Bad quote marks


Literotica Guru
Oct 8, 2002
1st time poster.

I am seeing a problem with things that I post. I am getting numbers like:

“What do you mean” she answered, “I am just sitting here listening to beeps in my ear, and nothing happened that I know about.”

instead of the quote marks and aphostrophes I type in there. It looks good when it goes out, but gets posted looking all messed up.

Anyone know what I am doing wrong?

Really Confused Now

If I am being stupid I am sorry.

When I look at the thread I wrote in the story "A country girls dream" The quote marks show up like #8217;. Yet when I pasted a part like that into the discussion board it came through with quote marks like they should look????

Again any advice is appreciated.

Microsoft text-editing programs will try and insert "smart quotes" which Chyoo has difficulty dealing with (so you see things like & # 8217; etc). This is the commonest cause of this problem.

Literotica discussion forums may be a little "smarter" about these funny characters.

So if you're composing in Word (for spell-checking or whatever), then cutting and pasting into Chyoo, try saving it out as plaintext first and opening it in Notepad.

Please chime in, folks, if I've gotten something wrong or if there's an easier way to do it. (One way is to dive into the options menus of Word and turn OFF "Smart Quotes"; you might try getting help on "quotes".).

- Zingiber
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Thanks I will give it a try. I do use word as I am a crummy speller.
my 2 cents.

I found I had the same problem when I used Mircosoft Word. Now I have been using Microsoft Works - Word Processor and I haven't had that problem since.

That's my 2 cents.

-Tim (niceguy2002tim)

My Story: A College Girl to be...

I'd love any contributions.
Personnally, I write in Word, copy/paste on Chyoo and re-type all ", ', and other special characters before submitting. Ya, maybe not very time effective, but one more occasion to do a little spell check. :p On a related note... please people... take half a second of your time to run a spell checker! Pretty please with sugar on top!

What Font

I got a copy of works as Tim suggested, and am still having the same problem. Is there a particular font that works better? I am using Times New Roman.

Any thoughts.

Getting rid of the weird numbers and chars

Easiest way that I have found that works really well is to do just like was mentioned earlier!

Write your story in Word ... or whatever program you want to write in that has spell checker enabled!

Open Notepad (usually found in the "Accessories" section in your "START" Menu)

Highlight all the text in your Word document!
Copy it!
Paste it into Notepad

Highlight all the text in your Notepad version
Copy it!
Paste it into the CHYOO thread!

** Please note! Doing it this way also eliminates the annoying problem, that if you don't submit the thread within twenty minutes of opening the new thread page, CHYOO logs you out, and your thread either never gets posted... or it gets posted "anonymously"!

** It's happened to me on several occasions in the past!
It Works!

The solution suggested by Sparkyman works great. Notepad gets around the problem with no trouble.


I also agree strongly with using a Word type program to write in as it helps catch most of the errors. I have terrible at spelling and grammer and it helps me a ton.
