

Nit pick; pearl too!
Jan 6, 2002
Literotica restricts the size of Avatar files to 150 X 150 pixels and 20,000 bytes. I am running out of small enough fish glyphs. Does anyone know how to shrink an animated GIF file, or have a source of suitable fish images?

Regards,                 Rybka
Do you have photoshop? If you don't, if you want to email it to me or give me a link to it (if it's on the web), I can resize it for you no problem. PM me and I'll give you my alternate email if the files too large for yahoo.


Damn Elda!

That site rocks! You're just a plethora of information. Now all I need is 100 posts and I'm rockin!
Re: Damn Elda!

lickmyboot said:
That site rocks! You're just a plethora of information. Now all I need is 100 posts and I'm rockin!
I've used that site too. That's where I size my animated AVs.
You're getting close to the 100! Go down to GB and post. You can get a bunch of posts in minutes there.