Biden's Illegal Border Policy Suffers Another Judicial Blow


Prof Triggernometry
Feb 7, 2017
Joe Biden and his communists do not understand or respect the laws of the land:

Biden's Open-Border Policies Suffer Another Blow From Federal Judge

Spencer Brown
Spencer Brown
Posted: Jun 11, 2022 7:30 PM

A U.S. District Court Judge in Texas, Drew Tipton, dealt the Biden administration's lenient immigration and border enforcement policies another blow on Friday when he struck down a Department of Homeland Security enforcement memo that instructed Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents to give deference to certain individuals inside the United States illegally.

In his order, Judge Tipton explains that the Biden administration's rule "as arbitrary and capricious, contrary to law, and failing to observe procedure under the Administrative Procedure Act."

"The Executive Branch may prioritize its resources," Tipton's order explained. "But it must do so within the bounds set by Congress." By "
sing the words 'discretion' and 'prioritization,' the Executive Branch claims the authority to suspend statutory mandates," he continued. "The law does not sanction this approach."
The admin won't care. They'll just go on talking out of one side of their mouths about how they're trying to follow the court's orders while also talking out of the other side of their mouths about ending the restrictions on illegal immgration admittance anyway.

When no one can be held accountable by the courts or the law, there is no law.
2 threads in 5 minutes crying about biden. Lmao

Stay triggered, klanguide. Trump lost. Lol
Glad you like Bidenflation and high prices for gasoline and Europe overrun by the Russians and a botched escape from Afganistan, crime is rampant and mass shooting going through the roof and all Brandon does is fall off his bike.
Glad you like Bidenflation and high prices for gasoline and Europe overrun by the Russians and a botched escape from Afganistan, crime is rampant and mass shooting going through the roof and all Brandon does is fall off his bike.
Don't forget the offering he left the Pope.:D