Blobfish is my boyfriend


Literotica Guru
Mar 31, 2012
There you have it. A written confession.

I met Blobinder 3 weeks ago. We've been having wild cyber sex behind all of your backs ever since.

I'm so happy I got this out of my system, it's been torture!
I am. I'm cheating on you. I've been having Marijuana sex with BotanyBoy. And sleeping with pretty much every guy on this site except for you.

BB is a great guy, but he's impotent. I know you're lying. Also, "marijuana sex"?
*gleaming eyes*

Please continue.

This is still a better love story than Twilight!
You are not hot enough to be Robert Pattinson. Also, you are a bottom. You are my bitch. I never touch you with my penis but I do like stuffing you with cucumbers.

Collar? Is that you?

Did you see my picture thread? I'm not so bad. Not Robert Pattinson, but not John Merrick either.