Birthday Gift


Really Really Experienced
Jul 21, 2002
I am hoping some of you very creative lit people will help me.

Sir and I are attending a fetish ball in about a month, staying overnight at the hotel where it's being held, and the Ball happens to fall on his birthday.

I am not a very good idea person. If any of you have any ideas, or have heard of, any interesting or kinky or fun submissive-to-Dominant gifts that do not involve excessive expense, could you post? Even something to get my brain clicking... Thanks so much!

(And no, Sir does not read this Board, lol).

Birthday Treats

How about a nicely wrapped gift that contains a set of body paints and brushes, a blindfold (for you, of course), and a disposable or inexpensive digital camera.

The gift card would offer him your body to paint and photograph while are blindfolded. And after he "finsihes" you and captures your image for his enjoyment, he leads you into the shower or bath and orders you to wash yourself clean so that you have no idea of what he painted on you.

Only he will know. And whether he ever permits you to see his artwork depends on how obedient and well bahaved you are.

And of course, between the painting and the washing, many sorts of other deviant play opportunities present themselves.

Now I must say I rather enjoy when my submissives spinkle honey powder on me and lick it off. They sell them in little canisters in adult shops and a little goes a long way.:) Besides another gift is massage oils they are great because a good massage is wonderful. Remember it's not just the submissive that enjoys being touched sensually. This all assuming your Master allows you to please him as a reward.
oooooh! i LOVE presents! in fact, i had the STRANGEST dream yesterday, and in it, i was reading a story book. and the last line i got to read before i woke up was something like this:

"recieving a well thought out present is like palmprints going up the back of your legs, placed there by someone who knows your body"

i'm really not sure what it means, but i thought it sounded really neat! imagine my joy when i woke up and realized it came from my own brain! yay for my subconcsious!

so here's the skinny - what do you do? i mean, for fun. like a talent or hobby. do you draw? sing? take pictures? write? paint? sculpt? whittle? knit? a hand-made present really does mean a lot more than something store bought. so tell me what kinds of things you can do and i'll give you more ideas!
OOOhhh..thanks to all, my brain is starting to tick... please keep the suggestions coming, am already thinking of some combination thereof...

Any others? We could all have a little reserve of ideas for special occasions!

(P.S. bunny- I don't really have a hobby or particular skill- am just a busy mom/secretary- Sir is the more creative one, he is a photographer, fisherman, really excellent baker, carpenter.)

Richard- now there is something I have not asked him. He has said on a couple of occasions, when pushing my limits, that I have not come close to reaching his yet...

Hmm..will have to explore this one, thank you.

- justina
Justina123 said:
Richard- now there is something I have not asked him. He has said on a couple of occasions, when pushing my limits, that I have not come close to reaching his yet...

Hmm..will have to explore this one, thank you.

- justina

your welcome