"Black Death" In America......

Lost Cause

It's a wrap!
Oct 7, 2001
What I want to know is, how did the couple from NM get to New York? On what type of airplane, with how many people, that spread out to how many locations, on how many connecting flights, with how many people, with connecting flights to how many locations........

NEW YORK (AP) - A New Mexico man in isolation at a New York City hospital tested positive for bubonic plague, the rare and dangerous bacterial disease, in a preliminary test, health officials said.

There was no evidence of danger to the public, they said. (???-L.C.)

A woman who was traveling with the man also was hospitalized, but her tests had not been completed.

The 53-year-old man, listed in critical condition, and the 47-year-old woman, in stable condition, were being treated with antibiotics.

Plague is one of a handful of agents that federal health officials fear could be used in a bioterrorist attack. But officials at Beth Israel Hospital, where the pair were being treated, said the man's case almost certainly was natural. More tests were being done on him.

The pair showed up at the hospital's emergency room Tuesday night, during a visit to New York, after several days of fever and swollen lymph nodes, hospital spokesman Mike Quane said.

The patients were placed in isolation. Health officials also were testing for more common respiratory illnesses.

The patients' identities were not released.

Plague occurs in 10 to 20 people in the United States and 1,000 to 3,000 people worldwide each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. About one in seven cases is fatal.

Humans usually contract the disease from fleas that have fed on infected rodents.

*Scratch, scratch*..:D
Good question...

If they had infected fleas, how many people sitting around them got one, or the seats themselves. Take into count the millions of offspring fleas produce, they should find the airlines, flight, plane, and check it out. Not make some blanket statement about no threat to the public! :D

I knew it.I'm betting that the CIA owned it and the poor man is just a patsy.

The CIA plan was to get samples of the plague and then plant it in Iraq to prove Saddam had WMD or release the plague and blame Osama so that the warmongering imperialists could launch another war against the peace loving freedom fighters of the middle east.


Sad thing is that some people really mean statements like the above.
Wash and de-fle your animals. Spray your yard! Your house! How would you like to have fleas? I'm sure animals don't like it very much either.

People need to take care of animals or not have them at all. That is why I have a fish. Simple. Easy. Once a week fish bowl cleaning. Once a month vitamins.. and a lil food every day! Everyonce in a while I will put new rocks or a new scene in there.
While it is rare for humans to come down with the plague, the Southwest has had a problem with these infected fleas for years. :(
You might not remember this but way back during the gulf war two iraqi nationals where caught in the US with thermoses full of bubonic plague infected fleas.
I would be thinking that the plague would not be fatal if successfully treated, and the only reason death is so frequent would be people who can't get medical care, or don't know what they have is the plague.
people to people...Airlines?

Bubonic Plague
A contagious, often fatal epidemic disease caused by the bacterium, Yersinia pestis, transmitted from person to person or by the bite of fleas from an infected host, especially a rat, and characterized by chills, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, and the formation of buboes. (American Heritage Dictionary)
Bacteria invade lymph nodes, which swell and are called Buboes
Blood vessels break, causing internal bleeding
Dried blood under the skin turns black, hence the name, "Black Death"
Spread is slow from person-to-person
Mortality is very high (up to 75%) in untreated cases
Early treatment with antibiotics is very effective

I repeat...ahhhhhhhhh! :D