Big Brother Department


Urban Jungle Dweller
Aug 26, 2001
Yesterday, Bush signed the "Homeland Security" bill into law, putting another nail in the coffin of our freedom.

Coming on the heels of last year's "Patriot" Act, this new repressive legislation amounts to the de facto establishment of an authoritarian police state. Democracy in America was always a sham and a farce, but now it is completely dead.

This horrendous new law:

(1) Vastly increases the government's power to spy on people's computer use, and virtually eliminates online privacy. It greatly increases the FBI's ability to demand information on people from their ISP's (Internet Service Providers). It also allows surveillance without a court order, merely on a finding by the executive branch that a threat to national security exists.

(2) Guts the FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) and allows the government to operate in the shadows, while spying on us. It also contains numerous exemptions from public meetings and hearings.

(3) Busts government unions representing federal employees in the new department.

Nor can you count on the spineless Democrats to oppose Bush's police state drive. Significantly, Nancy Pelosi, the Dems' new leader in the House, voted FOR this horrid law.

Kiss your freedom goodbye!
DCL, have you ever been on the "Bob and Tom Show" of Indianapolis, Indiana?

My question isn't one to establish you identity. I hope that this thread gets some substance and the GB gets some knowledge from it. We know Redwave is incapable of doing that for us.
HeavyStick said:
DCL, have you ever been on the "Bob and Tom Show" of Indianapolis, Indiana?

My question isn't one to establish you identity. I hope that this thread gets some substance and the GB gets some knowledge from it. We know Redwave is incapable of doing that for us.

*Courtesy quote*

If you keep doing that, I may have to put you on ignore, too!

Virtually all of the substance of this board is provided by moi. If it wasn't for me, it would be practically nothing but fluff.

Not that there's anything wrong with fluff-- or fluffers. . .
Re: BB

If you keep doing that, I may have to put you on ignore, too!

Virtually all of the substance of this board is provided by moi. If it wasn't for me, it would be practically nothing but fluff.

Not that there's anything wrong with fluff-- or fluffers. . .


We've heard it all before.....

substance...yeah, thats it....substance
Terrorism insurance

True to the class nature of his regime, Bush today signed a law bailing out the insurance industry, and forcing the taxpayer to pay most of the cost of terrorism insurance, even though the insurers reap all the profits.
It must be hell to be you, Redrump? Always miserable. Always upset about something.

You ought to try mellowing out for a while and being happy. It would do wonders for those "moods" of yours.:D
Redwave is not joking! FBI agents are pounding on my door, an ATF sniper just shot my dog, and I hear the thunder of circling helicopters overhead.
If we had only listened to Redwave months ago.
Well, I tried to do my part for the socialist revolution last night. I stood up in the bar and exorted my fellow workers to revolt. They told me to shut the fuck up, the game was on.

MNGuy said:
Well, I tried to do my part for the socialist revolution last night. I stood up in the bar and exorted my fellow workers to revolt. They told me to shut the fuck up, the game was on.


"touche" :D
I'm happy. The society we live in makes a lot of people miserable.
I'm happy. The society we live in makes a lot of people miserable.

So tell us, Redwave, what society do you prefer. In other words, given your choice, where would you live? What is the perfect society, one that's right for you, on this earth?
The one which will be created after capitalism has been tossed into the toxic waste dump of history.
The one which will be created after capitalism has been tossed into the toxic waste dump of history.

I hate to report this, but that waste dump has been filled for nearly a decade with the remants of communism/marxism...

Hey redpup, I made funny...I used your favorite letters just like you do all the time...."ism"...:D
The scum also rises

John Poindexter, the Iran-Contra criminal whose conviction was overturned by Reagan-appointed judges, is in charge of a keeping a massive database of personal information, in gross violation of privacy rights.

Fight back! You can downlaod freeware to encrypt your emails at
every keystroke, every word, every action you take is being watched, mr. redwave.

you are in our sites, and our files.