Okay, let me preface this by saying that I know the methods to prevent hangovers. I'm not asking for advice about that. I know - stay hydrated, eat before you drink, drink slowly, keep electrolytes in mind (Powerade/Gatorade), etc.
However, I do know from my great (and not-so-great) experiences that some drinks leave you with worse hangovers than others. For instance, tequila usually leaves me with a pretty bad headache in the morning. And oddly enough, the headache is unique. It starts about ten minutes after I wake up. I'm not sure why that is.... but regardless, my point is that hangovers differ.
There are some people who say that top-shelf drinks leave you with less of a hangover than cheap stuff. I honestly haven't really figured out whether that's true or not...
And of course, every single person is different. I know that.
But generally speaking, what is your drink of choice when thinking about the next morning?
(Again, not a question about how to prevent a hangover.)
However, I do know from my great (and not-so-great) experiences that some drinks leave you with worse hangovers than others. For instance, tequila usually leaves me with a pretty bad headache in the morning. And oddly enough, the headache is unique. It starts about ten minutes after I wake up. I'm not sure why that is.... but regardless, my point is that hangovers differ.
There are some people who say that top-shelf drinks leave you with less of a hangover than cheap stuff. I honestly haven't really figured out whether that's true or not...
And of course, every single person is different. I know that.
But generally speaking, what is your drink of choice when thinking about the next morning?
(Again, not a question about how to prevent a hangover.)