Biden's Rope-a-Dope Campaign Begins


Never Banhammered
Apr 13, 2002
President Joe Biden's re-election campaign staff noticed something interesting about his opponent, the twice impeached one term former President Don Trump: Trump goes apoplectic and rage-tweets each time President Biden refers to him as a "loser" or how Trump was "beaten".

I'm going to pay attention to how often President Biden work those two words into campaign messaging going forward.....and the inevitable spittle-flecked tantrum reply from Mr. No-Self-Control.
President Joe Biden's re-election campaign staff noticed something interesting about his opponent, the twice impeached one term former President Don Trump: Trump goes apoplectic and rage-tweets each time President Biden refers to him as a "loser" or how Trump was "beaten".

I'm going to pay attention to how often President Biden work those two words into campaign messaging going forward.....and the inevitable spittle-flecked tantrum reply from Mr. No-Self-Control.
President Biden could go full troll and bait the orange one into perjury/contempt/gag orders if he talks about Trump getting smacked around by judges and DAs. šŸ˜Ž
President Joe Biden's re-election campaign staff noticed something interesting about his opponent, the twice impeached one term former President Don Trump: Trump goes apoplectic and rage-tweets each time President Biden refers to him as a "loser" or how Trump was "beaten".

I'm going to pay attention to how often President Biden work those two words into campaign messaging going forward.....and the inevitable spittle-flecked tantrum reply from Mr. No-Self-Control.
There's no rope it's all dope.
How many court cases has he lost?
How many lawyers has he lost?
How many elections has he lost?
How many businesses has he lost?

"There will be so much whining, you'll be sick of the whining!"

How many wives has he lost?

Mercedes seems to be his latest wife-for-hire to decide that no amount of money is enough to keep her around.

Biden Confusion: Blanks Out, Says Went Into Ukraine to Get Bin Laden, Explains 'Come to Jesus' Mic Moment​

By Nick Arama | 1:16 PM on March 10, 2024

First, let's deal with Biden's explanation for that "hot mic" moment when he said that he had to have a "come to Jesus" moment with Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu. His excuse for using the term to refer to the leader of the Jewish state is ridiculously funny, so if you need a laugh, here you go.

"It's an expression used in the southern part of my state," Joe insists. Does he really think it comes from Delaware? "The southern part of my state?" Delaware has a "southern part" with distinct lingo? I'm not sure it's even big enough. Does he even listen to himself and how he sounds? And why the heck is he pressuring Netanyahu when this is the moment he should be right there with him, supporting his efforts to wipe out Hamas?

"America made a mistake. We went after bin Laden 'til we got him, but we shouldn't have gone into Ukraine. I mean, excuse me, we shouldn't have gone into the whole thing in Iraq and Afghanistan. It wasn't necessary. It just caused more problems than it it raised...than it cured."

Seriously? He just said they went into Ukraine to get bin Laden. In addition to the Ukraine part (why did that slip in there?), no, we didn't go into Iraq because of bin Laden, that was Saddam Hussein and the WMDs. But he continues to be wrong on everything for the last fifty years.

More here on Rob's intellectual mentor:

Biden Confusion: Blanks Out, Says Went Into Ukraine to Get Bin Laden, Explains 'Come to Jesus' Mic Moment​


"America made a mistake. We went after bin Laden 'til we got him, but we shouldn't have gone into Ukraine. I mean, excuse me, we shouldn't have gone into the whole thing in Iraq and Afghanistan. It wasn't necessary. It just caused more problems than it it raised...than it cured."

Seriously? He just said they went into Ukraine to get bin Laden. In addition to the Ukraine part (why did that slip in there?), no, we didn't go into Iraq because of bin Laden, that was Saddam Hussein and the WMDs. But he continues to be wrong on everything for the last fifty years.
Actually he stops, realised he's used Ukraine, and then fixed it. Nothing weird or unusual about that. How long after Trump stated the Continental army took over the British airports in the WoI, did he correct himself?

That's right, were still waiting for the orange one to fix up one of 30,000 of so gaff's he's made....