Beer Bash Gotta Go For Sure Now.

Is he not allowed ?

Are justices required to be sequestered in a sterile room?

I don't remember the part of the Constitution that said that
My first thought in learning he was partying with buddies like him was to acknowledge that he admitted to us all how much he liked his beer.
My first thought in learning he was partying with buddies like him was to acknowledge that he admitted to us all how much he liked his beer.
I'll add - I think that the highest court needs a better (which means actually having one) ethics requirements - specifically around conflicts of interests. But currently, Kavanaugh can party with anyone he wants
Is he not allowed ?

Are justices required to be sequestered in a sterile room?

I don't remember the part of the Constitution that said that
They very rarely have hobnobbed with those who concurrently have cases before the Supreme Court they are involved in (as is the case now with Kavanaugh and Stephen Miller). Although that isn't law, it's been common-sense-based practice to preserve the integrity of the Court. Of course, Thomas and his wife have already exploded that--and besmirched the concept of a Supreme Court with integrity.

But, yes, to some degree such hobnobbing has been allowed. Justice Ginzberg attended a good many liberal gatherings, for instance.

Brett Kavanaugh Partying With Matt Gaetz Raises Questions

Justice Kavanaugh attended a party on Friday in Virginia with pro-Trump conservatives, including one whose group has cases pending before the Supreme Court.

Chuck this fuck.
Matt didn’t bring any girls did he? If so were they of age? He has some issues with that. But if others wanna still party with him, that is their choice, right Linus?
Scalia was a regular at a restaurant I frequented. I saw him several times, but didn't fan boi him. He was just a good Italian eating his pasta with friends.

Brett Kavanaugh Partying With Matt Gaetz Raises Questions

Justice Kavanaugh attended a party on Friday in Virginia with pro-Trump conservatives, including one whose group has cases pending before the Supreme Court.

Chuck this fuck.

Since when was a Justice supposed to not have a social life???

You don't have any issues with leftoid justices partying with leftoids.... why should anyone be upset about righty justices partying with righties?

Matt didn’t bring any girls did he? If so were they of age? He has some issues with that.

The MSNBC/RAW/Salon Kool-Aid gone to your head.

But if others wanna still party with him, that is their choice, right Linus?

Yes, and I love how much the freedom to have a good time upsets you and the other TDS afflicted lunatics like jaF0.
Since when was a Justice supposed to not have a social life???

You don't have any issues with leftoid justices partying with leftoids.... why should anyone be upset about righty justices partying with righties?

The MSNBC/RAW/Salon Kool-Aid gone to your head.
Nah, good old fox. Guess they got it wrong too?

Judges don’t usually go for sentence consideration when there is a cooperation in a case of there is nothing.
Yes, and I love how much the freedom to have a good time upsets you and the other TDS afflicted lunatics like jaF0.
Doesn’t bother me, bad decision to be around him but that is your choice. You are free to be an idiot, and when you get scooped up with him and have some jail time… all on you.
Go to any bar closest to any county courthouse and watch the Judges, defense attorneys and district attorneys talking and joking with each other. It’s quite the sight
Is he not allowed ?

Are justices required to be sequestered in a sterile room?

I don't remember the part of the Constitution that said that
It's called the ex parte rule, and it's not part of the Constitution. However, it applies to all judges and justices in federal cases.

So at a party, if Beer Bong talks about the substance of a case with someone affiliated with that case, he is violating judicial ethics. If all he talked about when he got tipsy was his sexual abuse of women at parties of the past, then that is another story that has nothing to do with a specific case before the Court.
It's called the ex parte rule, and it's not part of the Constitution. However, it applies to all judges and justices in federal cases.

So at a party, if Beer Bong talks about the substance of a case with someone affiliated with that case, he is violating judicial ethics. If all he talked about when he got tipsy was his sexual abuse of women at parties of the past, then that is another story that has nothing to do with a specific case before the Court.
There is no defined ethics rules for SCOTUS. Just a bunch of "should do" and prescedents that don't really mean much.

I'm not saying he should or shouldn't recuse himself from cases because he's hobnobbing with related people, but I think it's a stretch when other justices have done so,without a word like this, in the past.