Beach (closed)


Sep 12, 2000
I sat on my lifeguard tower, looking at all the girls in their skimpy little swimsuits, but also keeping my eyes open for any swimmers in trouble, including those daredevils out riding the biq waves doing their surfing.

Most of ther time it was just ogling, but every now and then someone got a cramp or just took too big a risk and got tired fighting the undertow or whatever, and needed our help.

Suddenly I heard a cry of "HELP" and an arm waving in the air, out too far for someone other than an expert and strong swimmer.

So I leapt off the tower and swam out to her.

She was struggling and screaming in between gulps of salt water, as I tried to get her to just relax and let me do my job. I was behind her as I should be, with my arm around her waist as she struggled in the water, and she slid down enough so my hand was quite firmly cupping a breast, which made her squirm even more.

But now her attention was on my hand instead of the water she was fighting, and I soothingly talked her into just relaxing and letting me haul her to the shire.

Easily and gently I did so, and when we were able to oput our feet on the sandy biottom she thanked me as we walked ashorem, still hand in hand.

It was just like walking down the street holding hands with my girlfriend when she said she was Ok now and gave me a thank you.

I still held on to her hand and gave it a little squeeze as I asked her if she was going out so far again so I would have to rescue her again.

And she gave me a smart-assed reply that maybe that might be a good idea, but she walked with me back to my tower and I got a good look at her, a middle aged lady probably in her forties, and not the sweet young athletic babe she used to be.

My shift was about over and my relief was standing there when we arrived so I was done for the day.

So I turned to her and asked what else she was going to do to get herself in trouble, and woud she like to go and get a bite to eat or a drink and relax
At 48 one doesnt get too many young men interested in going out for drinks or dinner. This young guy probably only 20 or so had "saved" me and was now making a move on me.. I must admit I was very pleased and flattered with this and my pussy was already starting to get very itchy. If I had not just come out of the water I would be very embarrassed by the wet patch on my bikini bottoms.. As we walked up the beach it seemed natural to hold his hand and then he was talking about ending his shift and going for a beer and a burger...niether really appealed to me but this guy was ripped...and an absolutee hunk.... and as I looked at his speedo I could see something I had been missing for some time.,..he had a real bulge..not erect but just sheer size. I have not been fucked for over six months and I suspected this guy really wanted to get into my bikini bottoms,,,, and you know? I might just let him!

Her hand felt great in mine and when she spoke she squeezed me gently, and the pulse went right up my arm to my chest and into my heart,.

She tiold me her age as we got out of the water, and My God, she was older than my mom.

But she was here and my mom was back home in Indiana.

My hand was on her breast as we were together out in the water, and I wanted more.

Going to the little shack we lifeguards have for our stuff and supplies, I took a towel and dried her off a bit. Again the towel over her chest gave me a chance to look into her eyes which sparkled, probably in relief for having been towed ashore, but after I dried her, our eyes were locked together and I leaned in and gave her a very quick and soft kiss right on her lips, and said everything was OK now.

I didn't take off my suit. I just pulled on a pair iof chinos and a polo shirt, and then we went and picked up her stuff from where she left it on a sandy spot on the beach. I asked her if she had wheels, and she said she had come with friends so she didn't have her car. She put on her cover-up and I just said "lets go."

I had intended to drive her home and point out a delightful Italian restaurant I liked and thought she might enjoy, but she headed to the snack shack so of coursed I was right with her as she sat on a stool and wearing a little shift that only came to her waist, her lovely legs were exposed right next to me as we ordered a bite and she had a cup of iced tea and I ordered a beer, now being off duty.
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It is odd how anxiety can change your opinion and outlook in a single second. Just a few minutes ago I was literally out of my depth in the sea and struggling to swim against an undertow.. The beach seemed to be getting ever further away despite my hardest swimming efforts....Then a strong arm appeared out of nowhere, wrapped itself around me and started to tow me back to shore.. As I slipped within the grasp of this arm it's hand caught hold of my left breast.. the sensitive one of the twins. If I had not been so worried about my survival I would certainly have objected to this 'invasion' of my person. At 48 I considered myself still attractive..5'8" 140 lbs...a little too much but curves are good ...right? 34c in the twins department.. not huge but nipples are very sensitive particularly the left one. So as I start to realise I am going to live I notice that I have been 'saved' by a very young man...and he is holding on to my left breast.... I should have slapped his face but I was so relieved to be 'saved' that I relaxed and let him pull me to shore...and once we had got our feet on the sand he dutifully eased his grasp on my breast but we walked hand in hand up to the lifeguards cabin.. I wasnt sure quite what to think at that exact moment..his hand on my breast had seemingly been my only connection with a continuing life and now it was gone and I missed that reassurance even while I objected to the personal invasion, but the ground felt good under my feet as he pulled me out of the water.

Now we are sitting next each other at the beach bar...he is a beer and burgers guy...I'm more into salad and unsweetened ice tea but he certainly is a sight for my sore eyes. He is young ripped and interested in me...if I had a son he would probably be older than the boy in front of me. As I look around I wonder if anyone is watching us.. It seems that after the initial concern about my safety, no one is interested in me any more...except this young man beside me. I can still feel the pressure of his hand on my left breast and I'm still not sure how to react to that. He, for his part, cannot seem to takes his eyes off my eyes or alternately my breasts.. I wonder if he remembers and if he will we were moving toward the bar I had the opportunity to study him very closely..yep he was ripped alright and had something I hadn't seen up close for a long time..A genuine bulge in the cock area.. as I thought about that I invountarily licked my was ok he didn't notice...his eyes were on my breasts all the time. We had our drinks served and were waiting for the food when his hand landed softly on my thigh. Hmmm accident? or was this a move..I dropped my hand to cover his and moved it back to his thigh...lingering way too long only inches from his cock....I waited for him to look me in the eyes and then dropped mine to his crotch...hmmmm I think I detect a little swelling there now and I smirk at this boys reaction to just the first touch of a lady....
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She told me her name was Alice. Telling her I was Frank, we shook hands gently and I apologized for perhaps being a little rough with her out in the water, but explained that when people find themselves in a dangerous situation in the water they often panic and it is necessary to first get them to safety, and then worry about the amenities of decorum and behavior.

My thoughts were on the feel of her breast that I had cupped, but I couldnt say that. I didn't want her to know that I loved the feel and wanted to do that again and again.

The food came, warm and welcome but I told Alice that when I suggested a bite I had in mind taking her to a nice restaurant nearby that I thought she might enjoy,.

"After a situation like you were in, it often helps to have a quiet relaxing time to unwind and recover from the trauma and excitement you went through. I am glad to help and glad to be with you."

As I glanced at those legs, I sort of wished I had grabbed her there too, and perhaps gotten a good grip between them to pull her to safety.

I couldnt resist. My hand brushed her bare leg and she gently reached down and moved my hand from her leg to mine, but her fingers brushed me as well, I knew intentionally, and was quite sure she was just as interested in the possibilities as I am.
Actions alway speak louder than words but words come out of one's mouth which is one of the three most sensitive entrances to my body as far as I am concerned. Him staring at my breasts one of which still vibrated from his grasp to rescue me was making me weep ...and us girls know where..but the salad arrived and saved I watched him disect his burger I could not avoid looking at his bulging crotch... While he was sawing the burger I set my hand on his thigh..."I need to save you from this bad food you are about to eat" I said
when there was no real reaction I slid my hand further up his thigh...

I looked lovingly at her and asked "Do you thnk I am as worth saving as you were? That was my thougbt too. that yu were worth far too much to ever let you not be saved"

"If I pass on the hamburger do you suppose there might be something better and more healthy to eat?"

She was stroking my leg so I reached down and stroked hers and when it slid up a few inches with my eyes glued on her inner thigh, which she exposed a little by spreading her legs apart a bit, she knew what I was asking.
"Wow back there young man!!" "do you think you have a free pass to the palace? just because you pulled me out of the water?" You molested me while "saving' me and I think I have some rights to some dues as a result"

I agree.

Lets go tio that nice Italian restaurant and have a decent dinner with a glass of wine.

Of course we will have to get dressed up a little better. Neither of us can go quite as we are.

So the next question is "Your place or mine first?"

What was really fun was the look on the face of Debbie behind the counter. She had heard the exchange about what and where to eat.

She knew my preferences and as a matter of fact, had been there with me for a nice dinner, after which I got a taste if her fine entre back at my apartment. We weren't lovers, but we were awfully close friends.

As we stand to leave the beach bar and head home to get some clothes on before going to the Italian restaurant I notice that young Frank catches a look from even younger Debbie who has been serving us....She looks me up and down as I do her...not sure what all this means but I give her a smile and thank her for serving us....As we walk out of the bar I throw a backwad glance and Debbie is staring at me as I leave...she quickly flushes at my discovery and looks away...but too late I recognize that 'look' I have felt it myself many times...not sure what this means as we leave to get dressed for dinner.....
As we drove in my car, I asked her to direct me. When we arrived where Alice told me to go, I asked if she wanted me to wait for her, or if I should just go on home and get ready and then come back and pick her up.

If I had my druthers, I would walk up to her apartment and help her get undressed, and after a proper interlude, watch her or let her surprise me with how nice she looks with clothes on.
I tell you that I would like sometime to mysellf to get ready...but asked about what Debbie meant to him...she seemed very attentive...we agreed that you would pick me up in thirty minutes...As I went into my apartment I knew I had to get myself off.. I'm not sure whether it was the still resonating feeling of your hand on my breast, or the touch of you up my thigh....or the 'look' that Debbie gave me without knowing it. but my fingers found my urgent pussy and clit... it had to be fast and furiouss... and it was... I was barely finished and changed into decent evening clothes when....
She asked me about Debbie but I didn't tell her much of anything.

"I see her five days a week as she works in the shack and me on the beach, and then I stop in usually for a beer when I get off so we chat a little. We are just friends but rarely does she see me there with a woman so it must have been a surprise to her."

"Besides she has a boyfriend and has no room in her life for me."

I didn't see any reason to tell her how delightful Debbie's cunt tastes and smells and how good she is at sucking my cock because the way Alice looks and the life experience she has gathered makes her an attractive target for my attention.

Quickly I showered and carefully shaved my face and my groin to be thoroughly clean and fastidious, and donned a decent pair of slacks and a nice shirt to present myself to the lady I was totally smitten with.

She was ready, and hand in hand again, I rescued her from lonliness to the strength of my personality, and led her into Ricotti's, the restaurant she had yet to enjoy.

We were seated at a nice table and from the sommelier, I ordered a nice bottle of red wine to go with our dinner as we perused the menus.

I waited for her to decide before placing the order for her dinner, and my osso bucco which I thoroughly enjoy.
You seem a bit evasive about Debbie, bbut I mentally shrug it off, maybe an ex girlfriend or maybe 'rules' of behaviour with other employees...the lifeguard stations are part of the same organization as the beach huts. This menu is wonderful and it has my favorite on it...Pollo Saltimbucca...and even better, red wine goes with it...once I decide I look up at you and, not for the first time, think how handsome and dashing you are....why the interest in me I wonder....then my mind drifts back to Debbie's look as we left the Beach hut. I look at you with a look that shows I have decided on what I am going to eat tonight.....
I look into her eyes locked on mine.

I knew what I wanted to eat and it wasn't on my plate. the red wine went with either so that wasn't an issue, but as she began to nibble her chicken, I took a bite of my veal shank.

Then I asked her if she was married or had a boyfriend, not that it would matter for what I had in mind, but I was curious if this might go beyond just a quickie.

Taking a sip of the wine, her face was bright and her eyes glistened as she smiled....
You ask me if I am married or have a boyfriend.....I feel in a playful mood so I act coyly....lowering my gaze, and with the trace of a smile, I say..."what difference would there be between a yes and a no to that question.... would your attitude towards me change? would you behave differently? You are a young you really have respect for older women? I am sure that you and Debbie are an item because she gave me a hard look...what do you say about that?" Your hand pauses over your Veal shank while I take another bite of my delicious chicken....

She was testing me. I wanted to be careful, but at my age wasn't quite qualified to be careful. So I answered her abruptly and said "Yes it would make a difference, but it doesn't affect how beautiful you are and how much I want to make love to you."

In shock she dropped her fork and looked at me, I thought in disgust but then she smiled and admitted she was divorced and available if the mood was right, and I felt her foot rubbing my leg under the table. I reached out and took her hand and brought it to my lips and kissed the back of it, and without any more speech, resumed eating.

I didn't answer her re Debbie. Somehow she knew that Debbie and I had made love and no doubt would again, but that discussion could wait until another time.
I may have opened up too soon to him, and he was quite obviously avoiding the subject of Debbie which made me curious... but him kissing my feet was really sensuous and nice........"where would you like to go from here". I ask
Oh My God!

Where would I like to go from here?, she asked.

How could I avoid answering that?

I looked at her and just said "your place or mine."

The ball was in her court. Would she hit it back to me, or just run and leave me sitting there alone and heartbroken because like a dumb shit I said the wrong thing?
What facilities does your place have, what is it like? Is it a good place to take a real lady? Do you think I am going to like it? I left out the 'what' provocatively to check his perceptiveness of innuendo as distinctr from the passion of his erection which I am sure was growing under the table....I knew that if could get into his head it will be I who controls who gets into whose pants, the timing and the sequence.....He's very young, I am sure he's not a virgin but I doubt he is really experienced except maybe with that Debbie girl...two amateurs together, at that thought I felt my nipples jump again...I am really intrigued to know how big he is and whether he can last. I feel the heaat and color rising up my face and stop speaking, put my head to one side and adopted a quizzical expression...with just the trace of a smirk.....
Everything she says impresses me and intrigues me more.

Of course with her age and experience I would expect that, but she doesn't know anything about me yet, except that I am young, pretty good looking, and a damn good swimmer and judge of decent restaurants.

She doesnt know that I graduated from high school at 13, and had my first college degree at 16, in mechanical engineering yet. Then a year later had my masters and a PHD at 21.

I invented a software program that I sold to a major corporation for 42 million dollars.

But I really wasn't satisfied with what I was doing, so I applied to become a lifeguard to spend the summer looking at bikini clad babes instead of microchips and neurons.

So she had a lot to find out if she was interested in doing the research. I sure as hell wasn't going to tell her anything except that I wanted to sleep with her and make love to her.

Her mind is fixed on my relationship with Debbie, a real sweetie and a wonderful fuck, but certainly not a viable candidate as a lifetime partner and she knows that. She has slept in my bed and knows how I live.

So I quietly responded to Alice asking about my place and its facilities etc.

"Sweetheart, there is only one way for you to find out the answer to your question. But you have to consider that this is a beach town and all I have here is a rental. I will be happy to take you on a tour on one condition."

"After you see it you take a ride with me on my Gulfstream and see the place I own up north. You might be surprised, but You will have to see it to believe it."

"How much time can you spare?"
Wow! where did that one come from I thought as he obviously excused his current home as I thought he probably felt a little embarassed with its simplicity....and then promptly followed up with a mighty tale about a gulfstream flight to see his real house 'up north'....Hmmm for a young man he has a lot of cheek....but then I think he may have a lot of another item I could benefit from...What to do...I am torn he makkes a visit to his spartan beach house conditional on flyinf away with him on a gulfstream....UH UH I decide I dont think thats going to work...."I think we should just sit here and enjoy another drink and I will ask the barman to call me a taxi and go home....but thank you very much for saving my life earlier" I the words tumbled out of my mouth I wondered if I would regret them....he is young but a hunk of a guy and I think he quite likes me....

She suggested we just sit here and enjoy another drink

"I'll buy that", I said. She apparently wasn't ready to take the plunge, but I threw her another bone.

She had asked what facilities my rental house has, so I told her.

"You asked so I will tell you. It has seven bedrooms and five bathrooms, not counting the one out in the bathhouse by the pool. We have a sauna and a hot tub and if you are interested, an exercise room with weight lifting gear and a basketball hoop and even a miniature golf course. Is there anything else you might like to know?"
"Yes Frank.....after we have finished our drinks I would really enjoy a tour of your beach sounds very it far from here?" "I have my car outside and could drive you there if you like...its only a mini cooper but qite sporty"

Her little tale about her car was a kick. I had brought her here in mine, but after we finished our dinner, I drove her home and we got into her little sports car, and it took me a while to fit myself in as we drove off and I gave her directions.

I told her I was just house sitting but the place was spectacular. The owner had gone to Europe for the summer and didn't want to leave it empty. The front yard wasn't much, but once inside she looked with awe at the spacious interior and the valuable artwork on the walls.

I wanted to show her the view of the ocean, so we went out the back door and looked. Walking around the pool to a railing, there below us was a cliff to the beach and a clear view of the water. It was still light, but nearing twilight being the long days of late summer, but I said that the sunsets were spectacular, and even more so from up there, and pointed to a porch on the upper floor on the back of the house, accessible through the master bedroom.

Of course I wanted to show her the bedroom, but didn't want to head right up there with her in tow, seemingly for an ulterior motive, without setting the stage for what she would see.

Now it was time and back inside I led her up the stairs again with the walls decorated with pieces of art we could discuss later, I led her through the massive bedroom with its huge heartshaped bed, and out on the deck.

The sky was now turning red as the sun dipped toward the horizon which was the
waves of the ocean. I took her hand in mine and asked if she had ever seen anything so beautiful.

She looked at it and then at me, and I thought I ha never seen anything so beautiful either, the scene and the lovely woman standing next to me.