Avoiding repetition when describing sex



There are a finite number of erogenous zones, with a finite number of names for them
(ignoring getting into playground epithets) and a finite number of verbs to describe how they connect.

You write:

A fucked B’s pussy

C pounded D’s cunt

E deeply probed F’s inner depths

G inserted his penis into H’s vagina

I gave J his full length

K rode L hard

Etc. etc.

And eventually get back to fucking her pussy

How do you avoid distracting repetition or - worse - distracting of silly / puerile terms for body parts and sex acts?

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Practice, poetry and a lot of tangential detours.

A did not merely fuck B's pussy; he drowned in it, drinking his fill of her sweet nectar before plunging in with all the grace of an Olympic diver. ("Enough poetry," she muttered. "Shut up and fuck me.")
But I want to be writing porn (erotica is for wimps) not Edgar Allen Poe fanfic :) .
Repetition distracts the reader, unless used for deliberate effect. Avoiding repetition is a skill that takes practice.

I realise, which is to say I am cognisant of the issue, or maybe take your point, or perhaps it is more that I appreciate the verity of the sentiment you express…

It’s easier when no penises are involved IMO.
But I want to be writing porn (erotica is for wimps) not Edgar Allen Poe fanfic :) .

If all you want to do is write porn, then why do you care? The fact that you care indicates you want more than that.

There is no question that this is a dilemma for an author who writes, over and over again, about people having sex. My way of dealing with it:

1. I use an online thesaurus to come up with synonyms and try to avoid too much repetition.

2. I will sometimes describe an act figuratively or metaphorically, as AlinaX suggested, although it's easy to overdo this.

3. I switch focus from description of the act to dialogue between the participants, or a narrative of what they are thinking and feeling.
I think (and maybe this is just me, others may see it differently) that if things are getting TOO repetitive, perhaps the sex scene itself is dragging on too long?

I've read more than a few stories where I've found myself scrolling down to skip past parts of a sex scene that just dragged on too long.

I know your struggle though, trust me. Even a more concise scene can suffer from over use of repeated terms.

Looking up synonyms helps. And also sometimes less focus on body parts and more on feelings and emotions. Or at least switch it up between the two for variety.
If all you want to do is write porn, then why do you care? The fact that you care indicates you want more than that.

There is no question that this is a dilemma for an author who writes, over and over again, about people having sex. My way of dealing with it:

1. I use an online thesaurus to come up with synonyms and try to avoid too much repetition.

2. I will sometimes describe an act figuratively or metaphorically, as AlinaX suggested, although it's easy to overdo this.

3. I switch focus from description of the act to dialogue between the participants, or a narrative of what they are thinking and feeling.

Good advice and I certainly do switch between the narrator (often one of the people involved) describing what is happening, to the characters either talking about what is happening, or how they are reacting to it.

I find over-using metaphors troublesome - it can all get a bit Mills and Boon. I will never use “manhood” for example.

I suppose if you were writing a story about - say - a sport, you would have similar constraints.
I think (and maybe this is just me, others may see it differently) that if things are getting TOO repetitive, perhaps the sex scene itself is dragging on too long?

I've read more than a few stories where I've found myself scrolling down to skip past parts of a sex scene that just dragged on too long.

I know your struggle though, trust me. Even a more concise scene can suffer from over use of repeated terms.

Looking up synonyms helps. And also sometimes less focus on body parts and more on feelings and emotions. Or at least switch it up between the two for variety.
I try to do the last. I mix what is happening to with the effect of this on the people involved. But, if you are dealing with multiple scenes, it’s hard to not get a bit repetitive. Vaginal openings can only be wet, soaked, dripping and moist so many times :) z
Careful, sunshine. There are many here who write erotica, not porn. If you want to only write porn, that's fine, but don't dismiss erotica. That's foolish.
I hear there are also people on here who can’t tell when their chain is being deliberately tugged. Ironic really given the subject matter of the site…
The act is pretty repetitive, so there's hardly a reason to describe it more than once. I usually concentrate on the buildup and the start, and I try to say more about how it feels than about how it works. In the heat of sex, I may describe how things are different from last time.

Like Dj, I very often scroll past the sex scenes. Long scenes that risk repetition are lost on me.
The act is pretty repetitive, so there's hardly a reason to describe it more than once. I usually concentrate on the buildup and the start, and I try to say more about how it feels than about how it works. In the heat of sex, I may describe how things are different from last time.

Like Dj, I very often scroll past the sex scenes. Long scenes that risk repetition are lost on me.
I’m not a fan of cutting to a picture of parrots TBH. You can easily argue that I describe what my characters get up to between the sheets in too much detail, but - to extends my sporting example - to do otherwise feels like:

The match started.

We won 2-1.
I just make references to something the reader should feel he or she should know.

"It was worse than Brussels. It was Malta all over again. Living like rodents among the bombed out buildings, day after day hoping this would be the day a supply convoy made it past the Luftwaffe and the U-boats. It's like the Kraut bastards had it in for us personally -- wanted to see to it we never fucked again. Well, we survived Brussels and we survived Malta, and I damn sure wasn't going to die in Leningrad. We were going to show them a thing or two about Yankee ingenuity - Texas style, and about Russian resiliency."

Then.. fade to black. I'm here for the plot, not the porn.
Sex isn't just the action, is the emotions, the attitudes, the setting, the interaction.

"Insert plug A into slot B" is perfectly find for describing inanimate objects, but people are alive, they crave, they react, they think.

"He considered the wetness of the opening before him, it's slick warm embrace awaiting his insertion. Flicking his eyes up to meet hers, he cocked his head and smirked, knowing in that instant exactly how he'd take her. He adjusted downward, just slightly, just that small tiny movement that would take him to the a naughtier entrance, and slowly pushed forward. This opening wasn't quite so moist, but it was oh, so tight. Below him, she gasped with shock that turned quickly to outrage, and then, with a shudder, to delight. His cock swelled with satisfaction at her reaction. He knew he'd read her right, and now neither of them would be disappointed."

I mean, to me, this is much more pornographic than "At the last minute he decided to fuck her ass. She wasn't sure at first whether to be mad about it, but couldn't deny the anal intrusion felt magnificent."

It's not the act that's sexy, not by itself, it's the
Sex isn't just the action, is the emotions, the attitudes, the setting, the interaction.

"Insert plug A into slot B" is perfectly find for describing inanimate objects, but people are alive, they crave, they react, they think.

"He considered the wetness of the opening before him, it's slick warm embrace awaiting his insertion. Flicking his eyes up to meet hers, he cocked his head and smirked, knowing in that instant exactly how he'd take her. He adjusted downward, just slightly, just that small tiny movement that would take him to the a naughtier entrance, and slowly pushed forward. This opening wasn't quite so moist, but it was oh, so tight. Below him, she gasped with shock that turned quickly to outrage, and then, with a shudder, to delight. His cock swelled with satisfaction at her reaction. He knew he'd read her right, and now neither of them would be disappointed."

I mean, to me, this is much more pornographic than "At the last minute he decided to fuck her ass. She wasn't sure at first whether to be mad about it, but couldn't deny the anal intrusion felt magnificent."

It's not the act that's sexy, not by itself, it's the
It’s phrases like “naughtier entrance” that I find problematic. A bit too Benny Hill for my tastes.
It’s phrases like “naughtier entrance” that I find problematic. A bit too Benny Hill for my tastes.
Then say "back door", "shit exit", "poop canal", "puckered mouth", "inverted raisin", "better dick sheath", "winking socket"...

I mean, there's a lot of options. The point is that if you aren't just writing about the anatomy, but putting other stuff in the between, it's far less repetitive and more sexy, imho.
Then say "back door", "shit exit", "poop canal", "puckered mouth", "inverted raisin", "better dick sheath", "winking socket"...
it’s phrases like that I want to avoid - a bit too Beavis and Butthead IMO
There are a finite number of erogenous zones, with a finite number of names for them. How do you avoid distracting repetition?

Dude, is that what you ask yourself IRL when your sweet something crosses your threshold? Oh no, not another distracting repetition. I don't think so. I think you go for it with the same gusto as the very first time, even if it's the fourth time this afternoon.

That's the spirit you have to channel. I can't tell you how to do it exactly, but it's stronger than your concern about repetitiveness. It takes what it takes. And if it takes the same as last time, well, that's what it takes.