Bachelor party (closed)

Wolf Vixen

Dec 7, 2004

Heather was making sure she had everything in place. She has a party to attend, but not on a social level, this was her job, at least a side job. During the day she worked as a secretary at a dull little insurance office, but at night she was a dancer/escort. It helped to boost her income and thus far she wasn’t made to do anything she didn’t want to do. Lately, she had been taking a few risks, but those risks were paying off because she was able to put a down payment on a house and buy her maid of honor dress for her sister’s wedding. Things were looking good.

She tucked in her shirt, making sure the fake badge was adjusted just right before she pulled her long black hair back; wrapping it around before hiding it up under the hat she slipped on her head. Yes, corny as it sounds, this group asked for a police officer. Seemed another idiot was tying the knot and Heather was given the assignment of making the soon to be groom’s last night of freedom fun filled in every way she could….exact words from her boss, which meant do whatever he asked since the money is there for it all. Heather remembered a time when she wouldn’t have taken gigs like this, but not anymore. She might as well get some fun out of it too right?

Turning she slipped the baton into her belt and headed for the door. Just looking at her you would have thought she was really an officer, but under the outfit was her typical lingerie and even her heels were hidden well. She did love this outfit. Getting into her car she headed off to the location she was given. She didn’t have an escort like some places required. Her boss was smart, he got signed contracts, ids and pictures were always taken as a precaution. So she was safe, not to mention she had her own self-defense classes that she had taken.

She thought on her sister and what she was going to buy her and her new husband as a wedding present. Heather figured what she was getting from this job alone would get them something really nice, but she just had to figure out what it was going to be. Heather laughed softly thinking about how her sister was so head over heels for this guy. She couldn’t understand it, but then again she was happy being single and seeing whomever she wanted. She loved the no strings aspect of her life.

Pulling up to the place, Heather slipped from the car and again checked that everything was in the right place. She adjusted her nametag which read “Officer Angel”; Angel being her stage name, and headed up to the door. At 5’5 in no heels, she stood at least 6’ in them. Her curvy figure was well hidden under her clothes as she took a deep relaxing breath, hearing the music pound behind the door along with raised voices of guys having a good time. She fisted her hand and pounded on the door, putting her ‘we have a problem’ face on before the door opened.
Jake was getting married in a week. He couldnt believe after all these years he was finally taking the plunge. He was marrying Cassie a beautiful dispatch officer at his precinct. He was a detective and they met just after he transfered two years ago. They hit it off completely and quickly began dating and he was getting married. It seemed almost too surreal to be true.

The doorbell rang and Jake was jerked back into reality. In his hand was a nearly empty beer and his friend Nick was grinning at him. Jake was at his bachelor party and they had been playing games and fucking with Jake the whole time. But now was the moment of truth. The stripper was here, the staple of any bachelor party.

"Alright Jake are you ready to feast your eyes?" Nick teased as the guys circled him. They made a complete semi circle and forced him into a chair. "Two seconds Jake just let me get this for you." Nick said and then slipped outside the door without letting Jake see the stripper.

Nick smiled and looked at the girl up and down. God she was insanely hot. Nick regretted giving her to Jake but he wanted to make sure his best friend had one last good time before getting stuck with the ball and chain. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a few hundred dollar bills. "Hey honey listen, my best friend in the world is in there. The man who has saved my life more than once. The man is getting married and i want him to have one last fling before settling you know what I mean?" He counted out five hundred dollars. "I will add five hundred bucks to your pay tonight if you take him upstairs and rock his fucking world after your little show." He said offering her the money. "Can you do that for me. That man in there took a bullet for me, can i get you to take his bullet sweetheart?"

Jake waited for Nick to reappear wondering what the fuck he was setting up. The party had already been a night of heavy drinking and laughing about good times past, ex girlfriends, funny criminals and the like. Jake couldnt imagine what Nick had in store.

Then the door opened and a beautiful busty woman swayed into the room with a naughty smile on her face. She was dressed like a sexy cop which made all the guys cheer. Nick came in behind her and shut the door. He moved beside the woman and pointed at Jake. "Thats the guy right there officer. Thats the troublemaker!"

Jake grinned and raised his hands. "Im innocent i swear!"

Then as the stripper got closer a sobering thing hit Jake in the face. His eyes widened as he realized that he knew this girl. Cassie's sister was the naughty cop..."Oh shit." He muttered.
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The door opened and a real hottie stepped out and closed the door behind him. Heather thought this was going to be a fun night after all. As the guy explained how it was his best friend behind the door and what he wanted Heather to do, she stepped up to him and slipped the money between her fingers, "Consider it done sweetie."

He opened the door for her and she started inside, slipping the cash into her back pocket before grinning. This was going to be one hell of a night, she thought as she pulled down the hat a little lower and even popped the first button on her top before entering the room. She took long, sure strides, knowing full well that her hips swayed with a seductive promise of pleasure to come. She heard the calls from the guys in the room, even caught the sight of one sitting in a chair with his friends semi-circling him.

She heard the guy that let her in and even saw him pointing to the guy in the chair. With her hat down low like it was she saw half of a nicely built chest and down the rest of the way to the floor. She heard the new voice as she stepped closer to the crowd and she thought she might have recognized it. Pushing that thought from her she took another step, causing her to be within a foot of the guy in the chair. She could hear his friend cheering as her hat slowly lifted to be pulled off the ball of her hair under it. Before she did her famous shake of her head to wave out her long black hair she caught sight of the guy in the chair....full sight of him. Her hand paused with the hat halfway off as she stared at her soon to be brother in law, Jake.

Feeling the heat rising she knew she couldn't stop or her boss would be pissed. Finishing the motion, the hat was tossed to the ground as she went into her routine, pulling the cuffs from her side and leaning down toward him, grabbing his wrists and pulling them behind his back, cuffing him. Her mind was reeling about who this was, the fact he now knew what she did at night and none of her family knew this, and what about the promise she made to the guy about taking him upstairs and rocking his world. Her head spun as she leaned into Jake, straddling him in the chair, teasing his friends behind him as she moved to grind on Jake. Maybe if she cleared the thought of him being her soon to be brother in law she can get through this.

She ground down into his lap before moving up, letting the front of her brush so close to his face. She continued her teasing of his friends behind him before her hands fisted in each side of her shirt and she ripped it open. Pulling the material from her arms, she tossed it over head as she glanced down to Jake. The shock of what she was doing was slowly crawling up her body. She feared she wouldn't be able to complete her routine and that would put her in a bad position with her boss.

Slipping from Jake's lap she turned and started to unfasten her pants, pushing them down her legs as she bent over. While she designed the top and pants to come off easily, she knew that sometimes a show was a must before they were removed. Heather kept her mind on the fact this was her job and nothing else. She would worry about the other stuff later.
Jake's mind was realing as Heather began her show. And what a fucking show it was. Heather alone in her boring job and everyday life was stunning. To see Heather like this was nothing short of draw dropping. She hesitated only slightly went they first made eye contact and he opened his mouth to say something, but she continued her routine, yanking his hands back to cuff him behind the chair. He shut his mouth then. What could he say anyway. All his friend from the precinct were watching this and none of them knew Cassie's family so none of them would tell. Heather sure as fuck wasnt going to run to Cassie and tell her what happened. As far as Jake knew nobody knew what Heather did at night.

There was one other problem about stopping the show. When he had proposed to Cassie they made a deal that they wouldnt have sex until their weddding night. To make it special. Actually Cassie decided that and Jake cried his blue balls to sleep everynight. He never expected the engagement to go on for over six months. Six months! Fuck what if she never wanted sex after they got married?

Now Heather was in his lap amd his body responded quickly. Six months without and it was suddenly too eager to enjoy the body of his fiance's sister. Her really really fucking hot stripper sister. He moaned despite himself as Heather gyrated in his lap, her hips rubbing on his crotch and her breasts only inches from his face. Her rack was spectacular.

He watched with a hunger in his eyes despite himself as she slipped from him and made a show about removing her tiny little shorts. She teased both him and the crowd with it promoting cat calls and cheers. Slowly, the shorts came down, then came up. Then she bent herself away from him as that as she peeled the shorts off he was the first to see her ass clad in a very small pair of black underwear which covered onlu enough that he wasnt blatantly staring at her pussy. "Oh god." He moaned to himself. The sight was setting him on absolute fire.