BDSM clubs question


Really Really Experienced
Nov 7, 2002
Have any of you ever been to any of these types of clubs? I've always wondered if they are like what Hollywood portrays. Are they dark and dimly lit? Are they filled with perpetually hard men and wet women in costumes? I've read a websites for a local club and they say there is no sexual contact but I assume that is bull or there is a specific place set up for those types of encounters.

The oddest place I've ever been was to "The Church" here in Dallas. My girlfriend took me and it was an honest trip. On Sunday nights the dance club is transformed into a Goth Club. Strange but I enjoyed it a great deal.

Just wondering......
TxBelle said:
Have any of you ever been to any of these types of clubs? I've always wondered if they are like what Hollywood portrays. Are they dark and dimly lit? Are they filled with perpetually hard men and wet women in costumes? I've read a websites for a local club and they say there is no sexual contact but I assume that is bull or there is a specific place set up for those types of encounters.

The oddest place I've ever been was to "The Church" here in Dallas. My girlfriend took me and it was an honest trip. On Sunday nights the dance club is transformed into a Goth Club. Strange but I enjoyed it a great deal.

Just wondering......

BDSM Clubs do not allow sexual contact anymore, at least the ones I have been to. One though has a sex show, but I think they got raided.

Swingers clubs do allow sex.

BDSM Clubs

I am going to one tomorrow night in Montreal with my Dominant- have never been there but B tells me it is a bar with lots of folks in fetish clothing and a playspace area as well. Will tell you more afterwards, ha!

- justina
Re: BDSM Clubs

Justina123 said:
I am going to one tomorrow night in Montreal with my Dominant- have never been there but B tells me it is a bar with lots of folks in fetish clothing and a playspace area as well. Will tell you more afterwards, ha!

- justina

Oh please do. I hope you have a good time. What are you planning to wear?
Re: Re: BDSM clubs question

Ebonyfire said:
BDSM Clubs do not allow sexual contact anymore, at least the ones I have been to. One though has a sex show, but I think they got raided.

Swingers clubs do allow sex.


I always thought of either kind of club as being essientially the same except one likes BDSM their same partner but maybe with someone new and the other likes to go and meet different people to form relationships or have sex without the BDSM (or maybe include that as well) So what you do at these clubs? Compare notes on who's doing what to whom? If it's a BDSM club I imagine they would discuss the art itself and maybe have toy shows and such. Am I close? Why can't you have an encounter at a BDSM club but can at a swingers club?
I attend one in Atlanta called The Chamber which is pretty good. They have a lot of shows with bondage and candles on the main stage and more erotic shows in side rooms.
Fetish Clubs

We were at the Dallas Fetish Ball at the Church. For that one night it was transformed into a full play place. No sexual contact tho, but partial nudity. There is also another place in Dallas that gave out flyers for people that attended the Fetish Ball. It is a private club and there is no sexual contact,but it allows nudity and demos as well as great play times.
Re: Fetish Clubs

wetandslave said:
We were at the Dallas Fetish Ball at the Church. For that one night it was transformed into a full play place. No sexual contact tho, but partial nudity. There is also another place in Dallas that gave out flyers for people that attended the Fetish Ball. It is a private club and there is no sexual contact,but it allows nudity and demos as well as great play times.

Oh I am so sorry I missed that. My girlfriends and I wanted to go so bad but other things came up for each of us. We thought it would be a blast. I've heard of the other private club here in Dallas but don;t know very much about it. If my husband gets into this stuff we just might do a little more research.
Re: Re: Re: BDSM clubs question

TxBelle said:
I always thought of either kind of club as being essientially the same except one likes BDSM their same partner but maybe with someone new and the other likes to go and meet different people to form relationships or have sex without the BDSM (or maybe include that as well) So what you do at these clubs? Compare notes on who's doing what to whom? If it's a BDSM club I imagine they would discuss the art itself and maybe have toy shows and such. Am I close? Why can't you have an encounter at a BDSM club but can at a swingers club?

I have been to both. When I was a swinger, I joined a club in Philly, and some fetish types would come in, but it was basically a place to go if you want to be seen having sex, or to watch someone else having sexual contact. It was a private club, which I think most Swingers clubs are.

I saw oral on the dance floor. Lots of BJs and pussy eating in the play rooms. Nude twister games. Twosomes, thressomes, ad moresomes.

At the BDSM club. I took one of my subs, that had different dungeon areas, we watched others play, and I had a small toy bag with us and I had my sub disrobe and I used some of the equipment there and played a bit. I am not really into public playing, but sometimes I feel the urge. I do not have sex with my sub, and none of the others had sexual contact either.

What to wear...

TxBelle, tonight is the night, and I am super looking forward to it. B bought me a black & red lace bustier he wants me to wear, and I'll probably wear my black velvet mini-skirt with it. B tells me we'll be out all night and getting home around dawn...

can't wait!

Re: What to wear...

Justina123 said:
TxBelle, tonight is the night, and I am super looking forward to it. B bought me a black & red lace bustier he wants me to wear, and I'll probably wear my black velvet mini-skirt with it. B tells me we'll be out all night and getting home around dawn...

can't wait!


Ok we need all the fun details so take notes and have fun!
I have been to a BDSM club a few times, and while it is not a place I would enjoy attending often, both times I went made for an incredibly fun evening.

The club WAS dimly lit for the most part, but it really added to the was well lit enough for people to see what they were doing, but dim enough to not make everyone feel like they were on a stage.

There was a lot of nudity or partial myself included. The club I went to was pretty keen on sanitary issues...there were cleaners and paper towels all over, with signs encouraging people to clean up their areas before and after uses. The bathrooms were well stocked with sanitation supplies as well.

The equipment and play areas were pretty nice....lots of places to play or just sit and watch, some areas more private than others. They supplied drinks (non-alcoholic of course) and snacks for getting that much needed sugar back into your system after a play time. There was one area with a TV showing videos, and toys available from the hosts if you didn't have what you needed with you.

The people there were always very friendly and social....occasionally I would see someone that was walking around seemingly looking for a play-mate and being rather obvious (desperate?) about it.

The only thing I didn't like about my visits to the clubs was that being in public seems to promote an arrogance in some Dom/me's and even subs that I find very dangerous. I was part of a scene that included an over-boosted ego and it left a bad feeling for me, but I LOVE playing in public which I find fascinating since usually I am quite shy and reserved in crowds. It's an atmosphere that brings out desires in me I didn't realize I had.

I have never participated in any sexual touching at the clubs, and while there is a "no sexual contact" rule, not everyone follows that and I have witnessed a few scenes that I wish I hadn't lol. I think you can expect to find a pretty diverse mixture of people and the kinks they enjoy as well as how they enjoy them and how they respect others. Just like any nightclub I expect. There were always plenty of scenes going on, and a lot of watching, talking and general socializing.

I have friends that have attended various clubs and most describe the club and the people much as I have above, so I gather that is pretty much the norm, with the always-present exceptions.

The outfits varied a lot, from guys in only thongs to the usual leather and lace getups to just plain streetclothes to NO clothes. I usually wear velvet pants, a leather laceup corset and a lace duster jacket or some variation of that...and spend much of the evening taking everything off and putting it back on an hour later. Might as well go nude and be done with it.
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Here's my report, ha!

Okay, my first trip to a BDSM bar/club was way cool! It was a public bar in Montreal with a small play space in the basement. Definitely anything goes so far as dress or undress and I saw tons of black, chains, corsets, thongs, hood, etc.; the only rule was no exposed genitals or actual sex. I arrived wearing my black velvet bustier and mini skirt, wrist and ankle cuffs, but B directed me to remove the skirt before long, ha.

For this little "country mouse" on her first trip to the big city club, ha, it was so neat. Tons of folks speaking both French and English, dancing, drinks available, subs kneeling at their Masters/Mistresses' feet, wild outfits, sexy, pulsing music, ooh. I shed several layers of inhibitions I didn't think I could, B orchestrated a little scene for me involving both he and a French-speaking gentleman, and we did use a cross in the basement for a paddling to warm me up before heading home.

I've been to play parties in private homes and dungeons before, but never anything like this, it adds a whole new dimension to be in a place full of fetish and like minded folks who are total strangers; and it was just so cool to be with B and feel totally safe so that I could just let all inhibitions go. Can't wait for next time...

- justina <tired and grinning like the Cheshire cat>