There are a finite number of erogenous zones, with a finite number of names for them
(ignoring getting into playground epithets) and a finite number of verbs to describe how they connect.
You write:
A fucked B’s pussy
C pounded D’s cunt
E deeply probed F’s inner depths
G inserted his penis into H’s vagina
I gave J his full length
K rode L hard
Etc. etc.
And eventually get back to fucking her pussy
How do you avoid distracting repetition or - worse - distracting of silly / puerile terms for body parts and sex acts?
(ignoring getting into playground epithets) and a finite number of verbs to describe how they connect.
You write:
A fucked B’s pussy
C pounded D’s cunt
E deeply probed F’s inner depths
G inserted his penis into H’s vagina
I gave J his full length
K rode L hard
Etc. etc.
And eventually get back to fucking her pussy
How do you avoid distracting repetition or - worse - distracting of silly / puerile terms for body parts and sex acts?
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