Before "I Do" (closed)


Literotica Guru
Jun 15, 2011
Craig Reed
22 years old, 5'11 and a half (always added the half as a joke more than insecurity). In great shape, having recieved a full scholarship to play soccer. Was even invited to tryout with the US national team. After the season ending injury, even the MLS stopped calling.

His attentions were re-directed to his education. Ambitiously trying to wrap up his bachelor's degree before taking a year off to travel and then come back to school to get a Masters on Organizational Leadership. He wanted to run the regional chapter of the American Red Cross. But any non-profit would suffice!

He got his benevolence from his family and his small town upbringing. It wasn't your typical small town where the same people stay forever. It was a hostel for nomads looking to enter or leave the big city. Friends came. Friends went. One thing was the best friend...



I rush into my apartment and move the mouse quickly...even before kicking off my shoes. I smile when I see your face, waiting for me on webcam. "Hi Kat (knowing you secretly hate that nickname). I'm sorry I'm late. Long day. My lablet was drained of its charge." I see you roll your eyes at me. You always hate when I feel I have to explain my reasons.

"So, what's the big news you couldn't wait to tell me?"
Katrina Anderson is 22 years old 5'3 with a dancers body (so yes thin) and 36C breasts. She spent time in high school and college on the dance team and did some cheerleading. In college she studied Business Management and unlike her best friend she studied harder than she played and finished a semester or two ahead of time.

She was now working for a law firm as their administrative assistant but was sure in no time she would be making her way up the branch considering her boyfriend's father ran the firm but she wasn't going to use that to get ahead.

She was still shocked that her boyfriend, Nate, asked her marry him recently and she was happy but was nervous at the same time.


I sat at the computer for a while getting ready to leave you a note that I had left. That was until I saw your camera come on and I smiled. I wrinkled my nose at the nickname but seeing how we are best friends I let you get away with it.

"Hey's ok no need to explain you know that."

I take a deep breathe and bite my lip as I look into the camera. Holding up my hand I show you the big diamond ring on my finger.

"Ummm Nate asked me to marry him"

I continue to stare up at you to see your reaction.
I shield my eyes playfully from the large rock on your finger (or was it to hide the disappointment and jealousy?) i chide myself for thinking those thoughts opting to be happy for you instead of sad for me.

"That's wonderful, Katrina!" My smile is genuine. I am always happy to see you happy. "When's the big day? Do you need an extra groomsman? Am I at least invited? Do I get a dance with the bride at the reception?" A flood of questions bombard you...something I always do when I'm excited.

Even when I made the soccer team in high school, i was so giddy that I ran over to your place and you spent hours enjoying my excitement. It was now my turn to repay that long overdue favor. I kick back in my chair and sip the ice water.

"So tell me about Nate." I implore. "I've met him in person once. Chatted with him a few times here." Pressing my fingers together in a pyramid, I ask one more question.

"Does he realize how lucky he is to have captured your heart?"
I sighed and listened to bombarding of questions you sent my way and the enthusiasm in your voice. I secretly wished you would beg me not to get married or to marry you but that was not in the cards for us. I go ahead and start answering your questions.

"Well I don't know when the big day is we haven't set a date yet. As for groomsmen I'm not sure what he is going to do and yes you will be invited. I wouldn't go through that day without my best friend there."

I take a breathe knowing how I was going to include you so I thought I'd ask you now. I hoped you wouldn't be upset or make me cry for my question.

"I was hoping you would walk me down the isle. Since my dad passed away and all that. So that would lead you into having more than one dance with the bride at the reception."

I continue to talk letting that question sink in a bit and I tell you more about Nate.

"He is a good man is starting law school soon and is working at his dad's firm and before you ask that is the same place I work too. And I don't know to be honest if he does know that or not."

I pause looking a little saddened for some reason even though I should be so happy about the engagement. Apart of me is having some reservations about getting married to Nate.
As you answer all of these questions, my mind starts racing. Why didn't it work for us? We were inseparable for years. We were always the source of rumors in the small town. Everything from the fact that we were secretly married to some questioning our sexual orientation. After all, there's no way we could spend that much time together without there being something.

I laughed to myself. We knewhat was being said, and certainly didn't do anything to ease the community's mind. But we didn't care. We loved each other in a very unconventional way.

Of course we tried dating. Our parents encouraged it. Our families loved us. Thay would have been overjoyed with us becoming a more significant us. We went on each other's family vacations. We both had Thanksgiving and Christmas at both houses. Our families certainly got along, but obviously they were creating a tradition that we would still follow "when" (tthere was no if) we got married and gave them grand children. But dating was just not in the cards for us. I used to joke that I loved you too much to ruin it by dating you.

And the physical relationship? We shared many kisses from the first one (the result of a dare), to school plays, to egging on the rumors, to just because. Your kisses were always like coming home. An unspoken "welcome back".

"Will you walk me down the isle." I fight back the tears as I remember that night. Getting the call. My heart sinking. Me sprinting the three miles (couldn't drive with my vision obscured - besides, i needed that time to proces) to your home. Without saying a word or even knocking, I rushed in and hugged and cried with you and your mom. There was nothing to say. Nothing was needed. Soon, my parents arrived to care foryour mom. I continued to care for you. We went to your room where hugging and crying continued until we fell asleep in each other's arms.

Yep even my first time sleeping with you was spent sleeping with you. I could have certainly made love to you that night. Raw emotion often leads to sex, but despite the toe curling passion in our kissing, I was not going to take advantage of you in that situation.

"It would be an honor to walk you down the isle." I smile at the beautiful woman on my screen. And kind of poetic in a way. "Before your father died, he told me that he didn't know if I would ever come to my senses and marry his Kat (daddy was the only other one avele to call you that). But that if I "wussed out ", I should take care of you and make sure the boy is worthy of my little girl."

I laughed confessing this to you. Your dad didn't mince words.

It was then that I had an idea. "Katrina, come to see me. I certainly would love to see you, I will send you a plane ticket. We can go see the sites or just stay in and talk until dawn like we do on the computer. Some of my friends say ther are beautiful bridal shops here in the area. You could even try on some wedding dresses."

I catch myself, "Wow, I must really want you to come - volunteering to take Katrina shopping?" I laugh and wink into the camera.

"Please come."
I started crying as we talked more about my father and that day. It all felt so unreal and still to some degree it still does to this day. I know how much it would mean to my mother and your parents if we had become more than best friends.

I cried some more hearing what my father said to you before he died and I tried to not cry and wipe the tears. I smile as I look into the camera at you.

"I'm guessing you'll have to spend more time with Nate to make sure he is worthy."

I laugh a little at the thought of my best friend and fiance spending time together. I wonder a little if you would think he was good enough for me. I guess in a way I was wondering if he was truly worthy of me or if we should give us another try. My heart was always conflicted from wanting more with you and not wanting to ruin our friendship.

"You know I love to shop and I would love to come see you."

I think about the fact that I was given some time off to start the wedding plans since Nate wanted to get married sooner rather than later. His family wasn't big on long engagements where I didn't want to rush into it. I think they feel I may get cold feet if we wait too long.

"How soon do you want me there? I have some time off to plan the wedding so I can definitely come out to see you."

I giggle hearing you volunteer to take me shopping.

"Yes you did volunteered to take me shopping. You're in for it now sucker."

I giggle even more and smiled to you thinking about what I was going to pack and knew I needed to start getting ready knowing you well enough, I'd be on a plane sooner than I could blink.
"Yeah, I guess I can," sighing playfully. "But no shoes, deal?" I laugh remembering the one and only time I went shoe shopping with you. After hours and 4 different shops, you opted to get the first option you tried on. Since that day, shoe shopping threats have been an ongoing joke with us.

"What do Nate and I even have in common? You know, besides loving you."

As we chat some more, you see me work on my computer. My eyes widen and narrow...the only clues to what I am doing. About an hour in, I hear that you've received an email. "How's Tuesday?" I ask knowing that's the confirmation email for the plane tickets I purchased.

I was saving the money for my European vacation, but you are exponentially more important to me.

"You are welcome totay with me, Katrina. I can take the couch." I didn't want to presume sleeping withyou (even though we have countless times. Certainly now that you are engaged.

I look into the camera. "I can't wait to be with you again."
"Deal no shoes unless you're bad."

I stick my tongue out at you and giggle even more at the thoughts running through my head. I thought about what you and Nate have in common and I can't think of much.

"Sports is about it and me."

I go quiet watching you work on your computer knowing what you might have been up to but didn't know for sure until I get the email. Opening it up I smile seeing the date and nodded to you.

"Thank you Craig and we'll discuss sleeping arrangments when I get there. I notice there is no return date. Planning on keeping me there."

I laugh and smile to you before I speak again.

"I can't wait to be with you too."
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"Of course I'm keeping you here." I laugh at your comment and wink at you. I laugh even more when I see you lay out your suitcases and scurry around the room as we talk about the proposal.

You put tees and jeans into the suitcase. You open another drawer and I see panties and bras. Playfully, I whistle at your shameless display of the unmentionables.

"What are you going to tell Nate? I mean, he might be interested to know where you are going...especially if it's with an incredibly handsome man." I strike a pose to accentuate the comment.
I continue to go around the room gathering my things to pack up and put them in the suitcase still talking to you.

"I'll just tell him I'm coming to see you. I don't have anything to hide and if he doesn't like it then. Well you know."

I laugh a little and finish packing giving you all sorts of nice views of my rear as I bend over to zip up the suitcase and put it by the door.

"Ok I think I have enough stuff. Will pack up my bathroom essentials tomorrow."

Knowing anything I need I can get out there if I forget it for some reason. It was getting late for us both and I remember you telling me about some school work that you have to do.

"Have you finished your school projects?"

I look into the camera with a grin as I prod you about keeping up with school.
"Yes mom" i roll my eyes secretly hiding the fact I love the encouragement I get from you. "All I need is to create the bibliography and cover pages."

As I talk to you about the project, I change into my PJ's. Not thinking anything of doing that in front of the webcam. It's not like we haven't seen each other in our underwear. But, under the circumstances, it's awkward.

"Yeah, nate better not keep you from me" i sadden at the thought.
"Good I'm going to make sure you graduate soon."

I smile and put my chin on my hands enjoying the show and whistle as you change.

"I'm sure he won't and even if he tried he couldn't cause I'd be all moody about it. You're my best friend in the entire world."
I smile at the whistle...and your planned inclusion in my life. Of course this would be up for you to decide. I certainly am not in the position where I can make demands on your time. I want to claim "dibs", but Nate already has by slipping the ring on your finger.

The rest ofour conversation is catching up on mutual friends and family. It's always nice to hear tales from home. It's yet another way to connect with my Katrina.

Pethaps if I had gone home more often, we might have found a way to make this romance thing work. Maybe when we tried it earlier, it was bad timing. Maybe you weren't all in. Maybe I wasn't.

As all these thoughts flood my mind, I watch my best friend undress down to her sexy (but relatively modest) bra and panty. Again, not the first time I have seen you in this state of undress. My body reacts to you. Yeah, youve seen me get aroused by you before. I just shrugged it off as a compliment. From that point on, you shamelessly sought those "compliments."

I look down on my monitor and see that it's already after 1 am. "Crap. Look at the time. I have an early morning. Sleep well Kat!" I accidentally leave the webcam on as I crawl into bed.
After talking some more I smile and nod at you hearing the time.

"Yeah I have somethings to finish packing for my flight. Sleep well Craig."

I blow you a kiss like I always had and started to turn off my cam but see that you left yours on. So instead I watch as you crawl into bed.. A part of me was wishing I was crawling in beside you right then and snuggling up close. I brush off those thoughts knowing its wrong of me to feel that way since I am marrying another man but then again part of me didn't want to marry him at all.
In the middle of the night I waken and head to the kitchen. I grab a bottle of water from the fridge and stumble back to the bed. A picture captures my attention and I blink to clear my clouded vision. It was now that I realize that I left my webcam on.

You did too. I smile to myself thinking that this simple act is a subliminal message expressing our need for connection.

I sit in the desk chair and spend a moment looking at the screen. I could watch you for hours. A gust of wind blows open the curtain and a flash of light from the streetlamp illuminates parts of your body. I wait for another glimpse but after several minutes, no gusts came.

I resolve to waken before you and greet you in the morning.


That morning I see you toss and turn. "Good morning, Kat, I speak into the microphone. Sleep well?"
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I start to toss and turn in the morning feeling a bit groggy not wanting to wake up yet. But, I know there is lots to be done when I hear your voice. Rolling over with a smile I get out of bed in only my t-shirt and panties on and sit down at my computer.

"Hey sunshine. I slept well and you?"

I yawn and start to pull my hair up into a ponytail rather than the mess it was before.
I smile at you taking a sip of my coffee. "Is it cold there this morning?" I ask referring to the extended nipples poking at your tight tee." You are beautiful when you turn red from embarrassment.

"You know, you still talk in your sleep?" I've told you that before, but you always denied it. We've slept together in bed. In the back seat during road trips. In class.

Of course most of it was complete nonsense and jibberish. But you didn't need to know that.
I turn red and tell you to hush as I giggle some trying to get the redness in my cheeks to go down.

"I do not."

I stick my tongue out at you and laugh as I remember my female friends telling me that I did but that it was all nonsense and jibberish but we agreed to not tell you that I knew that. It was more fun when you teased me about it in front of them.

"So what is on your agenda today besides oogling my goodies."

I giggle and continue to remember all the times we slept in the same bed and snuggled close for many reasons.
"You know, I can't wait to wake up with you in my arms rather than you on my screen." The moment of romance playfully broken as I continue. "Makes it easier to...what was it?...oogle your goodies.?" I stick my tongue out at you.

"Today, i am going to have you take your laptop into the bathroom and I am going to watch my sexy best friend get naked and shower for me." I wink wanting to see your reaction. "My other option would be to go to class and work and finally to the airport to wait for your plane to arrive."

"Decisions...decisions. Little help, Katrina?" I grin at the computer knowing full well you will insist on me going to class. I am just curious how far you will take this tease.
A smile crossing my lips at the brief romantic gesture but it was gone before it settled in to my head.

"Yeah you know you would like that if I did. But you need to go to class and I need to pack. The sooner we both do that the sooner I'll be there to play."

A playful grin crossing my lips at the thoughts of how we could play. Thoughts were already playing in my head about us and then about how Nate would feel. Although I don't spend too much time on how Nate would feel not wanting to ruin the time we have together.

"So see you tonight?"
"I'll be there with bells on, Kat." I wink at you before closingthe laptop and rushing to class.

I dont't know why I am attending class. Certainly, not getting much from the lectures as my mind is fixed on you and your impending arrival. Between classes, i get a call from mom.

"Honey? Katrina's mom told me that Katrina just got engaged." She tells me as if she's breaking news. I tell her that I know and that you are coming out to see me. "Good, honey! I really think she would be an amazing daughter in law."

I roll my eyes and tell her to stop...that it's your choice. To her credit, she stops after one final comment. "Still, she would be a great mom. And your children would be beautiful."


The day trudges on andwithout comment. At 9:17, i see a plane taxi slowly to the ramp. Still outside the secure area, I stand and peek at the now-open door over the crowd. Businessmen and women. Families reunited. Soldiers.

After I finish packing I head to the airport and call Nate to let him know my plans for the next bit of time. He wasn't happy about it but something in his voice said this would be a good thing but I couldn't figure out how just yet.

Not worrying about it I grab some lunch after getting my bags checked in and getting past security. Waiting until it's time to get on the plane and fly out to you. I was pretty excited and couldn't sit still once we landed and I got lucky enough to be in the first few rows and was able to get off the plane at a decent pace.

Seeing you I smile and drop my carrying on bag at your feet and jump into your arms hugging you tightly.

"I'm so happy to see you. I can't believe I'm here."

I was so full of excitement that my words came out more high pitched than I meant for it too but I never let go of you for a few moments at least.
I welcome you into my arms. Consciously aware that your body and mine are pressed together. I lower my mouth to yours. I kiss you deeply and happily.

A passing traveller sees the ring on your finger and tells us "Congratulations!" I break the kiss to explain that we aren't the engaged couple. You pull my face back to yours and kiss me again.

After collecting your luggage, we run holding hands through the rain to my car. Still, I have the wherewithal to open the door for you. "I'm thrilled you are here."
I giggle as we run to the car getting wet in the process. Getting in quickly and shut the door I wait for you to get in and smile to you as you do.

"I'm just as thrilled. I hope you have lots of food cause I'm starving."

I laugh remembering the times we went to the store and bought a whole bunch of stuff because we were hungry but didn't eat even a quarter of it. I grab a hold of your hand and look at the sites as we go down the road to your place.
The lights of the city cascading over you. Reminding me of the night I watched you sleep.

I lift your hand to my mouth. Kissing it. "Yes, the fridge is stocked, Kat. I was thinking of ordering a PPV movie. Anything you wanna see?" My mind flashes back to times we would curl up together watching a movie. Spooning. Often falling asleep together.

One movie in particular was almost the catalyst to us crossing the friendship threshhold. That night we massaged each other through our clothes. We had both broken up with our significant others and...well...we didn't want "us" to get it's origin from disappointment. So we never made love.

We get home and I lead you inside. I rush to the linen closet to get you a towel to dry off as I rush out in the downpour for your bags.