Avatar size!


RIP Literotica
Feb 7, 2003
Has anybody out there with their own avatars got any advice on how to get the size of your file down to 20k? My file is 150 x 150 pixels and RGB, 72 ppi and still comes out at over 100k!
What can I do?

If anybody can help - thanks!

try to save it as .gif first and you will be close to 20k.... if it is a bit higher just crop your pic at 145/150...
if you have a photo imaging program (I got mine with my cheesey digi-cam) you can just hit resize then change it from inches to pixels then adjust to 150. :D

Just a quick thank you to everyone who replied - I was saving it as a jpeg, and after I'd saved it as a gif, it was smack on 20k!

Thanks again everybody who took the time to repy!
