Best Russian leader of the last 50 years?


Break up Amazon
Aug 30, 2007
Who is the greatest Russian (including Soviet) leader of the last 50 years?

I think its choice between Brezhnev and Putin. :cool:
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I always liked Leonid. He had a kind grandfatherly air about him like Ronald Reagan.

Brezhnev really wasn't that good a leader.

The Soviet economy actually declined during his tenure and he made the decision to invade Afganistan thinking it could be stabilized in 10 weeks. On the other hand, he did keep stability in the country and kept the satellite states in line pretty well.
Leonid Brezhnev was "right wing"? :rolleyes:

Old Russian joke from Brezhnev's administration: Brezhnev proudly shows his mother around his magnificent residence in the Kremlin, and she says, "But, Leonid, what will you do if the Reds come back?!"
He had approval ratings in the single digits by the time he left office. The Soviet Union collapsed under his leadership.

But at least he saw the value of glasnost and perestroika -- things of which Americans and Russians heartily approved at the time.
It's good that Putin has made you comfortable with your own homosexuality.

Now if you only could get over your hypocrisy and accept it in others.
He had approval ratings in the single digits by the time he left office. The Soviet Union collapsed under his leadership.

Gorbachev was the best for taking down Soviet Union. (CCCP!) It was going to happen sooner or later and by having it taken down in a controlled fashion, he did a great job.