Biden's vaccine mandate is a legal mess and a logistical disaster


Literotica Guru
Apr 24, 2011
President Joe Biden extended an eviction moratorium already deemed unconstitutional by the Supreme Court, so it would come as little surprise that President Norms would ignore the law going forward with his imperiled presidency. But Biden's latest blow in his campaign against the coronavirus isn't just a legal mess destined for endless court challenges; it's a logistical nightmare with little likelihood of doing anything other than further tightening the labor market and inflaming the sentiments of the vaccine-hesitant.

As a part of his umpteenth plan to stop the pandemic, the White House announced a series of vaccine requirements. Two of these, one for contractors with the federal government and another for healthcare workers at facilities funded by Medicare and Medicaid, seem kosher enough, legally speaking. But Biden's signature mandate is directed at the 80 million workers at private businesses with 100 or more employees.

Legally speaking, the rule is dubious at best. While the administrative state offers an unseemly amount of authority to the Labor Department in the name of workplace safety, legal challenges will likely range from the 14th Amendment to the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. Even in the case those challenges fail, the odds of a district court judge issuing a nationwide injunction are decent enough to render the rule a gamble. All of this remains to be seen in the exact text of the rule.

From Democrats casting doubt on the vaccine during the Trump administration to the disastrous Johnson & Johnson pause, the White House and the public health bureaucracy have failed to sell the vaccine successfully. With no political capital left to spare, Biden has resorted to brute force.
There is already multiple threads for douchbags like you! Go fuck yourself you sick bastard!

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There is no need for embellishment.


The intellectual property management team.
Biden mandates coronavirus vaccines for law-abiding Americans, not for illegal aliens

President Joe Biden is ordering large swaths of law-abiding American citizens to be vaccinated against the Chinese coronavirus but has made no such requirement for illegal aliens arriving at the United States-Mexico border.

On Thursday, as Breitbart News reported, Biden ordered that the Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) develop a rule requiring all private companies with 100 or more employees to mandate the vaccine or be subjected to weekly coronavirus tests.

Likewise, Biden ordered the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to require vaccines for all health care workers who work at facilities receiving federal Medicare or Medicaid funding.

At the same time, Biden has not made any such vaccine mandate for border crossers or illegal aliens arriving at the southern border.
Fmr FDA Commissioner Gottlieb expects delayed impact of Biden vaccine mandate

Friday on CNBC’s “Squawk Box,” former FDA Commissioner Dr. Scott Gottlieb said President Joe Biden’s newly announced coronavirus vaccine mandates will be a policy that affects the fall of 2022.

According to Gottlieb, the process to issue the rules and guidelines and the ensuing challenges in court means the mandate is “probably something for the fall of 2022 work season.”
9 months into the Biden absurdity and yesterday he steps in front of the cameras to throw open his robe and expose his shriveled Adolf to the nation. :rolleyes::eek:
AP reveals Biden consulted with labor unions before issuing vaccine mandate

Big Labor's ties to the Democratic Party have been documented from time immemorial.

And everyone knows that President Joe Biden has close ties to labor unions. Having served in the federal government as an elected official for nearly the last half-century as a loyal Democrat, Biden has had union allies by his side for literally decades.

So it likely comes as no surprise that Biden would be extremely hesitant to cross his labor pals. But he's doing more than just being careful not to cross them — he's consulting with them in the creation of national policy.

The Associated Press revealed the most recent labor-union collusion with the White House in a report on how unions appear split over Biden's new vaccine mandate.
You mean the Biden administration consulted with employee representation before creating a mandate for employees? No way!

Next you'll tell me they also consulted with businesses and maybe even lawyers!?! The madness!
Biden declares war on low-income families

The hardworking American households whose lives are most likely to be disrupted by the federal mandate are, according to science, those that earn less than $25,000 per year. Recently published Census Bureau data show that nearly one in four Americans who have not received the COVID-19 vaccine are in the lowest income bracket.

Science also indicates that BIPOC communities will be most affected by Biden's mandate. Whereas 52 percent of the white population is currently vaccinated, just 43 percent of the black population, and 48 percent of the Hispanic population have received the vaccine.

While most Democrats, who would like to believe that the only people who haven't been vaccinated are Trump-supporting rednecks, praised Biden's mandate as "terrific public policy," left-wing pundits who actually care about the lives of poor people were more critical.

"The unvaccinated in America are overwhelmingly low-income people, which means any punitive measures against those refusing vaccinations—loss of jobs, bar on entrance to public spaces or travel—will disproportionately fall on those who are most economically vulnerable," wrote left-wing journalist Glenn Greenwald.
Where is Biden’s vaccine mandate? Or was it all just 'pandemic politics'?

To combat this “distinct minority of Americans,” Biden said the Department of Labor would issue an “emergency” regulation requiring all employers with more than 100 employees to mandate all of their employees either get vaccinated or provide a negative COVID-19 test once a week.

Well, it has been two weeks, and we still have no answers to any of these questions because the Labor Department, or, more specifically, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, still has not issued the mandate! If this was such an "emergency," why hasn't OSHA issued the regulation yet?

It’s almost as if Biden’s entire speech was just political theater designed to distract from Biden’s failed Afghanistan and immigration policies.