Biden tells made-up civil rights story AGAIN — even after aides 'gently reminded' him it NEVER happened


Literotica Guru
Apr 24, 2011
During a rousing Labor Day speech in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, President Joe Biden falsely claimed that he was "very engaged" in the civil rights movement in the 1960s — a bogus story he has repeated so many times that "advisers" have had to "gently remind" him that he's lying. Even CNN and the New York Times have called BS on Biden's repeatedly debunked claim to civil rights fame.

"I got very engaged in — in my case, the civil rights movement. And — and as a kid, I was — I worked a lot in the movement at work. And I got deeply involved in the Democratic Party, because the Democratic Party in Delaware was a southern Democratic Party then," Biden said during his speech on Monday.

And here are a few more examples of Biden spinning tall tales about his civil rights activism, which he swears was "for real ... not a joke."

Seems like Uncle Joe has had a little problem with serial lying for a really, really long time.
Link for the videos...
Based on the right's leading candidate, this should be a bonus for electability for Biden.