Block Obama


Literotica Guru
Jul 1, 2011
The Republicans should do everything they can to block Obama's destructive domestic agenda.

It is the moral thing to do for the real working people of this country.
If we ignore the rhetorical falsities and dig for the real meaning underneath them, the speech becomes almost fascinating. Obama is covertly saying:

Look, I raised federal spending to almost a quarter of America’s GDP in my first term. That leaves a gap of 3.5 to 5 percent of GDP between that spending and likely revenue. None of that gap is going to be filled by cuts in entitlement programs or social expenditures. None whatsoever. My veto will see to that. I will force Congress to raise spending — not solely by raising taxes on the rich (I’ve already conceded that the middle class will have to pay higher taxes, too), but by skewing taxes much more significantly than they are skewed today in a redistributive direction. And insofar as I can’t get higher taxes, I will increase borrowing. At the end of my eight years in office, the result will be a European welfare state (even if I agree not to call it that so as to save the face of those Republicans who vote with me). And however costly the welfare state proves, it will be unrepealable once it is in place. Like Reagan (but unlike either Clinton), I will have reversed the trajectory of American politics.
This is better.

He is behaving true to form for all of us that continued to point out his Communist roots and Socialist leanings. He wants taxes so that he can build government. Government is what he believes to be the root cause of "real" wealth, not money, but the ability to be whoever you want to be, especially if that dream is dewey-eyed pursuit of the truly worthless and predictable failure as long as it makes you "happy."

A life of no consequence, a nation of grasshoppers attempting to force their neighbors to be ants while proclaiming that they love the high rate of taxation, which they do not pay, because of all the benefit it provides for the community as a whole, but especially them, the true artists, thinkers and "value" enhancers of the community engaged in public access TV shows, community theater, writing eBooks that are self-published and never read and making art from trash to "save the planet."
The Republicans should do everything they can to block Obama's destructive domestic agenda.

It is the moral thing to do for the real working people of this country.

Too late! Too many folks feeding at the public trough for reforms to happen. We're past the point of no return, and must patiently wait for the crisis to come.

I'm reading a 900 page history of the French Revolution. LOUIS XVI was a liberal sweetie who enobled many and lavished France with largesse, and when the money ran out it was the nobles who cut off his head NOT the peasants.
Too late! Too many folks feeding at the public trough for reforms to happen. We're past the point of no return, and must patiently wait for the crisis to come.

I'm reading a 900 page history of the French Revolution. LOUIS XVI was a liberal sweetie who enobled many and lavished France with largesse, and when the money ran out it was the nobles who cut off his head NOT the peasants.

We, the Living describes the purge mentality; whenever the pie grew smaller, the axe had to fall...

When under the pretext of fraternity, the legal code imposes mutual sacrifices on the citizens, human nature is not thereby abrogated. Everyone will then direct his efforts toward contributing little to, and taking much from, the common fund of sacrifices. Now, is it the most unfortunate who gains from this struggle? Certainly not, but rather the most influential and calculating.
Frédéric Bastiat
President Obama’s Re-founding
Rich Lowry, NRO
January 22, 2013

For the Left, this is what winning looks like. President Barack Obama gave a second inaugural address that just as easily could have been delivered by progressive darling Elizabeth Warren.

If the president didn’t repeat the phrase that Republicans threw back at him so often during the 2012 campaign — “you didn’t build that” — the speech was a meditation on the same theme of the limits of individual action. The address was a paean to collectivism, swaddled in the rhetoric of individual liberty and of fidelity to the Founding.

He began and ended with the Founding Fathers and threaded the Declaration of Independence throughout. This gave the speech a conservative sheen. He used the words “timeless,” “ancient,” “lasting,” and “enduring.” He sounded like Republican senator Marco Rubio in invoking “what makes us exceptional,” namely “our allegiance to an idea, articulated in a declaration made more than two centuries ago.”

But this framing of the speech only served to amplify the ambition of President Obama’s larger political project. He hopes to reorient the American mainstream and locate conservatives outside it. He wants to take the Founders from the Right and baptize the unreconstructed entitlement state and the progressive agenda in the American creed.

In Obama’s telling, the high points of our national life are found in collective action, in the growth of government, in teachers trained and roads built. “Now, more than ever,” he declared, “we must do these things together, as one nation and one people.”
The Republicans should do everything they can to block Obama's destructive domestic agenda.

It is the moral thing to do for the real working people of this country.

America approves of Obama's agenda. That's why they voted for it over the conservative one.
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Btw, you realize that the only major demographic Romney won was old white people who don't work, right?
Yeah, it's back to Stimulus Time.

The gods have smiled, so it's off to do their bidding.
Looks like the "Better America Fail Than The Negro President Succeed" contingent is having their daily bitchfest in this thread.
We, the Living describes the purge mentality; whenever the pie grew smaller, the axe had to fall...

When under the pretext of fraternity, the legal code imposes mutual sacrifices on the citizens, human nature is not thereby abrogated. Everyone will then direct his efforts toward contributing little to, and taking much from, the common fund of sacrifices. Now, is it the most unfortunate who gains from this struggle? Certainly not, but rather the most influential and calculating.
Frédéric Bastiat

I was reading a book about ancient engineering, and the author claims that ancient societies usta slaughter liberals, mostly cuz they had too many bad, expensive ideas.