them. A hand reached for her face and she was turned into an erotic, open mouthed kiss with another woman. She should have pulled away, ended the kiss, but the heat and passion of the club had begun to invade her, despite her confusion about just what the fuck was happening!

When the kiss ended, Maggie realized that the woman kissing her had had a mouthful of something sweet. She swallowed, and within seconds her brain began to feel the effects of whatever the woman had passed to her. She'd never done Ecstasy before and didn't know if this was that.

But, Holy Fuck, she thought to herself as her brain began swimming within her skull. She was suddenly one with the people closed in about her, and before she knew it, she'd shed her blouse and skirt and was dancing in her tall heels in nothing more than her red, lacy bra and matching thong.
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It was 8:00 PM on Saturday night, and John Clarence Stevens was exactly where he wanted to be, alone on his sofa watching Wedding Crashers. His friends had called, asked him to meet them a any one of several bars where they might catch a game, grab a burger and beers, shoot pool, or God help him, pick up women! That was not happening, nope, nope, NOPE!

Two months ago, maybe, now, no fucking way! He heard the loud noises out in the hallway, and put a pillow over one of his ears, to drown out the revery. Not that he had a problem with people having fun, he used to like it himself, but that was before, his personal epiphany, deciding to quit his job as an accountant in a decent accounting firm, and given himself the freedom to pursue his dream as a high end investment banker or venture capitalist.

He was sure he'd paid his dues, had a decent, although not Ivy League education, and if he freed himself up, interviewed and networked, he could get a job he actually didn't dread going to. He was wrong! Thirty interview, most of which were supposed to be with three or four different people, inevitably was cut short after one. "Thanks for coming in, but... uh, we are looking for a different type of candidate."

What exactly that was, he didn't know, other than, it wasn't him. So frustration had lead to depression, and the former Patriot League defensive back from Colgate, had slumped back to his apartment, and drowned his woes by putting on about 15 pounds of beer weight. A 31 inch waist and V cut body was now at 35 with 36, only 32 or 48 ounces away. BANG, BANG, BANG! The crowd pounded on is door. He kept quiet, they would go away, it wouldn't be long until he was out of her anyway. The three months savings he had put away, to whether him through his job change, had all but disappeared.

He was either moving back home or needed to find something in about a 1/4 rent district of the yuppy urban apartment complex he now called home. Soon he would be moving out, just like his girlfriend of two years had three weeks ago. "Dude, this is not they guy I thought you were, go get fat and dumpy on your own!" The problem was, she was right, but he had no plan B, hence his evening in sweats, a t-shirt, a mega can of Coors light, and Wedding Crashers.

BANG, BANG, BANG "C'mon JC, we know you're in there, answer the fucking door!" JC? No one had called him that in a while, that was his moniker when he had a job, a girlfriend, a life! Up he reluctantly got, making the mistake of cracking his door open, only to feel three of his former colleagues, including a friend he had played football with in college. "You, my increasingly fat friend are getting dressed and going out...that is all there is to it!"

They literally carried him into the shower, fully clothed and turned on the water. Twenty minutes later. dressed in a denim shirt and sand pants, and the most club like shoes he owned, they were headed into the City to, "Dude you have got to see this club....I'm telling you...in fucking sane!" His friend Darryl turned around, reaching over the seat and pointing him in the chest, and then his newly emerging belly, "Even that bundle of lard can get laid there...and you are getting laid!" He smiled a wry smile, quite confident, he could and would prove his friend wrong, no matter how much he might wish he didn't!

When they got there, well, outside of there, he turned to them. "What club, we are in an ally, about to get robbed or mugged!" That would be the perfect end to this, he laughed. However, his friends headed for the purple light bulb. The dude outside was scary as hell, but in they went, down, down, down, until they were in a black lit, lazer laced, sauna of near naked bodies, all of them more attractive than his, at least now. He would be staying dressed, and hey the bright spot was he almost had to sweat off a few pounds in this steam bath!

At the far other side, he saw the bar, "I'll get drinks..." He called out, as the room engulfed him, water sprayed down on him and people grabbed him. It was impossible not to dance if you wanted to move, if that is what you called it. Women and men were grinding on him, and then one, grabbed, and I mean GRABBED, his very flaccid, but quite well endowed, cock. "Hey!" he didn't know if it was man or woman who had him, maybe some of both, but then a woman pressed into him, topless and purred, "Wanna go in the back...I like fucking publicly!" Fucking sounded amazing, her, even better, but publicly...I don't think so!

He broke her grip, "Uh thanks, maybe later?" and continued his path toward the bar. What kind of hell was this, some cross between the Playboy Mansion, and Dante's Inferno....he was so far out of his league, he felt almost dizzy.

Right now the only thing he could think of was closing the final ten steps to his targeted destination, realizing his shirt now clung to him like a second skin, "Barkeep...." The naked woman who turned his way, looked like something straight out of penthouse, "Could I please have a bucket of light beers?"
The bartender looked John up and down, or at least down as far as he could be seen on the far side of the bar. Then, without a word returned, she turned and headed down the bar to tend to a scantily clad woman who had yet another nearly naked female in her arms as the latter kissed and licked at her neck.

Bodies behind John jostled against him, males with females, males with males, females with females. If he turned around for a look, he would have seen his remaining friends merging into the crowd and disappearing. A bucket of beers was the last of their concerns at the moment.

Suddenly, the rumpus room collisions against John ceased as the crowd immediately about him pulled away. As if he'd teleported to Egypt and was at the shore of the Red Sea, a gap miraculously and mysteriously formed in the crowd.

Between him and the nearby wall, there was nothing and no one to obstruct his view of a stunning, voluptuous redheaded vixen sitting on the backrest of a curved couch in a private seating area on a mezzanine three steps above the dance floor.

As she stared at him with a hungry expression, she raised a hand slow up before her, rolled it over, and gave him a come hither curl of an index finger sporting a moderately long, blood red painted nail.
His eyes were following the bartender, but it would be a few minutes before he realized she had no intention of fulfilling his order. This was actually a favor, as there would have been no one to drink it, including him. They were all about to be otherwise engaged!

JC rolled his neck, it really was damn hot in the club. He felt sweat glistening and beginning to drip everywhere, and it made sense to him why increasingly, everyone seemed to have stripped down to their various versions of underwear, almost all of which made his gray boxer briefs seem very boring.

He must be dehydrated, for he seemed to be experiencing a mirage. For suddenly the packed area he was standing in seemed to part so that he had a perfect view, of the most beautiful woman he could ever remember seeing in person. He found himself staring, she reminded him of some sort of movie star, and the way she sat teased him with just enough skin that he might have sold his soul to see more. The thought was ironic.

When she gestured with her hand, she seemed to beckon him. This couldn't be? He was not the type of man, who attracted a woman like that. He was good looking enough, sort of, if you removed the Bud Light 15, but still, he had no game, no lines and not a hell off a lot of self confidence in any situation, let alone now. He looked over his left and right shoulder, but no one else was staring. Why? He wasn't sure. How could you not stare, lust, worship this woman? Even from afar.

Finally, he took his index finger and pointed to himself, mouthing his question, "Me?" The answer appeared to shockingly be yes. And then as his feet closed the gap, pulled by a gravitational force roughly equivalent to the sun, he finally stood in front of where she sat. "Did you want something?"
When John mouthed Me?, the woman laughed lightly, not that he would have heard her over the pounding music. She nodded lightly, and soon he was standing before her, asking, "Did you want something?"

"I want you," she said without hesitation, adding quickly, "I want your company."

She snatched his hand and pulled him to the couch. As he fell into it, she slid downward next to him. Their hips and thighs touched intimately. She laughed again, this time a delightful sound he would most definitely hear.

Looking past him she found a waiter approaching. He was the physique, tan, and well filled thong of an exotic male dancer. He carried a tray on which were two flutes and an ice bucket with a bottle of Dom Perignon champagne. Strangely, he set it on the open floor before the curved couch on which the woman and John sat.

Using the hand of the arm still over the back of the couch, the woman pressed an inconspicuous button. An oval shaped table which had previously been part of the floor before them rose upward as the waiter retrieved the bottle from the bucket and popped the cork. By the time the table ceased its upward movement, their server had filled one flute and handed it to the woman, then did the same with the other which he handed to John. He nodded his head to the woman, then backed up a step and clasped his hands behind his back. He didn't leave. He was here to serve her.

"My name is Adrienne de La Fayette," she said with an accent that seemed a mix of French Creole and Eastern European. She clinked her glass against his and purred, "And who might you be?"

She stared into his eyes as she slowly drained half the drink. She set it on the little table and the ever vigilant waiter stepped forward to top it off before backing again.

"What is wrong with you, Jonathan?" she asked, seeming to have taken it upon herself to expand on his given name. When he didn't seem to understand the question, Adrienne nodded her head out toward the dance floor filled with a throng of people dancing around pipes and conduits and machines and anything else one would expect to find in a working basement space. She went on with that unique accent, "Your friends, they make friends, yes?"

As strangely as the path from the bar to her seat had opened up for John earlier, the sea of dancers seemed to part once again to reveal Maggie. She was in her bra and thong, of course, her glistening, sweat covered body being caressed and groped by at least half a dozen hands of the semi-dressed people surrounding her.

Then, just as easily as Maggie had been spotted, Darryl was suddenly visible to John. He, too, was without his shirt as he ground his groin into the thonged ass of a woman who was pressed against and making out with Nicole, the second of the three women John had arrived with. Only the whereabouts of Katie, the third female of their five member dance troupe, were unknown.

"Your friends make friends, yes, but you do not," Adrienne repeated. Her tone wasn't malicious at all as she continued, "Are you, how is said ... loser?"
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"I want you," She wanted him, how was that possible? Women like her did not want men like him, or at least him, specifically. "I want your company." That was easily enough accomplished, except none of it made sense. However, he was not going to let the offer pass. Even if this was a dream, he was in no hurry to wake up. She took his hand, and in a flash they were sitting intimately close on the sofa.

He felt her thigh rub against his, his entire body on alert. It had an immediate reaction. He had walked through the club, grinded, been groped, and nothing. Ten seconds with her, the touch of her fishnet stocking against his clothed thigh, and he felt himself getting hard.

The entire situation was surreal, the waiter straight from Magic Mike, yet apparently only servicing her, the high end champagne. He had only had Dom once before, it was a toast to the 50 anniversary of his prior firm, but for this woman who was more beautiful than any he had ever met or even seen before, it was apparently her beverage of choice. The table that appeared from nowhere, and even her name, Adrienne de La Fayette.

He had never heard a woman sound quite like her, every syllable was engaging and arousing, almost hypnotic, but he took in ever word. His name? He laughed awkwardly, it was a hell of a good question, and easy, right? But damn as he looked, listened and felt her, could he remember! "Oh, uh...yeah, I'm...John...John Clarence Stevens." He gave his full name, like she had, but it held nowhere near the same regal feeling.

As she drank her champagne, he took a sip of his. Finally, liquid! He drank more, and magically the man, the near naked, and very intimidating man, refilled it. Then she asked the question he had been asking for a while. "What's wrong with me, does there have to be something wrong?" I was the best he could come up with, as he only wished he knew the answer. She pointed out to the dance floor. "Yes, my friends make friends..."

But then he looked harder, they were making friends far different than he had known before. The dancing, the grinding, the everything, while it was R rated, it was on a clear trajectory to X. They all looked amazing, hot, ready, happy. He even looked at the hard cock of his friend Darryl in his boxer briefs, finding himself curious if he might have already ejaculated, as that seemed the inevitable conclusion.

They were sexy, gorgeous, and hot! He swallowed, looking for the waiter, he needed another glass, another life! "Yes they seem to be enjoying themselve tremendously." He still didn't understand the point of her questioning, but it would soon be more clear."Your friends make friends, yes, but you do not ... Are you, how is said ... loser?"

He could have become defensive, but she wasn't attacking or even criticising, she was simply observing, and she was right. He dropped his head, he knew how this story ended, or thought he did, so he fast forwarded to the likely conclusion. He looked back up and turned to face this woman whose eyes he would have gladly drowned in. "Yes, yes I suppose I am.." He began to try to move away, but didn't want to be rude, he was never rude, which was one of the things that had most bothered the I Banks he interviewed with. He was too fucking nice to be a deal guy! He kept looking into those eyes, those lips, that body, "Thank you for the champagne, but I assume I should be going?"
"Thank you for the champagne, but I assume I should be going?"

"Going?" she asked with obvious confusion. "Why you go?"

She pouted out her pink painted, bottom lip, stating with a playfully hurt tone, "You do not like Adrienne? You do not like my company. I like yours, Jonathan."

She leaned her face in closer to his, licking her lips slowly but erotically, while down below, her hand found his thigh, just inches from his obvious erection. "If you must go, Jonathan ... go."
It was now he who was confused, "Going?" she asked with obvious confusion. "Why you go?"

He looked at her, "Isn't that what you want?" It was what he had expected, he had been a curiosity, and he assumed she was done with him. "You do... you want me to stay....Uh...Yes, I like your company."

If he had any game, it had been crushed, by two months of solid rejection. "It is women like you, aren't usually interested in men like..." He thought a bit more. "Actually, I don't think I have ever met a woman like you...but I assumed."

He was babbling. He watched her lean closer, God he wanted to kiss her, taster her, feel those lips that body. "Mmmmm" he moaned as her hand clutched his thigh. If she only knew. "No, I don't want to go...I want to stay....oh God Adrienne, if you only knew how much I wanted...." He swallowed, as that was really the truth of it, he wanted, God how he wanted.

He wanted to feel what those, his friends were feeling out on the floor, he wanted to be wanted, to want, but he simply finished, "...to stay with you!"
"Isn't that what you want?" John asked, thinking Adrienne was ready for him to leave already. He continued, babbling, finishing, "...I don't think I have ever met a woman like you..."

Whispering, somehow still loud enough to be heard over the booming music, Adrienne said with confidence, "There are no women like me, Jonathan."

John reacted to the feel of her hand on his thigh, still babbling yet getting out what he wanted her to know, that he most definitely wanted to stay here with her.

Adrienne smiled again and let her fingers and the nails at the end of them tighten around his leg muscles as she said only, "Good."

She lifted her flute to her mouth again, sipping as she stared into his eyes and urged him to drink, too. Her attention was drawn away as Katie, the missing friend, was suddenly and quickly ascending the steps of the makeshift, underground mezzanine. She was laughing and obviously overjoyed; she was also in only her bra, thong, and high heels, her blouse and skirt no where to be seen as a man to one side and a woman to the other, each of them also only partially dressed, held her hands or body in intimate ways.

"Oh my god, John!" she laughed as she began excitedly speaking about what a great club it was and how everyone was so friendly and how she never wanted to leave. She turned to share a deep, erotic kiss with her accompanying male, then did the same with the woman, then looked at John again, laughed in surprise at her own self, and said what he already knew, "I've never kissed a girl before! I like it! Oh God, I like it!"

And then, just like that, the three of them turned, headed back into the mayhem of the underground club, and disappeared into the crowd.

The waiter refilled the flutes again, told Adrienne he would go get another bottle, and departed. She looked into John's eyes, giving him a hungry look up and down, and asked, "Will you take your shirt off for Adrienne?"
The music was pounding but he heard her response loud and clear. "There are no women like me, Jonathan." He didn't doubt her, and hoped he would get to find how truly unique she was. Later, he might realize, be careful what you wish for? Instead, he simply replied, "I hope you show me, because I believe you!"

It was his way of flirting, and he felt her grip on his leg. He was no fully hard, in total lust, yet sure this had to be some sort of cruel joke! She encouraged him to drink more, and he did, one glass led to another and another. Maybe the fine champagne could give him courage. He was envious watching the show playing out in front of him, the total lack of inhibitions, the wanton displays of carnal lust!

Suddenly one of his own friends, Katie, was bounding up wearing a bra, thong and heels. He had never even seen her in a bathing suit, and here she was, her body slick with sweat, her nipples nearly bursting through her bra, and the camel toe of her thong evident from a clearly and very wet pussy.

He laughed at her declaration, "I think there is a song like that...but, yeah...I would too!" He referenced the Katy Perry hit, and also his own desire to be engaged in such eroticism. This club was like no other, and he couldn't help but want to participate, even though this was not the type of place he ever dreamed of attending.

He had never thought of Katie that way, but he would now, he looked from women to women, he would have fucked any, all, if only he could! But yet, the most beautiful woman was here, next to him, gripping his leg. More champagne, more the better, he felt his guard finally crumbling. He saw her look at him, and he could have sworn she actually wanted him, please, please, please...he thought!

"My shirt...are you sure?" He wanted to, it wasn't the shirt, it was the body underneath. In college, he had been cut, even a few months ago, pretty darn good, but now? Damn those light beers, what false advertising. Fifteen pounds that he now regretted, but still, his fingers went to his buttons. The champagne was doing its work, and slowly but steadily he unbuttoned, button after button. He kept his eyes on hers, seeing if she was watching, liked what he began to expose. Finally, he made a huge move for him, it took previously unimaginable courage, but yet he said it!

"Since I am stripping down....perhaps you might join me?" And with that he finally found the courage to pan down, even stare at perhaps the most gorgeous set of tits he had ver seen, cleavage that made his mouth water!
"I hope you show me, because I believe you!"

Adrienne only smiled at John's suggestion that she prove to him that she was one of a kind. Just as he himself, she thought to herself, Careful what you wish for.

Per her suggestion, he began unfastening his shirt, and Adrienne's eyes followed his fumbling fingers one button after another. Little by little his chest with its new layer of winter fat came into view. Adrienne's smile widened as she saw what she had expected: a man who could use a change in his life.

Unlike so many of the people on the floor, Adrienne wasn't looking for a perfect man. Perfect men didn't need her the way a man like John did, and her needs were predicated on the needs of others, male or female. What she had to offer a man like John, a man with deep felt inadequacies, a man who had once had a taste of being perfect only to lose it, well, that was an offer a man like him likely couldn't pass up.

He pulled the tails of his shirt outward, exposing him from neck to belt, just as he ogled her perfect and all natural bosom and suggested, "Since I am stripping down....perhaps you might join me?"

She ignored his words, instead reaching a hand to his torso, caressing it over his chest, his belly, then up to his shoulder and neck before bringing it back downward again. Adrienne held nothing back in her physical inspection of John's upper body, taking a nipple between her thumb and forefinger, squeezing it, then clutching the fat-covered meat of his man-tit, first one, then the other.

While John may have felt poorly about his current physical condition, Adrienne actually found him less needy of improvement as he did. A few months in the gym would correct the past months of beer, television, and, she presumed, the masturbation that came with no longer having a lover.

A gym wasn't what Adrienne was offering, of course. What she was going to give John wasn't anything he'd ever seen advertised on television or found popping up in a window on his laptop.

She looked up to the waiter who'd been serving only her and her new pet. He quickly collected the flutes and tray, even as Adrienne was activating the button to cause the table to descend to become part of the floor again.

In a flash, half a dozen sweat and mist covered dancers from the floor were all over John, lifting him from his seat and essentially manhandling him down into the crowd. They were all over him, men and women both, more flesh against him than clothing. Mouths found his mouth, his neck, his chest, his back; most were women's but not all of them.

Whether he realized what was happening or not as he was practically being mauled, his shoes had been stripped from him, his belt unfastened, and his pants stripped down and away. A hand reached inside his boxers, grasping his cock, stroking it with a tight grip and fast speed, all while what might have seemed dozens of hands grasped the rest of his body and uncountable mouths and tongues sucked and licked.

And all the while, Adrienne sat on her couch, watching with a wide smile and one hand slipping slowly downward until it was under her dress and moving slowly up and down against her lacy panties.

Occasionally, as the heads of the many people surrounding him made it possible, Adrienne caught sight of John's face and could see his reaction to what was happening. She stood and began a slow walk to the edge of the makeshift mezzanine, getting a closer look at John who was only a yard or so out of her reach.

Then, she saw the undisputable reaction in his eyes to sexual climax. Amongst the dancers clutching and grasping and kissing and licking him, one had dropped to her knees and begun taking the full length of his cock into her mouth and throat while yet another was rolling and massaging his balls in her hand from behind.

And then, as if this night hadn't been strange enough already, the vast majority of the dancers in the underground club suddenly turned to look directly at Adrienne. She looked about the crowd, then back to John. And as she turned and began to walk away, seemingly with no interest in or concern for John or his friends, two dozen sets of fangs sunk into his body, from his neck to his inner thighs.

Seconds later, even as the pain was ripping through his body, he passed out...


When he came to, he was laying naked upon silk sheets in a gigantic, master-king canopy bed in a lavish bedroom alight with hundreds of candles. Laying on the bed with him in what may or may not have been the end stages or an orgy were his friends Maggie, Claire, Katie, and Darryl. They, too, were naked to the skin.

Maggie had awoken just moments before John, and now seeing him wake and realizing what surely had happened, she leapt from the bed, covering her body with her hands while she searched for something to cover up with.

"What the fuck? What the fu-u-u-ck?" she murmured, as much to herself as to anyone else. She suddenly found her clothes neatly arranged on a chair and rushed to put on the outer layer of them, ignoring the undergarments as she continued, "What the fuck happened last night?"

She had no memory of anything after the Uber: not the dark alley, not the black lights, not the club full of writhing, naked dancers, not the Ecstasy-like fluid that had come to her in a kiss, not the men and women with whom she'd been making out and -- while still on her feet -- with whom she'd partaken of two orgasms caused by fingers playing between her thighs and over her so very sensitive nipples.

And she certainly had no memory of the fangs that, like with John and Claire and Katie and Darryl, had sunk into her body and gotten just a taste of her life supporting blood. Once dressed and turning to see the others rising from the bed, she once again almost screamed out, "WHAT THE FUCK?"

Maggie looked to Katie, who was just standing there by the bed naked, not yet even looking for clothes, let alone putting them on. She rushed to her friend, looking at her body as she asked in horror, "What happened to you?"

"I dunno," the still groggy young woman said. "I think someone slipped me a--"

No! I mean this!"

Maggie turned her friend toward a higher level of candle light, pointing to the woman's bosom, asking, "This!"

There were four swollen spots, about the size of mosquito bites, neatly organized in a square. Maggie turned her friend, ignoring the fact that she was still standing naked before two male friends who had never seen her in anything less than a bikini.

"They're all over you!" she said, pressing a finger tip to the inside of Katie's upper arm, to her thighs, to her neck, to her buttocks. "They look like bite marks!"

"I'm getting the fuck out of here if y'all don't mind," Claire said, now fully dressed except for the high heeled dancing shoes she held in her hands. "I don't know what happened here..."

She looked between the two men, addressing her next comment to them, "...and if I find out that either one of you did this to us--"

"They didn't do this!" the still fully naked Katie declared. She finally began looking for her clothes as she said, "Someone else did. Someone at the club."
As John undid his shirt, finally revealing his overly fleshy self, he had made a request, and she either ignored or simply didn't hear him, for he had not exactly been bold in his request. Her hand reached out and touched his chest, grasping, touching, even poking and prodding. Every touch sent shocks directly to his cock as he felt it hard and twitching. However, her true interest was unclear, as she may have touched a melon in the market with many of the same actions, testing for ripeness, save the nipple rolling and pinching.

For a man who had not had any satisfaction other than by his own hand, Adrienne's touch, when combined by the carnal, mating dances of the collective throng,had his male member at nearly tilt, the fact that she had not reciprocated their game of show and tell, was unfortunate, but certainly not a showstopper. He leaned into her touch, he was enjoying having a woman look at him with such hunger, little did he know how accurate his descriptor was.

The rest of the night, everything from this moment forward, would be groggy hallucinations, only returned to in dreams, sometimes highly arousing, sometimes terrifying, always resulting in waking up sweaty, and wanting! It happened so fast, Adrienne's hands gone, replaced by so many, many hands!

He was carried away in a human tsunami, hands groping, tongues licking, teeth nibbling, mouth after mouth found his, at first, it was one beautiful face, after another, like tasting in an ice cream store, of limitless flavors, all delicious, each leaving you wanting more! He had closed his eyes, wrongly assuming all mouths would be feminine, letting each gorgeous, barely clothed wave after another crash against his shore!

When he felt the brushy, scratch of a mustache, his eyes sprung open, it wasn't that the kiss was bad, quite the opposite, it was just startling, and confusing. How many of those previous waves had also been delivered, by a male, how much had his body enjoyed, and yet, somehow betrayed him? He wasn't gay, or even bi, but, in this situation, he was finding, hell even enjoying bending some rules he had thought supremely rigid! He was in a sexual tsunami, and he was going to ride it out, que sera sera, certain forces of nature were beyond trying to control, and this was uncontrollable!

He tried to find Adrienne but the currents were too strong, and when finally, he was naked, and they raven haired brunette, rain her fingernails down his body, as she fell to he knees and with shocking ease took in the totality of his substantial hardness, he lost all awareness, other than the enjoyment of the mouth and throat impaled on his needy cock, and the strawberry blonde, cupping, fondling and teasing his balls. He did not last long, how could he? I starving man eats, a dehydrated man drinks, and a man who hasn't, for so so long...CUMS!

The rest, the metamorphosis was instant, the attack appalling, the terror, real, and the end...quick! He would remember none of it, nor how he was taken, along with his friends, to their resting place. Not a morgue, but a high end suite in a downtown luxury condominium building, replete with silk sheets, and...the nicest amenities. Specifically a bed filled with beautiful, naked women, his friends, all naked.

Maggie awoke first, John had actually been second, but waking up groggy and a bit incoherent was something he had grown recently accustomed to, so at first he didn't even realize he was not in his own bed. Opening his eyes, was actually a pleasant surprise, he was surrounded by naked women...and Darryl. Maggie was freaking out because she was hear and naked, John was thinking something else, as his hand rested on the dried cum all over his now flaccid cock. "I had sex!" It brought a smile to his face as he looked from woman to woman to woman. Luckily he had been speaking only in an internal dialogue, as the prospect of all of them having participated in some sort of orgy, was clearly far less interesting to Maggie!

John shook his head, and a bit of the cobwebs cleared, as the girls talked amongst each other. "Adrienne? Did I have sex with her?" Maggie looked over at him, "Who the fuck is Adrienne?" John looked at her confused, "The gorgeous redhead on the sofa, the one I drank champagne with.. .you remember don't you Katie...when you came up, kissing that man...that other woman...saying how much you loved the club?"

He saw zero recognition in her eyes, and it was then that Maggie began asking everyone to check their bodies, only to find we had all been attacked by the same thing. People began hopping out of the bed, peeling off the sheets, bedbugs? Spiders? Yet there were no unwanted critters in the condo. Claire tossed out her accusation at the men, but Katie seemed to be remembering at least a little, "They didn't do this!" the still fully naked Katie declared. She finally began looking for her clothes as she said, "Someone else did. Someone at the club."

She had to be right, but who, why? John thought back to Adrienne, it couldn't have been her, but where was she, and who the fuck had he had sex with? It seemed cruel that for a man so desperate, he shouldn't at least have the fun of memories, but what the hell?

They were all confused, and slowly but steadily left, peeling off in ones and twos, heading home, trying to reconcile what had happened last night, at the club, and here, together? Darryl even joked, "Maybe we go back tonight?" Maggie responded with her middle finger, although, they would return again, more than once, it was addictive.

John left alone, he had no job, and was in no hurry to to get home. Two blocks down, there was a diner, he was hungry and could use a cup of coffee. He was back in his clothes from last night, all clean and perfect. It had been a hell of a night, that was clear. Maybe he should have these bites looked at, but he didn't have insurance anymore.

It was almost ten, when he walked into the diner. It was near empty, yet he chose a far corner table. He ordered an omelette and coffee, black, and had just taken a sip of the badly needed steaming, dark, liquid when he heard the door to the diner open....
From the look of the two men entering the diner, one might have thought the President of the United States was arriving or at least a Mafia Don. The men in black stopped to look around before continuing inside, one of them moving professionally into the hallway off which were the bathrooms, the other entering the cooking staff area to open and look through the swinging kitchen door.

When they'd finished their sweep, one of them took station just behind and a bit to the left of where John sat, while the other returned to the front door and opened it. In place of POTUS or Vito Corleone, a tall and mysteriously unusual woman entered.

She was dressed entirely in black: a wide brimmed hat with a black, lacy veil that hid her face; an elegant, long sleeved, black dress that reached to midthigh and wonderfully displayed a generous bosom while strangely showing no cleavage skin; high heeled, leather boots that reached entirely up to and beyond the dress's lower hem; and matching leather gloves that reached up under the shirt sleeves, allowing for no viewing of skin there either; and over her shoulders without arms filling the sleeves, a heavy leather coat hanging as if a cape.

She strode purposefully through the diner, directly toward the man sitting along in the back corner while the second MIB escorting her remained near the front door, scanning and politely smiling at the few diners in an effort to ease any concerns they might have.

The waitress who'd taken John's order emerged from the stock room with a bag of coffee and a sleeve of cardboard cups. Her eyes swelled large at the sight of the newly arrived patron, and quickly dropping her stores on the nearest unoccupied table she hurriedly zigzagged her way through the tables to reach John before the most recently arrived guest.

"Sorry, excuse me," she said as she slid into the empty bench seat across the table from John. She quickly pulled on the string, bringing down the drapery and casting his table in a shadow that was, honestly, a bit too much for breakfast and the start of a new day. As she hurried out of the booth, she again told John, "Sorry."

She immediately slid into the next booth, repeated the draw down of that table's drapery, then repeated the move yet again on one more. By then the woman-in-black had reached the waitress, stopping to reach a gloved hand out and caress the young woman's cheek lovingly.

"Thank you my dear," the woman said in an accent John had heard before and surely would recognize. Her hidden head turned toward the man with the body full of impossibly symmetrical bug bite groupings as she said, "And put my friend's breakfast on my tab, dear, as well as your standard gift."

The young waitress's face lit up at that last, as if she'd just been told she'd won the Daily Pick Four lottery. She responded excitedly, "Yes, Miss Adrienne. Right away, Miss Adrienne. And ... thank you."

As the woman stepped closer to John and now out of the direct sunlight spilling in the unshaded windows began shedding her outer wear: the big hat, the coat, the gloves, they all went into the hands of the nearest MIB who then returned to his position behind John.

"It is so very nice to see you again, Jonathan," Adrienne said with a wide smile. She gestured to the empty side of the booth, asking, "May I join you?"

He might have responded or he might not have, not that it would have mattered as Adrienne simply slid into the booth at a diagonal, just enough to put both butt cheeks on the vinyl cloth but no so far that she couldn't cross her legs in the aisle.
John had questioned himself even going into the diner, he didn't really have the money to waste $10-20 on breakfast when he had cereal back home. However, something called him in, and he was starving, little did he know his body needed to produce a couple of healthy pints of oxygenated, healthy blood.

he had also chosen the darkest part of the simple restaurant, again almost as if it called to him. When the two men first walked in, he flashed back to the bar last night and the bouncer outside. Although last night was hazy, to say the least, the man seemed eerily familiar, and every bit as intimidating in the light of day, as he had been in the dark of night. His friend the same.

As the men came in and began moving around, it was clear, they were not patrons, but bodyguards, as they did a quick surveillance, and only opened the doors when they had deemed the place secure. Their client, or employer, was striking, the boots, the body, the not showing her face, he assumed it must be some type of celebrity, perhaps a super model, but what was she doing here?

He moved for the young waitress as she quickly drew the shades, and his area, which had been somewhat shaded initially, now became quite dark, and his eyes took a moment or two to adjust. He bit his lip, as the woman moved elegantly, purposefully and powerfully in his direction. The face this felt as odd as last night was soon made to make sense, as the woman slid off her hat and coat and gloves to reveal HIS Adrienne.

It was comical that he took a sense of possessiveness as the reality was likely quite the opposite. However, he found his heart instantly racing as he could not deny his innate pleasure at seeing her again. She was as gorgeous as he remembered, well as much as he remembered, "It is nice to see you too....uh...would you like to join me?" The question was more manners as he assumed she was going to do what she wanted to do anyway.

"I love the boots!" He smiled, as she had hit a kink of his, for their were few things sexier than a gorgeous woman in thigh high boots. His cock again began to tingle, as it was perhaps time to wake up! She sat with style, and his jaw nearly flung open wide as she oozed sensuality draping one beautiful boot clad thigh, over the other.

"I didn't expect to see you again...I mean I hoped to...but...." He was being himself, and again flummoxed at the presence of such incredible beauty. "...I don't really remember how last night ended ... or how I got there?" He pointed to the building, that when they had left, almost seemed as if they had been its only inhabitants, despite the ornate and obviously incredibly expensive decorating.

He swallowed hard, and then asked the question he hoped she might help him understand, "My friends and I ... uh... we woke up with these little bites...." He undid his shirt sleeve and rolled it up enough so that she could see three sets of the square bites. "Did these happen at the club..." He was honestly embarrassed by how little he remembered, or having to ask her. However, the only people he knew that were there, were his similarly confused friends, and the gorgeous temptress who had somehow singled him out and chosen to enjoy his company, again!
"I love the boots!"

Adrienne only smiled her response to the compliment. She wasn't wearing them simply because they were stylish or sexy, of course. If she was going to wear an above the knee dress or skirt out in the daylight, she needed the tall boots to hide her legs up pass the outfit's lower hem.

"I didn't expect to see you again...I mean I hoped to...but...."

The waitress arrived with a mug of steaming coffee and a plate covered in a variety of foods one wouldn't expect to see together on a breakfast platter: strips of cold ham, a handful of dried nuts, tomatoes cut into little cubes, a slice of liver, and four squares of dark chocolate.

"Thank you, dear," Adrienne said, reaching out to cup the young woman's chin and cheek. "How is little Bobby doing?"

The waitress smiled wide and began talking excitedly about her son's remarkable recovery from Childhood Leukemia. After Adrienne expressed her happiness with the outcome, the waitress moved in just a bit closer and said in barely over a whisper, "I ... I can't thank you enough. Really. If ever you ... if ever you need to ... you know ... that again--"

"You just take care of that little boy of yours and don't you worry about showing me anymore thanks, dear," Adrienne said. The young woman looked to John with a bit of an embarrassed expression on her face, as if she was afraid that perhaps he knew what she'd done to get help for her sick son. "How about you get my friend here a cup of my special blend, honey."

The waitress departed, hurrying back toward the kitchen. Adrienne looked to her plate of strange foods, then up to her booth partner. "They are high in iron and good for the blood. You should try some, Jonathan. By the way, did you enjoy your evening at my club last night?"

He confessed, "I don't really remember how last night ended ... or how I got there?"

"That happens sometimes, Jonathan," Adrienne responded casually, biting off part of a strip of cold ham. She said with a suggestive tone, "Drink, drugs ... the heat of so many bodies all pressing together as one."

"My friends and I ... uh..." John rolled up his sleeve as he went on, "we woke up with these little bites .... Did these happen at the club--"

"Yes, I should probably apologize for that, Jonathan," Adrienne began, not for a moment feigning ignorance as to what had happened to him and his friends. She addressed his waking up naked with his four friends first, saying, "I know that sex between good friends can sometimes harm relationships, so I want to reassure you that nothing happened between you and your friends last night. It was all innocent, I assure you, despite the, um ... interesting way in which you all awoke. Please reassure them of this."

The second mug of steaming coffee arrived, and the waitress's eyes widened at the sight of the bite marks up and down John's arm. She looked to Adrienne, who only smiled and very politely said, "Thank you, dear."

Once they were again alone, Adrienne continued, "Do not be concerned about this, Jonathan. There will be no lasting effect. No infection, no scars. You and your friends will be healed within a day or two, and any lethargy you or they might be feeling this morning will be gone by the end of the day, following a couple of wholesome meals."

She popped a tomato chunk into her mouth, adding, "But please, again, reassure your friends of this, as well as of my apologies for any concerns they may have had."

There was a buzzing sound nearby, followed by the MIB behind John stepping up close to Adrienne, leaning in, and whispering in her ear. After he'd backed up to his position again, she looked to John and said, "I like you Jonathan, and I'd like to have you over for ... dinner some time soon."

The way she pronounced that one word, dinner, might have made a suspicious man wonder if perhaps he was on the menu. The waitress arrived with John's plate of breakfast, asked Adrienne if she needed a coffee refill, and departed once told all was fine.

"I understand that you are out of work at the moment," she said, stating facts that rightfully she shouldn't have known. "I believe that I could help you with that if you would let me."
John watched the interaction between Adrienne and the waitress, the woman was clearly moved and appreciative of whatever kindness or benefit the gorgeous woman had bestowed on her son, and in turn Adrienne was genuine and generous and respectful, clearly stating no greater show of reciprocity was necessary. John found himself moved, and engaged. While Adrienne was intimidating on so many levels, she also came across as genuine and generous. He found himself trusting her, and while he may not be the greatest judge of character, the interaction he observed only enhanced that belief.

As if the exchange weren't enough, the fact that Adrienne was served a plate, never truly ordered, before John, who had been there and ordered quite a bit earlier was also telling. People seemed to jump at Adrienne's spoken and unspoken requests in ways and sincerity of servitude which were unusual to say the least! He looked down and looked at the odd assortment and cocked his brow. "Well if they are that good for the blood, perhaps I should have ordered that, as I am certainly a bit wobbly this morning!"

He laughed, assuming it was a hangover, and not the result of being down nearly a pint and a half of the life sustaining fluid. He asked Adrienne if she knew anything of the bites as he displayed them to her. And while Adrienne made no effort to describe the source, she assured him they were no serious and would quickly heal. For some reason, he felt comforted, despite the fact he still had no idea of what types of organisms had so systematically attacked his and his friends bodies.

And although perhaps he should have taken even more comfort in her next statement, "I know that sex between good friends can sometimes harm relationships, so I want to reassure you that nothing happened between you and your friends last night. It was all innocent, I assure you, despite the, um ... interesting way in which you all awoke. Please reassure them of this," he didn't! In fact he could not help but be a bit disappointed.

Prior to last night, perhaps because he had, had a long term girlfriend, or perhaps just because they were his friends, he had never really thought of Maggie, Claire, Katie or most certainly not Darryl, sexually. But last night, what he had seen of each, possibilities and combinations were seeded into his brain, particularly of Katie, that he could not and did not want to forget.

The way Katie had looked, sweaty and sleek in her heels, bra and thong, how she had kissed women and men with the same hunger and need, and then groaned and grinded to thier indecent touching and probing of her, had he not been consumed by Adrienne's hand on his thigh, he would have given anything to take the place of that man and kiss and touch and enjoy her like that. Last night had given him a brief view in a world he had heard spoken of, but never truly believed existed, and he wanted more!

The other question that her response brought to mind was, if eh had not had sex with Katie, Claire or Maggie, then who? Or Whom? His eyes locked in on Adrienne's, could it possibly have been her? How cruel if that were true that he could not remember. It would be like a man, who had climbed Everest, only to have so been deprived of oxygen, he didn't remember anything past the basecamp.

He wanted to ask more? Great that they would quickly heal, but what were they healing from? Instead he just smiled, "I will tell them, I think they were all having fun, we are all just ... confused!" Their was always a sexual electricity with Adrienne, he wondered if she felt it too? And when she asked him to dinner, the way she asked, and even if it implied he might indeed be on the menu, was more exhilerating and arousing than it was frightening. "I would like that very much! Do you mean your place or would we go out?"

JC was not exactly used to being asked out, and suddenly felt a need to clarify, "You do mean this as a date, correct?" yet realized, as soon as he said it, how foolish he would feel if the answer was NO.

Her next question had him questioning even further, "I understand that you are out of work at the moment ... I believe that I could help you with that if you would let me." He didn't think so much about the fact of how did she know? Although that would dawn on him later and he would indeed ask, as he was embarrased as to the situation he found himself.

"You mean work for you..." He waved over her shoulder and behind her, "... like these guys? I'm not really much of a tough guy!" Yes he had once played football, but he was no tough guy, certainly not like her bodygaurds, nor the waiter from last night. "I'm an investment...." He couldn't really say that with a straight face, "...or I guess, more of an accountant, do you need one of those?"
"You mean work for you ... like these guys? I'm not really much of a tough guy!"

Adrienne chuckled lightly, telling John, "No, not exactly."

"I'm an investment .... or I guess, more of an accountant, do you need one of those?"

"Always," Adrienne said with humor in her tone. "I am always looking for someone who can make my money into more money."

The MIB beyond John cleared his throat ever so lightly, just to get Adrienne's attention. She put another morsel into her mouth, then slid out of the booth. The man began helping her back into her black layers as she said, "Jonathan, I would like you to meet me tonight, let us say 9 o'clock, where you awoke this morning. We will speak more about what we can do for each other then."

He might have had more questions for her, but Adrienne was done with him for now. Once protected from the sun again, she headed away from him, calling over her shoulders, "9 o'clock sharp, please, Jonathan."

The MIBs flanked her out the door to a luxury SUV parked at the curb, its windows as blacked out as her clothing had been. It sped away with a second vehicle before it and a third behind.
Something was clearly concerning one of her bodyguards, the bigger one with the closely shaved blonde hair, and deep blue eyes. He gave John a sense that he felt it imperative that Adrienne be leaving, and John was not sure why.

He blushed a bit as she acknowledged that no, he was not exactly the bodyguard or other Greek God roles she might employ, type! "Always," Adrienne said with humor in her tone. "I am always looking for someone who can make my money into more money." He had a smile flash across his face, finally, this might be his chance to prove himself. But the file quickly faded, CHANCE! Chance worked both ways, and what if he wasn't actually any good at managing money, her money, what if he failed? He felt but did not voice his self doubt. "Well, I would greatly appreciate that opportunity....but dinner? Is it to discuss that? or can I consider it a date?"

John heard the clearing of the throat, a clear signal, and he watched her move, disappointed that this time he had only looked and not felt her touch. "Tonight?" Dinner sometime had suddenly moved up, "Yes, I can do that..." Normally 9:00 PM, would be late, with it being a work day tomorrow, but since he had no job, he had no such constraints. "I will see you at 9 ...sharp!" He smiled, acknowledging her request, "...I will be looking forward to it."

As she walked out, he hopped up to see the small cavalcade of luxury SUV's, and as she left, he turned to the waitress, "Three cars, who travels like that?" He was impressed and curious both. He sat back down to finish his breakfast and when the waitress brought him, her special blend, he had to ask, "You seem to know Adrienne well, she helped you?" He waited to see if she might reply, "She seems nice, and of course beautiful, but a bit mysterieous?" He left the question hanging, hoping the waitress might provide him some greater understanding.

After their talk he left, suddenly with an agenda. He went to the nicest story he might possibly afford and purchased a sport coat, blue dress shirt, and nice gray slacks and dress shoes. He went to a florist and purchased a dozen red roses, fresh greens and baby's breath, place in a white box with a pretty red bow.

He went home, napped, and when he awoke, as she had promised, the bites were nearly all healed. He showered, dressed, and walked into the building at 8:58, after lingering half way down the block for the last 15 minutes. Dressed as nice as he could., flowers in hand, he was led up to the suite, but not to the bedroom, he had awoken in, but to the living room, which now was fully appointed, and he let his eyes take in the room, not only was the woman mysterious, but her sense of style, while breathtakingly beautiful, was also quite eclectic!
"Three cars, who travels like that?"

The waitress, Emily, only smiled at John's question as it wasn't her place to speak of such things.

"You seem to know Adrienne well, she helped you?"

Again, Emily thought maybe she should stay quiet, not knowing this man or his relationship with Adrienne. But the woman John called mysterious was personally responsible for her son still being alive, and she was always eager to speak about that.

"Adrienne paid for my son to see a specialist for his Leukemia," she said with joy in her voice. "Took care of everything, the doctor, the hospital stays, everything. She even found us a new apartment, a better apartment for the same price. Beautiful apartment, my God."

She didn't mention that her and her son's new residence was on one of the lower, "limited income" floors of the very building in which John had awoken this morning, not that she would have known that, of course.

From the outside and even while in the lobby, one would have presumed the cheapest apartment available there ran in the thousands of dollars a month, and one would have been right.

But Emily's rent was only $600 a month. Of course, she did provide Adrienne with a little something special twice a month, something from which she needed a day to recover, just as the 5 friends had today.


At Adrienne's building, the lobby security guard, yet another MIB type, opened the box of flowers to inspect it before waving a wand over John's body, front and back. He spoke not a word, only gesturing John toward the penthouse elevator, where yet another guard rode up with him.

"Wait here," the man said once in the condo, proving that the MIBs did speak.

The apartment was just as John described it in his mind: eclectic! The decor was a mix of the modern and the ancient, with paintings and sculptures from the 21st century, the 8th century, and every era in between.

The lighting tended to highlight that art and some of the sitting areas while leaving large sections of the nearly 2000 square foot main room in differing degrees of shadow.

The space was open for the most part, with only a couple of delicate, antique, translucent room dividers partially isolating little portions for privacy.

The dividers also made more apparent the descent of the foyer to one, then another sunken section, each with its own elegantly appointed seating area.

John had plenty of time to inspect the room as Adrienne didn't enter until almost 30 minutes after he had arrived. She wore a beautiful, flowing black gown of silk that wafted as she walked, its train following her wedding dress like for three feet.

It hugged her dramatic, hourglass curves and emphasized her generous bosom and its deep cleavage, unlike what John had seen her in earlier in the day.

"Jonathan, so good of you to wait," she began, telling him of a business meeting that had gone long as she moved up to him, leaned in, and kissed him on one cheek, then the other. She took his hand, saying, "Come, let us sit on the balcony."

They ascended both sets of steps as they passed through the massive room, and as they neared the floor-to-ceiling glass that was the room's entire outside wall, the glass slid open to reveal a balcony that looked out upon the city and river.

"What do you think?" Adrienne asked casually about the multi-million dollar view.
Walking the gauntlet of MIB was intimidating, and part of John wasn't sure if he was ready to have to face this every time he saw Adrienne, assuming she continued to want to see him. He was a bit disappointed to see his package unwrapped to inspect the flowers, and when he was done, there was no way to recreate the wrappings. Handing the box to the guard, he took the flowers and wrapped them in the green tissue paper and smiled, "I hope she likes flowers?" The man made no response but it was clear there was only one SHE to whom he might have been referring.

Once inside he was given something to drink, he assumed it was water, but their was a sweetness and a buzz that made him wonder if it wasn't some fine liquor. He was reluctant to stand and walk around, so sitting he let his eyes go from one aspect to the next. There were several paintings, and he had taken an art appreciation class in college. He was reasonably certain that at least one of the paintings was an original Monet, and a second a Van Gogh.

Some of the other items, all illuminated by the most interesting and artful lighting included, bowls and masks, vases and carvings and painting after painting. He had no idea how far some of the items dated back or how Adrienne might have possibly procured such a lavish question. He had assumed she was wealthy, but now, in this place, he realized her wealth must be unfathomable. Again, insecurity crept in, "She wants me to help manage that?" He sighed, and then realized, he would only be given control of a small part, if given control of anything, and even if he performed poorly, she had so much, would she even notice?

The entrance of Adrienne herself, despite the priceless works surrounding him, was the most impressive display of all. She was in a floor length black gown, that despite its length, was the sexiest thing he'd ever seen, however that was likely more the lady herself than the dress, but the two together were perfect.

It was dark black, just like last night, and again today, the woman did like black. He smiled, as he looked down briefly at his own skin, perhaps that was part of why she like him? John was most definitely African American or black, but he had never seen race as an aspect of appeal, positive or negative. His friends were a mix, Darryl was of mixed parents, mother black and father hispanic. Maggie was irish, gorgeous, with her green eyes and ginger complexion, Claire was African American but born and raised in London, and Katie was actually Katrina, a blued eyed, icy blonde, nordic beauty.

John found himself wondering again, why he had never made a move in any of their direction, but he knew the answer. He had been far too certain that the answer would be no, and then he would not only have sexual partner, he wouldn't have a friend. Little did he know, had he tried, he would have been wrong once, Claire had no interest, but the other two, had thought of John and while open to it, had also been tentative to risk the friendship.

For John it wasn't all just looks either. The story the waitress told him of what Adrienne had done for her resonated profoundly within him. Many people had money, very few made this type of highly personal impact with that. It only made her more alluring, more appealing and more out of his grasp.

It didn't matter, but if part of his attraction to Adrienne was his being black, than all the better, as it was who he was anyway. He stood up as she entered, and after receiving the kisses on the cheeks, and licking his lips with the desire for more, he smiled and handed her the flowers. "I hope you like roses ...."

He liked how the place was a labyrinth of various levels and glasses, it was indeed the nicest home, by far, he had ever been invited into. They walked out onto the balcony, "Jesus!" he exclaimed, unprovoked, the view was panoramic and beautiful. He turned back smiling, "What do I think? I think it is the most incredible view I have ever seen...." And then he blushed, although it would be very hard to tell, and he let his eyes go up and down her gorgeous face, body and gown, "...well, perhaps the second most incredible...." He had an almost embarrassed look on his face, "Adrienne...you don't mind if I call you that, right?....I am so far out of my league here, you are so far out of my league...I am not even sure how to act?"

It was a bit confession, a bit of a plea, and he would have been embarrassed but it was him, a good, really down to earth man, who found himself tongue tied in the presence of such an incredibly beautiful woman!
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"I hope you like roses ...."

"I love them," Adrienne responded, moving close to John and kissing him on the cheek once again. "Thank you, Jonathan. I'll put them in water."

She turned away from him and made a small gesture toward seemingly no one at all, and yet from the shadows an older woman in typical Domestic Servant clothing appeared and hurried over to collect the flowers, less the one that her Mistress pulled from the bunch and kept with her.

"Jesus!" John exclaimed, asking, "What do I think? I think it is the most incredible view I have ever seen...."

There was no missing the ogle the man gave his hostess before saying, "...well, perhaps the second most incredible...."

Adrienne was used to compliments from men, of course, but she still smiled back and said with sincerity and a feigned Southern Belle accent, "Why, what a kind gentleman you are, Mister Stevens."

Embarrassed, John spoke of his concern that Adrienne was so very far out of his league, finishing, "I am not even sure how to act?"

"You are a nice, polite, attractive, and intelligent man," Adrienne responded as she walked closer to him, her hips swinging ever so slowly and seductively, "who has has suffered hardship in his professional and personal life that now has him feeling as though he's not good enough for anyone else."

She was right on the button, of course, but one had to wonder how Adrienne knew so much about John, particularly about his personal life, which had not been a topic of conversation between the two of them as of yet.

Up close to him again, Adrienne reached a hand up to his chest, laying it there softly as she told him, "I want you to forget who you are or who you think you are for a moment ... for this night at least ... and I want you to forget who you think I am and, particularly, what you think I am in regards to whether or not you are, as you put it, in my league."

Her hand slid up John's chest to his cheek, cradling it as she moved in for a soft, sensuous kiss that was essentially just lips touching lips. When she pulled her face back, Adrienne whispered, "You and I are going to make love like you've never made love to a woman in your life. But that's not going to happen tonight. So, Jonathan, relax, take in the air, drink some champagne..."

As if on cue, the Maid appeared behind Adrienne well within John's view, setting a tray with an ice bucket and Dom on a table. The mistress of the house finished, "...and enjoy yourself with me, as I am going to enjoy myself with you."
He had not seen the woman who Adrienne motioned to, and he wondered how many other might be there with them of which he had no idea. As the woman took the flowers, John thanked her. It was as if his feet didn't hit the ground as the moved up and out onto the balcony, and John, made his awkward compliment.

But rather than laugh at him, she made him feel special and clever and good about himself. Nonetheless, he could not help himself from confessing his insecurities, only to hear back, "You are a nice, polite, attractive, and intelligent man," Adrienne responded as she walked closer to him, her hips swinging ever so slowly and seductively, "who has has suffered hardship in his professional and personal life that now has him feeling as though he's not good enough for anyone else." The entire response, her movements, her words were overwhelming, but also frighteningly accurate.

He wished he remembered last night better, just how much had he told her, for she seemed to know him better than anyone, and yet, that didn't seem to dissuade her interest. Her hand on his chest, brought his entire body on fire, and he held his breath, completely captivated by her gaze and touch. "I want you to forget who you are or who you think you are for a moment ... for this night at least ... and I want you to forget who you think I am and, particularly, what you think I am in regards to whether or not you are, as you put it, in my league."

It was like he was under hypnosis, if she had asked him to get on all fours and walk around like a dog, he likely would not have been able to resist. "You do....I...I can try...." He swallowed, and felt ever hair on his body stand on edge, as his heart almost pounded out of his chest, and he was as hard as he could possibly get!

The kiss, soft, no tongue, burned such a slow, amazing burn. He leaned forward as it broke, he so wanted a second, third and fourth! However, her next statement, almost made his knees buckle. Had he heard right, she had literally promised that he was going to make love to her, and not just make love, but have it be like no other night of his life.

All he had to do was look at her, and inventory the sensations her simple touches and a single true kiss had evoked, to know that she spoke the truth! The question was if not now, then when, and please, please, please dear God, let it be soon. "Yes, please...." as if he was responding to the making love, which of course he was, but caught himself. "... a drink, some champagne would really be nice!"

Suddenly the woman who had taken the flowers came in with the champagne, John strongly preferred her over the near naked waiter from the club or one of the men in black. Again he thanked her, and saw her give him a sweet smile in recognition.

John was starving as he had not had a bite since breakfast, he had been far too nervous. It would not take much champagne to have him quite drunk. But he was even more hungry for something else. "I look forward to that, enjoying each other...uh...together." They began to move toward a small bench where they would sit down and enjoy the flutes that the maid had since filled. "Miss Adrienne, I was wondering, in the spirit of what you said...enjoying each other...I mean....might I possibly have...another kiss?"
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"I look forward to that, enjoying each other...uh...together."

John was hers. Adrienne knew this already. Her looks, her proposition, her beyond-Human charisma had him hooked like a hungry fish. She wouldn't ask him to get down on all fours and bark like he imagined, but Adrienne could very well have. They both knew this.

He asked her about another kiss as she led him back inside to a couch in a relatively darker portion of the variably illuminated condo. She answered him by sitting him down, slowly pulling the front of her dress up to expose her legs and hint at her red thong, and crawl into his lap, straddling his thighs.

Adrienne met John's mouth with her own in the longest, softest, most sensual kiss he'd likely ever experienced. Her fingers lightly caressed over his face and skull as, down below, the slightest of movements between their bodies drove his cock to what she was sure was full stiffness as it pressed against her.

When Adrienne's face pulled back from John's, the ever-silent maid was setting a stand near the couch, a platter of hors d’oeuvres and their filled champagne flutes atop it. She gave her Mistress a head bow, backed a couple of steps, and departed. Adrienne took a morsel into her mouth, then fed one to John with her long, slim fingers.

"Good, yes?" she purred.

The kissing has ceased, but down below, her pressing movements were continuing upon his shaft. She retrieved one flute, filled her mouth with Champagne, then leaned down to kiss John again. As their mouths opened, the bubbly flow from her mouth into his, and she giggled at his reaction.

Adrienne reached up between her magnificent breasts and began unfastening the little buttons holding her dress tight to her body. One button after another revealed more flesh, ultimately revealing that under the black outer garment, there were no undergarments to hide Adrienne's bosom.

With the last button loose, she reached up to pull the dress from her shoulders, revealing her firm, shapely bosom to John. She said softly, as if there was a need to do so, "You may put your mouth on me, if you wish."
He shouldn't have asked, a man shouldn't have to ask, not if it is consensual. And the combination of her first kiss, and the promise of, "You and I are going to make love like you've never made love to a woman in your life..." It definitely appeared to be consensual, and yet he did ask. Why? Because there was no doubt on the power structure of this relationship, Adrienne could demand or take, John could ask, and be damned happy with whatever he got. He could live with that, and for a fact, for even a few moments with this woman, the promise of intimacy, he could settle for even less.

She guided him into the parlor, set him down, and then, give him a view of paradise, lifting her dress, where his eyes immediately caught the flash of her red panties as she straddled her bare legs on each side of him. He was breathing hard already, his heart pounding in his chest, his pulse rate near 130, did she feel that pounding of his heart? What did she think? He closed his eyes as her lips again found his, lips parted, and suddenly their tongues made their acquaintance, rapidly progressing form a tap on the shoulder, to a robust tango! God what a woman, god what a kiss. After only one, he had a stupid smile on is face, it was only a single kiss, but she had already taken him to a new, magical and unfamiliar place. However, he was an eager explorer, and he wanted to go further.

Once again, he never heard the maid coming, she would have made a wonderful cat burglar. But glasses filled, he opened his mouth for Adrienne to feed him. The food was delicious, again unlike anything he had ever tasted, but it was the kiss and the woman he was responding to, when he answered her question, "Mmmmm, yesss .... mouthwatering!" She seemed to understand what he meant, and as she took a deep sip of the fine champagne, John placed one hand on each of the heavenly bare thighs, on each side of him.

And as she leaned in, and he opened his lips for another of her incredible kisses, he felt the champagne rush in with a bit dribbling down onto his shirt. He could have choked, but didn't, instead he opened his throat and somehow downed it, while still keeping his lips on hers, and even tickling her with his tongue. He heard her giggle, and smiled, "I am more talented with my mouth than you thought perhaps?"

He breathed even harder and instinctively pressed his hardness up into the heat of her softness, as her fingers seductively undid each button, and finally as she pulled off her gown, now sitting on his lap in only her panties, revealed a body seemingly sculpted by aphrodite herself. "Oh God...MY GOD!" He could say no more, he could only marvel. His hands were sliding up her thighs, moving closer and closer to her panties, and when the offer came, his response came back in a whisper, "My mouth, yes .... Yes, I'd like that very much!"

His mouth found her breast just above her left nipple and he gave her small kisses and licks in a small arc just above it, before dropping his mouth down to envelope and latch on her her nipple and breast. Twirling his tongue around the entirety of her nipple in continually smaller concentric circles, he suckled lightly as he tickled, and flicked her nipple with his tongue. Her tits were magnificent, full, gratify defying and spectacular, and he licked, and kissed and sucked with fervor.

His hands had now reached her panties, and despite the fact he continued to thrust himself into her, he turned his right hand palm up, to cup her mound and lips through her panties, lightly massaging as his fingers pressed into her folds.

He was in heaven and her body seemed to be responding as felt her pressing into him. "Mmmmm" he moaned, and then using his other hand, he found her other breast and began massaging that breast and rolling that nipple, as well!
I am more talented with my mouth than you thought perhaps? he'd quipped when he'd managed to drink down most of the Champagne Adrienne had spilled into his throat without making a mess. He'd been right, she realized, when he went to work on her breasts with his lips, tongue and -- on her urging -- his teeth.

"Harder," she purred when John bit softly upon her right nipple. She promised as she grasped his head and shifted him between breasts, "You can't hurt me, Jonathan. Bite me."

It was perhaps an irony that the woman whose life depended on biting into the bodies of others thoroughly enjoyed the feel of teeth clamping down on her own flesh, be it nipples, ass cheeks, or even her clitoris. Some men -- some women, too -- found it uncomfortable to do as Adrienne requested, as they feared bruising her or even drawing blood. But even the sharpest of teeth wouldn't penetrate her skin, instead only sending sharp pulses of pleasure deep into her and out through her entire being.

When she felt his hand upon the crotch of her panties, though, Adrienne reached casually down and pulled it away. Looking into his eyes over the top of her now heaving chest, she whispered a simple, "No, Jonathan."

She had told John earlier that they wouldn't become lovers tonight, and she feared that his pleasuring her down there would entice her to break that vow. It wasn't that she didn't want to feel him inside her, feel his above average length and girth cock ramming deep inside of her. She simply had other plans for the evening.

Adrienne caressed her free hand up John's face to his scalp, took hold of a handful of hair, and pulled his head back until he was essentially staring up at the delicate and dramatic frescoes she'd had painted during her first days occupying the massive condominium. As she began biting and nibbling at John's neck in place of him doing the same to her tits, he would see elaborate images illuminated by soft, hidden lighting, paintings of sometimes naked or partially naked people engaged in all sorts of erotic activities, more often than not in numbers of three or four or more.

Adrienne couldn't know if John had closed his eyes to simply enjoy what she was doing to him or staring at the ceiling, examining its detail. If he was doing the latter, though, he might have begun to notice some unexpected details: some of the men and women who had their mouths on others' body parts -- necks, breasts, arms, thighs, even private parts -- had what might have looked like blood on their lips or cheeks or chins; streaks of red sometimes ran down the naked bodies of the bitten and biters both.

Whether he saw it or not, understood it or not, John would have no time to make inquiries to Adrienne as she suddenly sunk her own fangs deep into his neck as she held his head back. His body stiffened as the pain exploded through him. He instinctively reached his hands up to defend himself or push her away or whatever his brain told his body to do. But Adrienne's beyond-human strength contained his movements.

Of course, his fight was only seconds long. Her top two fangs, the longest of the two pairs and the only pair with chemical releasing ducts, had injected a significant amount of sedatives and paralytics into his punctured carotid artery, flooding his brain almost as quickly as he'd realized that something was wrong.

Over the course of twenty or thirty seconds, John would feel the pain subside and a calm overcome him, followed by a sense of wonder. Once she knew he was hers to feed upon at her leisure, Adrienne's fangs began dispensing an anti-coagulant to prevent clotting and keep his blood flowing.

With her lips tight to his neck to prevent the waste of a single drop, Adrienne's fangs then began issuing forth another pair of chemicals her body now produced: a mild hallucinogen and an aphrodisiac that was a little bit stronger. They were intended to cause an intense pleasure, even orgasm in the donor so that they might want to offer themselves up again in the future, despite the monstrous nature of what had been done to them.

Adrienne kept her mouth to John's neck for almost twenty minutes, drinking slowly from the four punctures. His iron rich blood was delicious as well as nutritionally necessary, though, it had been an acquired taste much like beer or coffee had been to her when she'd taken up each of those fluids.

She'd been what she was -- vampire was the most common term, of course -- for almost a century before she'd actually come to enjoy the taste of blood. Once she did, her feeding regime had changed. Rather than just getting it over by entirely draining a victim once every couple of months, Adrienne had slowly shifted to more frequent feedings that left her donors alive afterward.

Of course, that had also meant finding ways to keep her secret just that: secret. Luckily, like her Master before his and his Mistress before him, Adrienne had learned to manufacture and dispense a sixth chemical. This one caused the blockage of short term memories. She'd already used this on John and his friends last night, of course, after her minions -- who couldn't produce this one drug -- had had their taste of the newcomers one the floor of the underground club.

In contrast to last night, though, Adrienne forwent the dispensing of this last chemical into John's neck. She wanted him to remember everything about this night. This night was his introduction to her world, a world into which he was being invited.

She knew he wouldn't immediately understand it all. She knew he wouldn't immediately accept it all. But once he'd asked his questions and Adrienne would give her answers, she had high hopes that he would join her Family and, thus, prevent her from having to simply drain him dry and discard his body.

At the end of the twenty minutes of feeding, during which she took two pints from him, Adrienne flooded his body with another sedative to push him into unconsciousness. A quick dispensing of a coagulant, her seventh non-human chemical, sealed the fang holes almost instantly. She licked from his neck the blood she hadn't already consumed, pulled her dress back onto her shoulders without buttoning it fully, and stood.

Without having to ask, two of Adrienne's MIBs emerged from the darkness, carefully but easily picking John up and delivering him to the super-king bed in which he'd already slept one night. As Adrienne sauntered out to the balcony of that second room, the men stripped John to his birthday suit, neatly laying out his clothes for tomorrow.

Then, stripping to the flesh as well, a now very satisfied Adrienne joined John in the massive bed, pushing up into the unconscious man's arm and body for a good night sleep.