big pussy lips or small oens?

SensualMale said:
No! I'm just trying to get into your pants/panties, that's all :D

You little :devil: you. . . . . . :D

Well, you have been doing a pretty darn good job at that. . . . . :p

pleasteasme said:
You little :devil: you. . . . . . :D

Well, you have been doing a pretty darn good job at that. . . . . :p

:D Now I don't feel like getting out for a long time :devil: :kiss: :rose:
pleasteasme said:
You would like to stay there, wouldn't you. . . . ;)

;) You bet! It smells wonderful, it tastes good, and it feels incredible. Why leave in a hurry? :D :kiss:
SensualMale said:
;) You bet! It smells wonderful, it tastes good, and it feels incredible. Why leave in a hurry? :D :kiss:

I :heart: a man that can really 'get into' his work. . . . . :p
SensualMale said:
Big or small, that's what they were made for, for starters anyway ;) Everything else comes later :D

Oh yes, that is DEFINATELY what they are for. . . . :p and :kiss:
I'm glad and relieved to know that men aren't obsessed with micro-labia. I was beginning to think it was time to seriously consider labial reduction surgery (which seems to be all the rage), and frankly, the idea of someone wielding a knife anywhere near my pussy/labia/clit...well... FUCK NO!!!!!!!!

*sigh of relief*

I can now go back to appreciating my pussy just the way it is. :heart:
Mrs Peel said:
I'm glad and relieved to know that men aren't obsessed with micro-labia. I was beginning to think it was time to seriously consider labial reduction surgery (which seems to be all the rage), and frankly, the idea of someone wielding a knife anywhere near my pussy/labia/clit...well... FUCK NO!!!!!!!!

*sigh of relief*

I can now go back to appreciating my pussy just the way it is. :heart:
Hey Mrs. Peel!! What a horrible thought, surgery on labia just to make them small :eek:

Just leave them be and I'll appreciate them too, along with you :D
Does size matter!

Yes BIGGER is better,I love big pussy lips!Love to suck on them
and nibble on them.

It's all I've ever had-well one with none at all I did not enjoy it
near as much.
Originally posted by SensualMale
Hey Mrs. Peel!! What a horrible thought, surgery on labia just to make them small

Just leave them be and I'll appreciate them too, along with you

What can I say? In NYC, plastic surgery seems to have moved on from boob jobs to labia reduction....

If I ever make it to Northern Cali..... :p
Mrs Peel said:
What can I say? In NYC, plastic surgery seems to have moved on from boob jobs to labia reduction....

If I ever make it to Northern Cali..... :p
Maybe it's getting to crowded there, and there :p

Hmmm... now there's and interesting thought ;)
mmm....maybe not porno material......

but i get no complaints........kisses to all the big lip lovers......


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Let me see if I can make my thoughts come out right here, without confusing anyone.

While trim little labia can be "pretty" (not necessarily using the best definition of pretty), big ones (within reason) are definitely sexier.

While I don't think I'd want a big set of lips on a granite statue, invariably it's a big plump set that I want between my own lips and around my tongue.

I don't think "the little guy" really cares much though what the lips are like on his way into the "tunnel of love", so the mouth rules here :)

I don't think though that it makes any sense to start stretching and pulling on them.

Even without seeing yours, I'd say that unless your doctor has asked for clearance to send photos of yours to a medical journal that you're just fine.

Still that doesn't mean that there won't be prospective partners that won't like what you've got, you can never satisfy everyone.
Pussies are sorta like flowers or snowflakes. Each one is unique and beautiful in it's own way. Big lips get my immediate attention, but I've never seen a set of lips that I didn't like. Every set of pussy lips has their own distinct beauty. I love dark caramel lips but also love the bubble gum pink ones. Thery're all pretty, right?
Big or small... Not an issue here

My wife has sexy large minor lips. They are visible no matter whether she's aroused or not. When I go down on her it's wonderful. I use my fingers and tongue to stroke and manipulate them.
One of the best parts is that they are so very sensitive. I can stroke her pussy through her clothes, and those sensitive lips get her all warmed up.
Once we are able to get enough clothes off to have sex she is VERY ready.
I also agree with so many other posts that the whole package is really what is desireable. Being able to share such an intimate part of your body with someone you love is wonderful!
akt42002 said:
let me further add that female cirumcision is a barbaric practice followed in some muslim countries where they do not want the females to like sex in life.there are a no. of sites on the net which are opposed to this and actively fight against this practise.sites can be found thru google search engine. male circumcision ,on the other hand, as is known,is done for hygienic purposes and also to enhance sex-duration.

i know plenty of men with their foreskins who are just as clean if not cleaner. on the lips thing..i don't know if mine are big or small but i wouldnt change them for the world.
let me further add that female cirumcision is a barbaric practice followed in some muslim countries where they do not want the females to like sex in life.there are a no. of sites on the net which are opposed to this and actively fight against this practise.sites can be found thru google search engine. male circumcision ,on the other hand, as is known,is done for hygienic purposes and also to enhance sex-duration.

To denounce the practice of female genital mutilation on non-consenting minors, and then advocate the same process for males is extremely disturbing and sexist. Are you trying to find some justification for why this was done to you? The reality of it all is horribly painful and insulting. Everytime you tell yourself "It's cleaner", not only have you been lied to,(or in your case since you MUST have some medical knowledge; lieing to yourself) but you are accepting a sexist deception and insulting yourself everytime that you console yourself with "cleaner" whenever you look at that scar on your sex organ which was deprived of it's internal nature, it's moveable parts, it's natural look and it's full errogeny.

The human body is not dirty, the human sex organs are not shameful or embarrassing. The human body is RIGHT, GOOD, PURE and FUNCTIONAL. When you finally accept that, the reality of this sexual assault will crash down on you like a ton of bricks.
male circumcision ,on the other hand, as is known,is done for hygienic purposes

Hygiene is one of the commonest reasons given for the circumcising of boys, yet that in itself, is such absurd reasoning to remove any healthy part of the body for "hygiene"and would be considered absolutely outrageous and outlandish if it weren't already customary.

On the notion of smegma, both males and females create smegma in their genital folds, and the area is much greater in females- and even then a very small amount. The human body is constantly shedding dead skin cells and it is in the folds of the genitals that it can build up. It is easily washed away, and even then it takes days for any noticable formation to occur. It is completely harmless.

By contrast, a baby's circumcised penis needs daily attention, for the first two week's to take care of the circumcision wound. The intact baby penis need only be wiped on the outside, just as a baby girl's vulva would be cleaned.

Every surface of the human body is covered in bacteria - millions per square inch, to kill them all off is useless, and would be dangerous to life is succeeded.

enhance sex-duration

The foreskin is the most nerve-rich part of the penis. It is highly erogenous sexual tissue. The nerves of the inner and outer foreskin contribute to the experience of penile stimulation. The frenulum and frenar bands stimulation result in intense pleasurable feelings during arousal. It is like one large wiring that comes together working in unison. Circumcision completly destroys this. The glans, in comparison contains almost no nerves, less only to the heel of your foot. Stimulation of the glans is most signifigant in the later stages of sexual intercourse, when penetration is deepest and emotions are at their highest.

Circumcision destroys the unique gliding mechanism of the foreskin, thus reducing pleasure for the male and the female forcing them to resort to artifical lubricants.

The claim of circumcision increasing the length at which a male can last before orgasm is completely baseless. The causes of premature ejaculation are generally psychological.

I feel sorry for anyone that comes to you for medical knowledge, and I can only be in a state of solace knowing that Hinduism denounces any form of genital mutilation.