Be Truthful!


Tiptoe'ing around Lit
Mar 24, 2003
What are you wearing right now?

The reason why I ask...

I was sitting here in a fairly sexy nightgown. Black, twin spaghetti straps on both sides, low cut, lace across the breasts, and very long almost to my ankles. Suddenly I became cold and now Im wearing.. Same sexy nightie, a big hooded sweater and fuzzy houseshoes.
I got the whole package,(and, no, I don't mean that, you T-shirt, sweatshirt, Jeans, etc...
I'm at work so I've got jeans, long sleeve shirt, no shoes though. I get rid of them as soon as I can hide my feet under the desk.
pink fleece jammies from Old Navy...

Xmas present from my sister... so soft I want to live in these... forever..
A sexy chiffon pj top -- swirls of watercolored blues and lavenders, with satin spaghetti straps. No bottoms -- it's too hot. The damned mosquito spraying truck came around tonight for the first time. So it starts!
Could I just be vague? I'm wearing my most favorite outfit in the whole wide world!
Oh and Jenn...I totally did this same thread like a month or two ago.;)
Spaceboy said:
T shirt and boxers baby.:kiss:

What kinda boxers..... hmmmmm

pink fleece jammies from Old Navy...

Xmas present from my sister... so soft I want to live in these... forever..

I think I have those same pajamas!
littlekateyes said:
Whatever....... They win almost all the time, is that why you think they suck?:p

Nope...It's cause i'm from Boston...

and i KNOW they SUCK!!!!:p
I'm so sexy right now, it's scary.

Same sweats I've been wearing for 2 days, and a fuzzy sweatshirt, again, been wearing it for 2 days.

Damn I'm one sexy bitch.