Beauty...It's In The Eyes Of The Beholder - 4







Gal Gadot...someone likes her; possibly Veroe.

Well at first I only knew her from her role in the fast and furious movies then she was cast as wonder woman, and I was concerned. Not about her bust size like some guys...that was a stupid reason to be concerned over casting her. I was concerned because while she was serviceable in her role in the FF franchise she did not strike me as a great actress, also I was concerned because she was as skinny as Captain America was before the super soldier serum. So if she starts punching people across the room I was worried I was going to say "Aw C'mon look at her she can't be that strong."

Then I saw the movie and all my worries fell away about her. She really impressed me with how much she committed to the role and how much she committed to what the character means to women the world over.

Oh and my god that woman is beautiful too.

Maddie...if you're checking, this ones for you sweetie. :rose::heart:
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Maddie must have excellent taste, llidar . . . this one is drop-dead gorgeous (both the lady and the dress). :)
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