Between Fluff and Seriousness


Literotica Guru
Feb 1, 2003
What is there?

"What's your favorite color/position/shoe style/anything really?"


"The state of the world/nation/GB/etc. is so fucked up..."

I can't find a happy medium. Anyone? Anyone??
I did a thread about this awhile back.. :)

Some seem to post mainly to fluff and when they attempt the more serious posts they aren't as likely to be taken as seriously.

Those that post mostly to serious threads when they attempt to be fluffy it shocks people and they seem even a bit uncomfortable in doing it.

There are those rare chameleon posters. Who can easily switch from fluff to serious without breaking a sweat.
I totally agree.

I like threads, where I can get dirty, speak my mind, my true thoughts. Most of the time, it goes unnoticed though.
k¡tty said:
I did a thread about this awhile back.. :)

Oops, sorry to repeat, kitty! And thanks. I usually only post when I want opinions about something, but I'm finding myself leaning towards the more psychological posts lately.

My new goal - to be a chameleon poster!

MorgaineLaFay said:
I totally agree.

I like threads, where I can get dirty, speak my mind, my true thoughts. Most of the time, it goes unnoticed though.

Thanks Morgaine. And I've noticed. ;)
MorgaineLaFay said:
I totally agree.

I like threads, where I can get dirty, speak my mind, my true thoughts. Most of the time, it goes unnoticed though.

Want lessons?

I have the most trolls in this place....I'm like the pied fucking piper......or wait...I'm like a train wreck....yeah yeah thats the ticket....heh

Cleo32 said:
Oops, sorry to repeat, kitty! And thanks. I usually only post when I want opinions about something, but I'm finding myself leaning towards the more psychological posts lately.

My new goal - to be a chameleon poster!


lmao! All threads get repeated now and again.. I'm sure that I wasn't the first to start it. ;-)

It's an interesting thread topic to me.. I tend to post more fluffy stuff because you don't encounter a lot of the bs that you may see on the more serious ones. But that doesn't mean that I don't read them. :)
Killswitch said:
Want lessons?

I have the most trolls in this place....I'm like the pied fucking piper......

You give yourself far too much credit dear.
Those are the nights I tend to make a helluva lot of avs, Cleo.

Happy medium thread suggestions:

What do you think of GWB's shoes?
What position do you think Saddam likes best?
Colin Powell: Does he wear makeup on camera?

or of course:

Happy mediums: The jolly person's guide to life in the afterlife!
"What's your favorite color/position/shoe style/anything really?"

Color: Blue
Position: Doggie
Shoe Style: Spiked Granny Boots
Anything: Reading, elfquest, Sci-fi movies, Fur Rugs, & Harry Potter

not in that order
Nora said:
Those are the nights I tend to make a helluva lot of avs, Cleo.

Happy medium thread suggestions:

What do you think of GWB's shoes?
What position do you think Saddam likes best?
Colin Powell: Does he wear makeup on camera?

or of course:

Happy mediums: The jolly person's guide to life in the afterlife!

Nora, once again, you've cut through the bull in your own inimitable way. Brava. ;)
Ryaine said:
"What's your favorite color/position/shoe style/anything really?"

Color: Blue
Position: Doggie
Shoe Style: Spiked Granny Boots
Anything: Reading, elfquest, Sci-fi movies, Fur Rugs, & Harry Potter

not in that order

Thanks Ryaine. This was really more for use as an example, but we'll keep your preferences on file! ;)
MorgaineLaFay said:
I totally agree.

I like threads, where I can get dirty, speak my mind, my true thoughts. Most of the time, it goes unnoticed though.

Huh? Did you hear something?

(Fluff Post. :) )
Cleo32 said:
Nora, once again, you've cut through the bull in your own inimitable way. Brava. ;)

One of the 8,652 reasons I adore you is your appropriate usage of gender in foreign languages.

(I actually am sorta curious about Colin, though. Do you think he's picky about what kinda makeup they use on him? I kinda see him as a prima donna [er...primo donno?] smacking away the makeup artist and saying, "That's NOT the brand I require!" and making other superscillious remarks.)
Nora said:
One of the 8,652 reasons I adore you is your appropriate usage of gender in foreign languages.

(I actually am sorta curious about Colin, though. Do you think he's picky about what kinda makeup they use on him? I kinda see him as a prima donna [er...primo donno?] smacking away the makeup artist and saying, "That's NOT the brand I require!" and making other superscillious remarks.)

*Heart stopped beating...then tripled*

Nora adores me!

Unless she's making fun of me....*sheer terror overcomes - self-confidence drops - heart slows*

Ah, whatever. :D

As for Colin, I think that since he's been in the spotlight, he's changed. He probably *does* know what brand he prefers and gets all "high and mighty" when the makeup person wants to use "mocha" instead of "cinnamon".
No way! I'm too tired to make fun of anyone right now! lol Besides, I like your posts. I think most of the time you manage to bridge that gap between the uber-fluffy and the stultifyingly serious. And you usually do it in a fun and interesting way. That's a helluva talent!

I have this mental image of some poor makeup artist, new to the job, tentatively approaching Colin with the Wet 'n' Wild and getting a Joan Crawford response...

I kinda get a kick out of fluffy threads gone horribly wrong, though. Like when people get into madly serious arguments over which are better, ball-points or roller-ball pens. *smirks muchly*
So far, I usually post to the fluffier threads, unless, of course, it's a subject that strikes a particular cord with me. I just feel more comfortable doing that until I've been around here a little longer. (Then, look out, you won't be able to shut me up. ;) )
Nora said:

I kinda get a kick out of fluffy threads gone horribly wrong, though. Like when people get into madly serious arguments over which are better, ball-points or roller-ball pens. *smirks muchly*

I *have* to get into a discussion like that! My thoughts on ball-point vs roller-ball pens NEED to be heard and appreciated!

JadeEyes said:
So far, I usually post to the fluffier threads, unless, of course, it's a subject that strikes a particular cord with me. I just feel more comfortable doing that until I've been around here a little longer. (Then, look out, you won't be able to shut me up. ;) )

Thanks JadeEyes, I do this too. It's easier to maneuver the person-specific minefields that way, I think.
Cleo32 said:
Thanks JadeEyes, I do this too. It's easier to maneuver the person-specific minefields that way, I think.

For me, I think it's easier to let people see my silly or smart-ass side before I let out my more serious side.
Well yuh..the roller-ball is the ONLY way to go for a fine writing instrument...

I don't post in political threads cuz um...well, i simply don't find them interesting. I'm not going to sway anyone to my opinion, nobody's going to sway me to theirs. I could sit there and agree with the people who share my views, but what fun is that?
I post in quite a range of threads...heh heh...sometimes when I shouldn't:( I have had good things tossed at me and bad. I state my point or my feelings, then if I feel 'done' I move on. I will revisit to see other thoughts, but I find that I tend to lurk unless drawn back into the conversation.

I like fluff, flirt, serious, some politics, and some deep thought. I try to be 'light' rather than heavy...more my nature. I cna be heavy when called upon...but rarely.

I enjoy myself here at lit because while at work I can't be here. So for two weeks, no lit, like clock work. Gets to be hard sometimes, not being able to talk to friends or converse here.

The longer I am here, the better it gets. LIterotica is like a huge family, and I have to say a damn good family too.
I find that I have a preference for fluff here, because I have another board to post my more serious stuff on. This place is my release valve, my vacation spot. Also, the scenery is incredible!!!(Nice av's, ladies!)

I avoid the seirous stuff because I know what they say about argueing with others on the internet.