Belief in the Moon Landing for Democrats Only, Apparently

Probably not the best example. Richard Nixon told the public that the Vietnam War and years of heavy bombing were successful. That he wasn't involved in Watergate. That we didn't intervene in Chile's elections. The Shah of Iran was a peace loving kind and gentle leader.. etc...

Nixon did lie more often than not.
How are Nixon's lies any worse than Johnson's lies? Especially on a certain date in November.................................

Nobody died at Watergate
Today’s Republicans think Nixon was a commie. Opened relations with China, Clean Air Act, pulled out of the war in Vietnam (eventually) … clearly a pinko through and through!
They probably would think that way, if not for one crucial caveat: Nixon was the first and best example they can point to of how "the liberal media" is out to get Republicans. For that reason alone, they'll never say too much against the man.
Nixon was a Neocon. RINO. You'll also notice the species is being forced from office.
I need the nutjobs to run their mouth's so I know who they are. It's easier to pick and choose who I want to communicate with if I know what they think.
I've been warning about topical items getting politicised. Yet I get called a right winger, a socialist depending on what view I point put.

The media are slaves to government, the government are slaves to big money and big industries.

We're entering into a new age where some truths will probably be revealed.

It will be a lot easier to handle if the people are united across all political spectrums and demographics.

Whether the moon landings happened, is a moot point really.
The moon landings happened.
That's not the point. Devils Advocate: Have you investigated the opposing view properly, or are you just quoting the media.

I have looked at this conspiracy, and while I'll keep my views private, there is definitely some odd facts.
What are your thoughts about Bigfoot and The Loch Ness Monster?
That's not the point. Devils Advocate: Have you investigated the opposing view properly, or are you just quoting the media.

I have looked at this conspiracy, and while I'll keep my views private, there is definitely some odd facts.
I know a lot about the Apollo program and the conspiracy theories about it. Astronauts definitely landed on the moon multiple times in the 60s and 70s. If you present your evidence that the moon landings were faked, I’ll gladly poke holes in it. It would be a fun way to spend Easter Sunday.
You see, that's the sort of nonsensical argument that people who are unable or unwilling to think critically put forward.

Remember, I didn’t give an opinion.
However if I continue to argue truthfully and logically

The name calling often starts.
Well, if you're seriously intending on entertaining being a "devil's advocate" over history that can be empirically evidenced, I mean...(makes jazz hands in air) 🤷‍♂️

Black holes exist, right?
That's a lazy idea, each does their own research.
No worries. If you don’t want to provide evidence, I’ll start debunking on my own! The biggest thing that Moon landing deniers never reckon with is the Cold War. The US and the USSR were engaged in the space race in the 1960s to demonstrate their prowess at building ICBMs. America beating Russia to the Moon was a major propaganda coup. If the moon landing was fake, why didn’t the Soviet Union expose it and make the US look foolish?
Im almost there, and I believed it for most of my life. About ten years ago a family member started to cast doubts on some parts of the story.

I did quite a bit of research and I've reached an inconclusive decision.

I have a mechanism of getting to the truth.

A) I know and it has been proven.
B) It has not been proven, so I can't be sure.
C) I'm willing to change my beliefs as new information comes to light.

Right now I'm between B & C.

I could well change my mind with new information, but I won't believe just for tribal reasons.
So tell me what your family member told you that gave you pause. I’m right here trying to give you new information and you keep bobbing and weaving.

I can't go through hours of data, but here's just one of the alternative viewpoints that I listened to.

The next thing you have to do is actually listen to it.

Remember, all I said is; it's inconclusive.
I listened until he started rambling about his career as a filmmaker. The only evidence of fakery he presented was that Neil Armstrong’s space suit had wrinkles when it was pressurized and that lunar regolith was a slightly different shade in the foreground compared to the background. The person speaking in the link doesn’t know enough about the topic to be taken seriously. You need to dig deeper and do more research before claiming the question is still open.