BIG news!


Literotica Guru
Jul 11, 2002
Nov. 19. 2002
I have some big news about my story:A College Girl to be.... I have 3 new threads to tell you about, but before I do that I want to blow some smoke up my ass and thank you guys.

I am proud to say the story has entered Chyoo's Most Popular stories @ 25th with 8867 views. Also, the story has climbed to 19th on the Member Opinion chart, and it still remains 6th on Chyoo's All Time Top Stories list. So thank you for making A College girl to be... what it it. I couldn't do it without you! And with that said, on to some great new threads!

First off I need to thank switch76 for his amazing new thread.

Switch76's Thread... Switch76 has introduced a whole new storyline which I think is one of the best so far in the story. His thread takes place imediately after the introduction and the teacher tells the students they are free to go. Sarah and her friends meet secretly to discuss a naughty little game they have going. It's GREAT! READ IT!

Secondly I'd like to thank Daciasdesire for her continued support of the story, and her new thread.

Daciasdesire's Thread...
Dacia continues her exciting 007 Banks, Sarah Banks route of the story with this new thread. It picks up with Sarah inside the Passini mansion looking for evidence. Read it to find out what Sarah discovers!


Last but not least, I would like to thank Gystex for his contribution.

Gystex's Thread... This thread is also in the Secret agent path of the story, just after Sarah is introduced to the world of the CIA. It takes off with Sarah and Jack Anderson trying to hammer out a deal in order for Sarah to work with CIA on a top secret mission. Good thread.


Thanks to everybody!

-Tim (niceguy2002tim)
The Story: A College girl to be...