Baby Shower for our favorite resident witch ~ Britwitch.


Literotica Guru
May 5, 2009


I thought well Lit is always a little different right so...

Why not throw a baby shower even though the mom will be with us in spirit only. That way she will have all sorts of goodies to return when she and the little one get back.

No need to b.y.o.b as there will be open bar and a bevy of sumptuous threats to enjoy.

If however you would like to brew or bake feel free to bring your offerings as I think one can never have to many decedent yumminess on hand, especially here in the land of Literotica.

As with Brit's halloween parties this party wil be on going until Britwitch returns to us.

If you can imagine it our virtual servers will provide your every need.

:rose:All are welcome of course...male and female. :rose:

~. ~. ~

Happily I begin to decorate the huge room knowing that soon many of Brits' friends and admirers will be here to help me make it just perfect for her return.

mmmmmm..a yummy cake...


A table of goodies even though we will need many more I am thinking.




Some gifts...


* giggles* maybe something sexy for when the bump has returned to normal...


I wasn't sure what to do about music , we had a sound system and a lovely baby grand...perhaps someone would offer to D.J.or even come and play for us.
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I know that many of you know Britwitch much more than I do, and I know that I am not around much any more due to illness.

I wanted to set this up for her as a thank you of sorts. I meant to do this a week ago but... :eek::rose:

I am hoping that her friends will jump in and make it simply perfect for her.:)
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What a fine idea, Yeishia! I'm sure Brit will love it when she sees it. *Goes off to look for a baby gift.*
As always Yeishia this is a fantastic idea.

I don't have much time at the moment, but....

Scribbles down on a piece of paper quicly

For our lovely witch, one voucher to turn in at any time

One night to sleep through while I watch the baby for you!

I approve of this thread. And Vail's gift.

Congrats, a hundred times, Brit.
First, a gift for the baby, because this kid is starting out life by running late.


And for Momma, so you can still be in bed when baby gets hungry.


*Kisses and hugs to the new momma and the precious little one.* :kiss::heart::kiss::heart:
When Nitrate had told us it was a girl immediately I had ran out to buy a pink cake.


I was happy that a few people had already joined the party but sad that despite over a hundred views not more had shown up.

I hurriedly completed the decorations and added balloons and other frivolities pondering as I worked. I was not one of her closest friends maybe I had overstepped...

I surveyed the finished room and the presents that would be awaiting the new mom satisfied that I had done my very best. I wanted her to enjoy this party I wanted every last one of her friends to celebrate it with her.

I wanted more than anything for her new daughter to thrive and be healthy.

Smiling softly I turned on some music and slipped silently away...

You're gonna need somewhere for the little princess to know when she's not keeping you or Mr. Brit up all night.:D

Seriously: Congratulations Brit...I hope your new baby daughter has a long and joyous life ahead of her.
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For Baby Brit

For Big Sister Brit

For Mommy Brit

For Daddy Brit (I'm sure he's going to be needing this in the future when the boys come knocking at the door....:D )
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Oh wow...a baby shower, what a lovely idea :rose:

Will have to go through and look at all the posts properly but in advance I want to say thank you, everyone :eek: