Big, stupid, fat-ass, warmonging, Bush cheerleaders

I read warmonging as Wampanoag. I thought you had issues with Native Americans.
sunstruck said:
I read warmonging as Wampanoag. I thought you had issues with Native Americans.

OMG...are you from Rhode Island?????:confused:

I haven't heratd that name in ages...:D
:mad: You liked my fat ass when you bent me over the arm of the couch and drilled me like you were Man o' War running for the roses. I still have astroglide stains on that couch.
sunstruck said:
I have CIA conections. I thought everyone knew that?

Yup, ever since her trip to CA and her "date" with DCL. You need to keep up, PH.
Let's have some hardcore political controversy, hmm? Those rightwhingers are far too easy to wind up! I get the impression that the fashionable thing in the USA at the moment is to be a homophobic, far-right, warmongering racist who whinges about how oppressed they are by "political correctness" while merrily censoring school textbooks because they mention global warming.
RawHumor said:
Yup, ever since her trip to CA and her "date" with DCL. You need to keep up, PH.

Ok now you're just spreading unfounded rumors. lol Becareful or I'll have to rename you.
Stout chap said:
I get the impression that the fashionable thing in the USA at the moment is to be a homophobic, far-right, warmongering racist who whinges about how oppressed they are by "political correctness" while merrily censoring school textbooks because they mention global warming.

What means this... "whinges"?
sunstruck said:
Ok now you're just spreading unfounded rumors. lol Becareful or I'll have to rename you.

It's not a rumor. Everyone knows that DCL works for the CIA. REDWAVE outed him.

Stout chap said:
Let's have some hardcore political controversy, hmm? Those rightwhingers are far too easy to wind up! I get the impression that the fashionable thing in the USA at the moment is to be a homophobic, far-right, warmongering racist who whinges about how oppressed they are by "political correctness" while merrily censoring school textbooks because they mention global warming.

Righto, ya bleedin' bloke!

Actually, I think Raw Humor works for the ATF-- that sinister agency that secretly rules the world, and for which the CIA, NSA, FBI, etc. are just fronts. Just watch LEXX series 4, if you don't believe me.

I'm loved for everyday slang! this is a novel idea, eh, chaps? How about some podgy boy slang, mm? Some pikey's gone and pinched me Nikes; he's facking had away with them! He's going to get a pasting from Dave The Killer, I reckon!