being a "good" person


Literotica Guru
Feb 2, 2002
is sometimes all you have to show for a lifetime of hard work...but its worth more than any thing money can buy. If you feel you are one, take heart, just your presence makes the world a better place.
Sometimes I wonder..

I consider myself a good person others think that I am and that I'm nice. I try not to hurt anyone.. but that can't always be helped can it?

Someone informed me just a bit ago that I was too naive.. that I trust too easily, I don't know any other way to be. But how can you change that? I'd never seen it as that bad of a trait before..
k¡tty said:
Sometimes I wonder..

I consider myself a good person others think that I am and that I'm nice. I try not to hurt anyone.. but that can't always be helped can it?

Someone informed me just a bit ago that I was too naive.. that I trust too easily, I don't know any other way to be. But how can you change that? I'd never seen it as that bad of a trait before..

Why would you want to change it??? If I actually met a trusting sensative person...i would be floored...
sufisaint said:
Why would you want to change it??? If I actually met a trusting sensative person...i would be floored...

Well because as it was explained to me.. it's easily exploited.

I always want to believe the best in people.. that their intentions are good ones. Then I find out differently..

Like I said, I'm not without faults. I have hurt people but sometimes that happens. Sometimes things don't work out and you have to tell someone and they become hurt. But I am probably just as upset about it as they are.. albeit in a different way. I take no pleasure or joy from it.

This wasn't the first time that I've been told that I'm too trusting or naive.. I hate feeling like a fool after things have been done and all things told.
I try and to my best
But there's always someone who's going to try and take advantage of you....I've learned to spot those people more effectively after a few run ins...
k¡tty said:
Well because as it was explained to me.. it's easily exploited.

I always want to believe the best in people.. that their intentions are good ones. Then I find out differently..

Like I said, I'm not without faults. I have hurt people but sometimes that happens. Sometimes things don't work out and you have to tell someone and they become hurt. But I am probably just as upset about it as they are.. albeit in a different way. I take no pleasure or joy from it.

This wasn't the first time that I've been told that I'm too trusting or naive.. I hate feeling like a fool after things have been done and all things told.

Although to allow yourself to be exploited is a self destructive fault...wanting to trust and be honest and open hearted is a beautiful, slightly tragic like all beauty, way to live which makes a rare person. The true fools are those that take advantage...not realizing the warm heart they missed..
sufisaint said:
Although to allow yourself to be exploited is a self destructive fault...wanting to trust and be honest and open hearted is a beautiful, slightly tragic like all beauty, way to live which makes a rare person. The true fools are those that take advantage...not realizing the warm heart they missed..

I don't think that I allow myself to be exploited on purpose. I mean I'm not aware that is the persons goal.

I have wonderful instincts.. but I rarely use them. Mostly because I'm afraid that I'm not giving someone a fair shake.. I doubt myself, wonder if I have reasons for it beyond what I already think. I do believe that everyone has a goodness in them, that they are worth something.. with some you just have to dig a lil deeper to find it. I hate to think that I'd listen to my instincts about someone to have them be wrong and I would possibly miss out on making a terrific friend.

lol I sound like such a dork.
k¡tty said:
I don't think that I allow myself to be exploited on purpose. I mean I'm not aware that is the persons goal.

I have wonderful instincts.. but I rarely use them. Mostly because I'm afraid that I'm not giving someone a fair shake.. I doubt myself, wonder if I have reasons for it beyond what I already think. I do believe that everyone has a goodness in them, that they are worth something.. with some you just have to dig a lil deeper to find it. I hate to think that I'd listen to my instincts about someone to have them be wrong and I would possibly miss out on making a terrific friend.

lol I sound like such a dork.

Your instincts do see them the most...