Backstage pass - closed for ilikeitlikethat18


Really Really Experienced
Dec 16, 2009
OOC - Eric Van Den Beek
28, tall, lean frame, medium length dark hair, dark moody eyes, full lips

This show in Chicago was the third in four nights and I was a little tired going in, trying to keep the crowd's energy up. I always take pride in partying as hard as my fans when I'm up spinning records but sometimes it can be hard, when it's night after night. I'm aware from the fan mail I get and the posts on the internet forums that I've read a couple of times that to these party people, I'm not Eric, the 28 year old kid with Dutch parents, born and bred in NYC, but I'm an international DJ many of whom have had some of their most intense and best experiences on dance floors and in lounge rooms listening to my many studio, live and mix albums.

It only takes a couple of tracks before the thrill of the crowd starts to jolt me into the show. Gone are the days when I used to get high for every show but pretty soon the adrenaline and then the dopamine and seratonin start to flow and it feels like I'm high. As I start to mix in some tracks with some particularly heavy grooves, I feel my body respond as I jump up and dance around behind the decks, head phones bounding around my neck or pressed up against my ear as required. And sure enough, as always, the feeling gets me a little horny, and I start looking into the crowd. As usual, its about an even spread of girls and dudes, but the front 5 or 6 rows are always 90% girls, pressed up against each other arms in the air, pupils dilated, sweat coursing down their made up faces, water bottles, or booze clutched in their hands high up above them while they dance, some of them so out of it I'm pretty sure they don't even realise where they are.

About half way through the set I see you dancing... I think you're there with another girl, maybe a dude as well. I keep an eye on you. You're obviously wasted but you look like you're having a blast. I like the way you move and smile unselfconsciously. Although it's hard to tell from up in the booth, I'm pretty sure you notice me smiling at you.

I let a couple of tracks run and then I motion for one of my security team and have a short whispered conversation to him mid track, describing what you look like and where to find you.

A few minutes later, you are surprised to see a large, burly, African American man with a backstage pass around his neck and another in his hand. You're so into the music and the drugs that it takes a second for you even to notice him. He holds out the pass and says "Eric was wondering if you'd like to join him back stage after the show?"
OOC: Ellie Jenner

I couldn’t believe that my brother and his girlfriend had convinced me to attend some sort of underground rave party with them in Chicago, making the six hour drive from Columbus. The thing they’d left out was that there was going to be an amazing, famous DJ playing the party. I’d heard his music before on the radio and at parties, so when I heard his name, it was vaguely familiar to me. My brother, Mark, his girlfriend, Amy, and I checked into the hotel and they started pregaming right away. They showed me the E they planned on dropping later on and asked if I wanted in. I’d never done it before, so said I would. They promised to make sure I didn’t get dehydrated, so that made me feel a little comfortable and excited about the party.

“I’m putting it in your purse, okay?” Mark said to Amy, and they shared a kiss I really wish I hadn’t seen. I was a little bummed to be the third wheel, but my boyfriend and I broke up about a month ago, so I decided it was probably a good chance for me to get out and have some fun while I’m single.

Almost everyone was totally drunk or high when we got there late, half-stumbling out of the cab, and we were well on our way to being drunk ourselves. We could hear the music from outside and I grabbed the bottle of Jack from my brother, taking a long draw, before heading in, already dancing to the beat. “God, I love this.” I said to nobody in particular, my brother and Amy already sharing a deep kiss.

About fifteen minutes after we arrived, Mark decided it was time to take the E, and he handed me a bottle of water along with it. I drank half the bottle and continued dancing, feeling the beat of the music through my whole body. Moving my body back and forth, enjoying the way the alcohol was settling, I glance up at the DJ stand and see the good looking DJ smiling at me through the flashing lights. I couldn’t really tell what he looked like all that much, but he sure had a great smile.

Several minutes later, a huge bouncer looking man approaches me and leans in close so that I can hear him. I’m feeling the E pretty hard by now, and trying to ignore the grinding and kissing of my brother and his girlfriend. The alcohol and the E were mixing in a way that made me feel really out of it, but at least it let me dance without worrying about who was watching me. I notice he’s holding out a pass and then he’s asking if I want to join ‘Eric’ (first name basis) backstage after the show. I’m feeling a little horny from the drugs and the Jack and hoping that he won’t take advantage of me if I do go backstage.

“Yeah, I’m with two other people though,” I start to say, but then see that he’s shrugging and only has one pass in his hand. That was that. “Fuck yeah!” I add, grabbing it and putting it around my neck. I sway back and forth, grinning up at the DJ, who I now knew was named Eric. “You tell Eric I will see him there!”