BEAT Kentucky!


Literotica Guru
Jan 11, 2009
You either know exactly what this means and care a lot OR you don't have any idea nor give a shit.

To those fellow CARDINALS that care, a lot!

Yeah, I keep quiet about football because KU has no football program and I'm a Chief's fan and it can be easily argued that they have the same program as KU...

KC shoulda kept the Kings and sent the Chiefs to Sacramento.
Willie Lanier is not amused.

And we should be nervous.

That's okay - I know where he golfs.
I'm pretty sure that Willie's running days are done.

But how far can he sling a 3-iron?
Willie's a pretty big guy!

:D He would have stared Elin down and saved the car, and the hydrant...
Not as tall as he was listed, but about as wide as many houses.

Too many headbutts with Jim Otto may have shortened him a bit.

Jim don't jump up no more . . . .
In the days before big fat contracts and free agency, I imagine he earned every dime.

And someone looked out for him after his playing days were over, too.

Stock brokers can make money no matter which way the market is going.
Granddad was in bizness with his daddy in cars . . . in 1942.

Hmmm . . . .

Then he went to Okinawa and his old man sold the thing.

Guy who bought it made a mint after the war, and Granddad came home all unemployed and no stimulus on the horizon.

I'd kinda like a '41 Buick fastback:


Meanwhile, the drizzle has stopped, so I should wander out after this cup of java.

I'd kinda like a '41 Buick fastback:


Meanwhile, the drizzle has stopped, so I should wander out after this cup of java.

Those were so cool on the dirt-car circuit...

They were kinda like a ramp in a good wreck; that's the stuff kids live for!
They should use a row of them for ramps at the monster truck rallies.

Dig me a grave . . . .
And VW Beetles for the little bumps...


You could easily roll an unpopular driver with a minimum of team work and a good set of brakes!
Hell, Old Man Earnhardt could do that without any ramps.

Now, that was talent.

And a touch of hostility.