Beyond Scared Straight (TV Show)


You're screwed.
Apr 8, 2003
A high percentage of the young men and women who are part of this program say they want to join the armed forces.

If not the armed forces, they want to join a gang and kill people. :rolleyes:
Hey, I've been wondering. How come when when it's the guy's last name, it's AY-kin, but when it's an adjective, it's uh-KIN?

That's just the American way of saying things. In old English both are pronounced hill-BILLY.
lupussy said:
This is really about the op's dad. And the fact the OP could not make the cut for the army.

His feathers are getting ruffled again.

Can I have another thread dedicated to me, sweetums? :cool:
If I had alts, I couldn't direct their timing as well as I can direct JRW's. :D
Any person who only aspires to be one or the other has no business representing our country.

So you think these people would get accepted, graduate boot, go through SOI and MOS training, get a job that involves killing people and end up in a position to actually kill?

They'd probably do better at playing the lottery.
So you think these people would get accepted, graduate boot, go through SOI and MOS training, get a job that involves killing people and end up in a position to actually kill?

They'd probably do better at playing the lottery.
Is that in the military, or the gangs?
Were those people on Scared Straight?

Did those people get accepted, graduate boot, go through SOI and MOS training, get a job that involves killing people and end up in a position to actually kill?
Either one.
I think douchy OP's point is that, hey, look, the same people who want to be in gangs also want to be in the military.

Fucking A-OK with me. They're willing to take a bullet for a cause so I don't have to, they can be as thuggy as they want. Both population sets are tougher than I was. I never enlisted, and I never fought a street fight against guys with anything sharper or heavier than a roll of quarters.

They're willing to get rained down bombs so I can stay home and take my kids to the circus, they're aces by me.
Did those people get accepted, graduate boot, go through SOI and MOS training, get a job that involves killing people and end up in a position to actually kill?

Yes but see those people weren't on Scared Straight, they were MP's. The people on Scared Straight would be lucky to get accepted in the first place. You seem to think the military takes anyone. They don't.
I think douchy OP's point is that, hey, look, the same people who want to be in gangs also want to be in the military.

Fucking A-OK with me. They're willing to take a bullet for a cause so I don't have to, they can be as thuggy as they want. Both population sets are tougher than I was. I never enlisted, and I never fought a street fight against guys with anything sharper or heavier than a roll of quarters.

They're willing to get rained down bombs so I can stay home and take my kids to the circus, they're aces by me.

Sadly we do not let criminals or even potential criminals serve as bomb targets. We should but we don't. The few that slip through the cracks usually end up being Generals.
They're willing to take a bullet for a cause so I don't have to, they can be as thuggy as they want...

...and this fucktarded logic is why we have bad cops all over the U.S. who abuse their power.
I think douchy OP's point is that, hey, look, the same people who want to be in gangs also want to be in the military.

Fucking A-OK with me. They're willing to take a bullet for a cause so I don't have to, they can be as thuggy as they want. Both population sets are tougher than I was. I never enlisted, and I never fought a street fight against guys with anything sharper or heavier than a roll of quarters.

They're willing to get rained down bombs so I can stay home and take my kids to the circus, they're aces by me.
On behalf of all the low lives people looked down upon that bettered themselves in uniform in defense of a nation that never accepted them, I sincerely say thank you, sir.

Sadly we do not let criminals or even potential criminals serve as bomb targets. We should but we don't. The few that slip through the cracks usually end up being Generals.
And an Admiral or 2.
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