BJ - Ladies, what makes you smile as you go down ?

Lava Rock

Nov 8, 2002
Ladies, I have found (out of pure respect for my wife) that asking for a blow job is one of the hardest things to ask for. Now before you say it's a comunication thing Don't, We comunicate very well. I find my self just not finding the right words, hints or suggestions that make her smile and want to....

It almost seems to be rude. There must be an easy way that is more romantic than just saying "Uuuh wanna give me a blow job?" which is right up there with "pull my finger".

So what would you like to hear ? What is the magic phrase, hint or suggestion that not only makes you smile but also says your lover respects you and is highly appreciative of you ???

let me ask another way:

The question: Ladies, (if you are unaware) that your man needs/wants oral sex, what is the hint, suggestion or request that you want to hear so that it doesn't repulse or indignify, but perhaps makes you smile ?
(the above situation is during every day activities)
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Hmmm - I don't have to BE asked.

It's just part of our sexual bag of tricks.

Sometimes he is pleasuring me, sometimes I'm pleasuring him, sometimes we do each other at the same time. There is never a "Honey, would you please suck my dick?" or a "Sweetie, would you please lick my clit?" kinda thing!!

When we're all over each other, fun things like that just happen!

That's no answer for your question, sorry! :p
Cmon Sarah,

Lets say for a moment He really wanted/needed one and you didn't know about his desire (at that moment)

what would you like to hear that would not offend you or make him feel embarrassed ?
I always like it when my husband just ask me to right out. I find it a big turn on. Depending on the mood it could be anything from " bitch get over here and suck me now!" to " hey would you mind giving me a blow job." The best is when I just surprise him by giving him one out of the blue. He could be on the computer and I will just walk up to him and unzip him and take him deep right off. That gasp he lets out is great!

Lava Rock said:
Cmon Sarah,

Lets say for a moment He really wanted/needed one and you didn't know about his desire (at that moment)

what would you like to hear that would not offend you or make him feel embarrassed ?

Actually, I'm honestly trying to understand your question. My husband and I are blessed with similar sex drives, so generally, when one of us wants sex, so does the other. All it takes from my man is a look; I know exactly what he is thinking. But he is thinking about reciprocal sex, not just his own pleasure.

You said "if he really wanted/needed one." So do you mean you're kicking back late in the evening, drinking a beer, she's reading or writing, or chatting online, and you want to know what you should say to get her to get up off her ass and come and suck you?

I don't understand why things can't be mutual. You wanna fuck - fuck! There's more to sex than just a blow job. If she isn't at all interested in making love that evening (too stressed, too tired, job worries, whatever) why on earth should you expect her to blow you?

There are times I have surprised my man. I agree with what tyme said - crawling under the desk and sucking him while he's at the computer is very wild and fun!! And at those times, I'm not expecting any return (though I usually get it - lol).

Maybe what you should do is surprise HER sometimes. Let her know how fun and wild the act can be, and if you treat her well she'll probably get the hint. ;)
I think it depends upon the situation....perhaps you can start by going down on her first...after all, it's only good manners to reciprocate :)

Personally, my favorite hint is a gentle (or sometimes not-so-gentle), encouraging hand on my head guiding me down.....down...down...

I LOVE to give head :)
Personally, my favorite hint is a gentle (or sometimes not-so-gentle), encouraging hand on my head guiding me down.....down...down...

I agree with this one also!
Cinnamongrrrl said:
I think it depends upon the situation....perhaps you can start by going down on her first...after all, it's only good manners to reciprocate :)

Personally, my favorite hint is a gentle (or sometimes not-so-gentle), encouraging hand on my head guiding me down.....down...down...

I LOVE to give head :)

I saw this and had to uses this method on me, and it always works....I'm guessing you could use it on your wife with the same success!
Please read the question !

Yes, I go down on her and I suprise her with it !!!! That is not in question.

Several responses and one suggestion that is to use loving force and push here down there.

I know this board can do better.

The question: Ladies, (if you are unaware) that your man needs/wants oral sex, what is the hint, suggestion or request that you want to hear so that it doesn't repulse or indignify, but perhaps makes you smile ?
There are women out there who don't yet know that all men want blowjobs pretty much all the time?:confused:
The question: Ladies, (if you are unaware) that your man needs/wants oral sex, what is the hint, suggestion or request that you want to hear so that it doesn't repulse or indignify, but perhaps makes you smile ?

No, I am not one of the ladies but here is my opinion. So here comes the obvious answer - go ask her! Seeing as how each person is different it will ultimately have to be asked of her. Without knowing you or your wife how can anyone else answer your question? Even knowing you and your wife. It is, as has been suggested here to you, a communication that must occur between the two of you.

Is oral sex really a needed thing? You honestly cannot live without it? Come on now, it is really a want, right? (Pun intended)

And the following I say with the best of intentions. I get the feeling that you are afraid of being rejected by her. Is that the case? Or has it already occurred and remains an unsettled issue between the two of you? Or are you just fishing for opening lines to use on your wife?

Beyond that, try a question, something like:
Honey, do you know what I would like from you right now?

Or perhaps humor:

Sweetlips, guess what I have for you? A nice long lullipop that needs licking!
Re: Please read the question !

Lava Rock said:
Yes, I go down on her and I suprise her with it !!!! That is not in question.
Several responses and one suggestion that is to use loving force and push here down there.

I don't know about that one, Lava. "Lovingly" force?

My man and I play wonderful games involving all sorts of restraints/spanking/wild sex. But when having "vanilla" sex, the thought of him pushing my head down to his crotch is a bit demeaning. He has, on occasion, whispered naughty things into my ear which has included, "Suck me, baby."

Please clarify something for me - does this situation occur DURING sex? Or because you wish to BEGIN sex? You did say you and your wife communicate well. I think your answer is different for each type of situation.
Please clarify something for me - does this situation occur DURING sex? Or because yo

Not during sex
Bjs, a normal thing.

For me, going down is just a normal part of a relationship. I've been accused (many times) of liking to give head more than get it. And whether it's a question, a plea, or a cartoon on a card in the midst of a bunch of flowers, if you have a good sexual relationship with her, she'll do it.

During sex, try directing her down there. Or say "you know what would feel really great"

If it's just the middle of the day, and you want a quicky after lunch, just ask. Even if she says no, you haven't actually lost anything. If you don't ask, or at least let her know you want it, she will probably not think of it. Or, think of a time that she did go down on you, and say "remember when?" and tell her how much you enjoyed it.

And when she does give it to you, tell her how much you like it, and reward her.... Women love flowers, chocolate (unless she's on a diet) and poetry (even if it's aweful, she'll love the fact that you tried). Sexy nighties are always something that you both can enjoy. Just remember: Pick out something you like in a size Small. If it doesn't fit, she can return it for something that she likes, in her size. And she'll love that you thought she was a small.
Just make sure you tell how good it feels. Not just with words I mean grabbing her hair with your hand when she does give you one things like that. It will help her get more into giving them to you and she just might do it more.
What makes me smile?

When he gently thrusts his hips toward me and whimpers ever-so-softly..."please, baby..."

When he is in a more dominant mood...and it goes like this:

"Know what I want, baby?"


"Get on your knees."



When he whispers that he wants to cum in my throat...

When he strokes himself and asks me if I want to taste him...

When he tastes his own precum and taunts me with it, saying how much he likes it, what a shame I can't have any...(God, that turns me into a raving, cock-sucking animal, I swear...)...

And of course...there are the very rare times when he grabs my hair, forces me to my knees and says, "Suck my rod, my little whore". (Not recommended unless you KNOW she wants it rough...otherwise you might get something more than a suck or two, haha.)


Personally I always LIKE it when a man asks. I don't see how your wife could turn you down if you simply ask, dear, unless she has some diversion to giving head.

I also like the way a man looks wen I give head... she might even grow to see this, but (and I may be alone on this one)I love looking up into his eyes and watching them roll back into his head as I go down really far, swallowing it all. It's kind of a power trip for me, I think.

Of course, you could always do the "look at this honey" ruse and when she opens her mouth to say what, BAM ~ you're in!
Good luck to ya Lava!
I have never tried rough approach, whenever I wanted one I thought of something funny and appropriate to situation to say. It doesnt always work, and somethimes I get 'Not now', with one of least sexually active past girlfriends it got to 'But you had it last week' thing, but it has never hurt anything, to the best of my knowlegde, that I just simply asked.

Heres small example. Say your name is John for this example.
I'd say: (during a kiss, kiss you should be able to ALWAYS get no matter what) 'Little Johnny would like a kiss as well' :p

Feel for ya dude, but this is best I can come up with now:cool:
I think humor is going to be the most effective...

Use inuendo's... I had a lover who would offer me "tube steak" alot... :D or he'd ask me to give him a "massage"... with the back of my throat.... Personally, I like the feel of hands in my hair and a gentle push in the right direction. It's quite effective.

If you're wife thinks giving head is demeaning, though, it won't matter how you ask, it will always offend her. On the other hand, if she enjoys it, then it shouldn't matter how you ask... unless you're just selfish and that's all you want... with no reciprocation.

I knew one couple that called giving head... "a favor" You know like, "How about giving me a favor?"

You gotta find you're own thing... if you're uncomfortable with asking... you might want to think about why that would be?
Still looking for the magic bullet

To all the people who question our comunication or who have said "just ask" , that was not the QUESTION !!!

To all the people with cute answers, Thanks... your suggestions should at worst be a fun try.

But I'm still looking for "that one phrase" that just fits the situation and makes her lovingly smile...
Re: Still looking for the magic bullet

Lava Rock said:
To all the people who question our comunication or who have said "just ask" , that was not the QUESTION !!!

To all the people with cute answers, Thanks... your suggestions should at worst be a fun try.

But I'm still looking for "that one phrase" that just fits the situation and makes her lovingly smile...

Lava - I hate to tell you this, but the reason there are so many different responses is because there isn't ONE special magic phrase that works.

We don't know your wife! Sayings that work with one person probably won't work with someone else.

lilpriss said it best - WHY are you having trouble coming up with something to say to your wife? (shouldn't you know her better than anyone?)
Peronsally, i always have to smile when he grabs my hair, pushes me to my knees, and unzips...but that could just be me. Did ya try whispering in her ear what you want...just enough for her to hear...maybe while there are a lot of people around...ooh....that sounds like fun...*goes off to pester my Dom*
Here's a thought, Lava....

Sit down with your wife and ask HER what that magic phrase is. Who would know better than she would? Like several have pointed out, it is different for everyone so no one can give you a script.

For the record though, I'll tell you the one way my hubby asks me that make me the most eager....all he does is whisper in my ear, "I want to feel your lips wrapped around me, Baby."
similar thoughts...variations on a theme

in my ear... "I love seeing your lips around Me, your eyes looking up at Me"

hell, how could i resist?

not to mention, i love giving head :D