Bi sexual ladies a question for you.

T.H. Oughts

Oh the thoughts of Oughts
Nov 8, 2001
I know I long to spend sensual time with a woman one day. But fate has not let that happen yet...

I know what attracts me to a woman... the softness, her womanly folds... the way she thinks.... etc

For those bisexual woman that have actually spent time with another woman... what was the best part of spending sensual time with a woman compared with spending with a man?
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I guess being Bi really is a fad. ;)

Okay, I think for me it is the simple fact that women are softer kissers, more gentle with touch and caressing, but the fact that they are just different physically appeals to me. I am not sure what I liked the best about being with her, but I was thrilled that she didn't mind me just taking forever loving her. I like the fact that I could get her off over and over again, endlessly, where with any man I've been with, there has never been more than three orgasms for him, and the third was pushing it.

I liked to feel her breasts against mine as we kissed, and I really liked they way she held my hands firmly, but passionatly as I came from her kissing and licking my pussy. I could go on and on, but I am busy, but I can't wait to hear more on this from other women.
That all sounds "very" appealing Starfish..... yes the softness of skin and touch sounds wonderful.

Thanks for posting. :)
Starfish said:
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I guess being Bi really is a fad. ;)

Okay, I think for me it is the simple fact that women are softer kissers, more gentle with touch and caressing, but the fact that they are just different physically appeals to me. I am not sure what I liked the best about being with her, but I was thrilled that she didn't mind me just taking forever loving her. I like the fact that I could get her off over and over again, endlessly, where with any man I've been with, there has never been more than three orgasms for him, and the third was pushing it.

I liked to feel her breasts against mine as we kissed, and I really liked they way she held my hands firmly, but passionatly as I came from her kissing and licking my pussy. I could go on and on, but I am busy, but I can't wait to hear more on this from other women.

Does anyone know where I can get a cold shower?! :D

THAT ... all of that is what I want! (lol)
What did I love most about spending intimate time with a woman?

I think the way she smelled. Women just have this.. gentle... sweet smell to them... I could lay in her arms and be almost-asleep, and breathe deeply, and the smell of her hair, or something would fill my nostrils.. and it made me smile. The softness of their skin, as well.... the way each of the women I've been with had gentle eyes... and soft lips...

It's a level of sensuality more than sexuality.... and some men have it, but I find that more women have such a level of sensuality... they're beautiful.

I miss women.
I have no experence as of yet, but hope to change that in the very near future. Will report back.;)
marksgirl said:
I have no experence as of yet, but hope to change that in the very near future. Will report back.;)

Ok, you and I will report back in the furture when we find a lovely lady. :)
T.H. Oughts said:
For those bisexual woman that have actually spent time with another woman... what was the best part of spending sensual time with a woman compared with spending with a man?
Women know what you are thinking, they understand what you want. As compared to many men, they are sensual, and playful. They are also funner to Cuddle with!:)
That varies a lot with the woman. But in general I find that one is not better just different. Mostly it's a question of tenderness and the pace of intimacy for me. Scents are certainly different :p

Good luck in finding someone you want to be with.
