Looking for a trans story


Oct 22, 2022
Hi all,

I've been going crazy for the last few hours trying to find a trans story. I've tried tags, search, Googling with "site:...", and basically everything I can think of to find it so I can read it again and still can't find it.
As far as I can remember, it was about a man who travels for work and usually calls trans girl escorts to have sex. He is usually a bottom. I vaguely remember that the story is in a few parts, but I can be wrong. He has a threesome with two hung trans girls (I think one of them was called Sarah) and before they leave, the non-Sarah girl gives him the number / link to a camshow for another trans girl with an even bigger member than theirs but she only answers to "big spenders".
The second part is when he contacts her, spends a lot of money, they meet, she gives him the best sex he's ever had and is addicted to her massive member.
In the third part, he meets with the two girls again, starts to develop feelings for Sarah, cannot be satisfied by them and since she has feeling for him, she is angry that he called that camgirl.
The last part is the camgirl inviting the other two girls over, shows that the dude is completely submissive to her, the other girls join in. Sarah takes out her anger on him, they make up. She then decided she wants to try it for herself, gets addicted too.

Something like that. I'd really appreciate it if anyone remembers the name from that "description".
"What Can Money Buy" by Darko89.
The stories were removed about a year ago.
That’s the one! Thank you so much. I was going crazy. The first time I can’t find something online when I know it should be there… Cheers!