Authorities don't stop violent anti - Israel protests In Britain

A better idea would be for the British to figure out who their friends and enemies are. Their friends are not the Moslem fanatics. Their enemies are not the Jews.

Maybe the British should make a fucking stand and protect property and maintain civil order.

Unless of course they're waiting for one religion to wipe out the other and become friends with the winner.
The British and the Irish finally settled down. There is hope.

Oh, it is the biggest mix-up that you have ever seen.
My father, he was Orange and me mother, she was green.

My father was an Ulster man, proud Protestant was he.
My mother was a Catholic girl, from county Cork was she.
They were married in two churches, lived happily enough,
Until the day that I was born and things got rather tough.

Baptized by Father Riley, I was rushed away by car,
To be made a little Orangeman, my father's shining star.
I was christened "David Anthony," but still, inspite of that,
To me father, I was William, while my mother called me Pat.

With Mother every Sunday, to Mass I'd proudly stroll.
Then after that, the Orange lodge would try to save my soul.
For both sides tried to claim me, but i was smart because
I'd play the flute or play the harp, depending where I was.

Now when I'd sing those rebel songs, much to me mother's joy,
Me father would jump up and say, "Look here would you me boy.
That's quite enough of that lot", he'd then toss me a coin
And he'd have me sing the Orange Flute or the Heros of The Boyne

One day me Ma's relations came round to visit me.
Just as my father's kinfolk were all sitting down to tea.
We tried to smooth things over, but they all began to fight.
And me, being strictly neutral, I bashed everyone in sight.

My parents never could agree about my type of school.
My learning was all done at home, that's why I'm such a fool.
They've both passed on, God rest 'em, but left me caught between
That awful color problem of the Orange and the Green.
And Mizrahim, Bene Israel (aka Falasha), etc.

The sad irony of it is that the most hard-liner supporters of 'Zionism' have come from white Ashkenazim (not all Ashkenazim, just a small but vocal minority) and an increasing number of Americans, who either established their own, rather segregated communities, or have forced poorer Jewish immigrants from 'non-western' countries into settlements so that they can wash their hands of the issue entirely.

That's a crock of shit my friend. Old time Ashkenazim mostly are left wing from the israeli labor party. Begin brought the Sephardim to power with the Likud.

Anything to do with Ashkenazim or Sephardim and prejudice died over twenty years ago. Most Israelis, like my children, are a blend.

American Jewish Immigrant Power? More bullshit.

Our baseball league folded after one year. The number of bagel places is like hardly any. Look at the Jerusalem post classified section to know where American jews are settling - Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Ranana, Modiin and Netanya. A few in the west bank and a few in the north or south like me.

Moving poorer immigrants around? Throw that propagnda pamphlet away.
Why should the US monitor everyone in the world? You choose not to be a US citizen and that is fine... don't kid yourself into thinking that we should protect your ass.

First take a deep breath and ask yourself if you really care about ending the missiles against us and at the same time keeping people in Gaza safe from our retaliation. If you answered yes on both counts and can actually see both sides read on.

The Gaza strip is perhaps 20 miles long down the Egyptian border. All the tunnelling happens their. It would be a rather easy area to set up a 5 mile wide border crossing guarded by a relatively few number perhaps a hundred American soldiers.

Since in a future conflict we would be forced to doing it ourselves I suggest that if America does it (and we don't trust the UN - great job in lebannon) it'll be a long term gain for the US because Hamas, without the ability to rearm witll simply disappear in say 5 years time, thus reducing terrorism and thus reducing foreign aid (the ultimate goal for us and Egypt as well).

I would pass a vote for the israeli government to fund this as crazy as it would seem (since we get defense aid anyways). The point is Hamas can be brought down as it doesn't have the goal of statehood; the right aid brought in to those who want to build; and the amount of foreign aid given to us and Egypt can be reduced and hopefully one day eliminated.

If your goal is for Gaza to bring in the right stuff and trust the US to monitor the border go tell this to your congressman.

If you don't care about Gaza than it's only a matter of time before they rearm and the cycle begins again.

Think about it.

I believe it has long-term cost benefit.


You talk to Al Useless like he cares and understands


The fact that Israel has been able to survive and thrive despite the hostility of the entire Arab world and Iran is evidence.

Here is more:

"Throughout the 20th century, Jews, more so than any other minority, ethnic or cultural group, have been recipients of the Nobel Prize -- perhaps the most distinguished award for human endeavor in the six fields for which it is given. Remarkably, Jews constitute almost one-fifth of all Nobel laureates. This, in a world in which Jews number just a fraction of 1 percent of the population."

you should read 'outliers':rolleyes:


You talk to Al Useless like he cares and understands



Maybe Al Ussa's an idiot and I am simply seeing for myself. He seems less venomous than others. Most likely I am fooling myself and it'll be "I told you so" from you.

At least a song comes to mind...

We could have ourselves some peace, in our little middle east,
And just pray for a bit of rain.
But when Hamas fires upon us
And don't think that will respond us
I guess they just don't have a brain.
I'd prefer the bells and whistles
Than annoying Iranian missiles
Do they really enjoy the pain?
Now instead of burrying their dead,
They kill each other off instead
I guess they just don't have a brain.
Those who support Hamas in power
Support the downed two towers
Terrorism is the same
Now our state's not going away
And wise up, start today
And try and use your brain.

The fact that Israel has been able to survive and thrive despite the hostility of the entire Arab world and Iran is evidence.

Here is more:

"Throughout the 20th century, Jews, more so than any other minority, ethnic or cultural group, have been recipients of the Nobel Prize -- perhaps the most distinguished award for human endeavor in the six fields for which it is given. Remarkably, Jews constitute almost one-fifth of all Nobel laureates. This, in a world in which Jews number just a fraction of 1 percent of the population."

We are .01% of the world's population. I feel honored to have pulled out those odds.
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Al Useless does seem less venemous

He will wear a tux and drink with a pinkie in the air while leading us to our death:mad:
you should read 'outliers':rolleyes:

Is this what you mean?

"In statistics, an outlier is an observation that is numerically distant from the rest of the data. Statistics derived from data sets that include outliers may be misleading. For example, if one is calculating the average temperature of 10 objects in a room, and most are between 20 and 25 degrees Celsius, but an oven is at 175 °C, the median of the data may be 23 °C but the mean temperature will be between 35.5 and 40 °C. In this case, the median better reflects the temperature of a randomly sampled object than the mean. Outliers may be indicative of data points that belong to a different population than the rest of the sample set.

Jews who win Nobel Prizes are exceptional, but they are not atypical of the Jews. Those people excel at everything that requires superior intelligence. I wonder how many Arabs and how many Moslems have won the Nobel Prize. I wonder if any have.
Is this what you mean?

"In statistics, an outlier is an observation that is numerically distant from the rest of the data. Statistics derived from data sets that include outliers may be misleading. For example, if one is calculating the average temperature of 10 objects in a room, and most are between 20 and 25 degrees Celsius, but an oven is at 175 °C, the median of the data may be 23 °C but the mean temperature will be between 35.5 and 40 °C. In this case, the median better reflects the temperature of a randomly sampled object than the mean. Outliers may be indicative of data points that belong to a different population than the rest of the sample set.

Jews who win Nobel Prizes are exceptional, but they are not atypical of the Jews. Those people excel at everything that requires superior intelligence. I wonder how many Arabs and how many Moslems have won the Nobel Prize. I wonder if any have.
Yassir Arafat:rolleyes:

I read somewhere that tiny Israel gets MORE patents PER YEAR

then then ALL the Arab/MooseSlime cuntries surrounding it, have gotten in TOTAL since Israel's founding


MooseSlime KILL and RUIN!
Is this what you mean?

"In statistics, an outlier is an observation that is numerically distant from the rest of the data. Statistics derived from data sets that include outliers may be misleading. For example, if one is calculating the average temperature of 10 objects in a room, and most are between 20 and 25 degrees Celsius, but an oven is at 175 °C, the median of the data may be 23 °C but the mean temperature will be between 35.5 and 40 °C. In this case, the median better reflects the temperature of a randomly sampled object than the mean. Outliers may be indicative of data points that belong to a different population than the rest of the sample set.

Jews who win Nobel Prizes are exceptional, but they are not atypical of the Jews. Those people excel at everything that requires superior intelligence. I wonder how many Arabs and how many Moslems have won the Nobel Prize. I wonder if any have.

The interesting thing is, is that nobel prize winners seldom have superhigh IQs, they just work hard. Educational achievement is to do with background and opportunity and most jewish (and note, they aren't like racially jewish for the most part... you need to understand and distinguish between race and religion a bit, though I appreciate that you may find that concept a tad to sophisticated) nobel winners have decended from urban areas and been in skilled work, whilst this is not the case with most people coming from muslim backgrounds.

It's on my list. How was it?

It's easy to read but a bit simplistic. That's why I recommended it to le trousers. It has the advantage over his idol Murray in that it's not doing a dodgy biased re-analysis of old datasets, but is more in the way of a meta-analysis of peer reviewed social research.

From a sociologist's point of view, he has picked some good examples of how those outstanding 'geniuses' are more products of environment than anything else. I may use it as a source on my access course, but if any of my degree students cite it, they will lose marks.
The interesting thing is, is that nobel prize winners seldom have superhigh IQs, they just work hard. Educational achievement is to do with background and opportunity and most jewish (and note, they aren't like racially jewish for the most part... you need to understand and distinguish between race and religion a bit, though I appreciate that you may find that concept a tad to sophisticated) nobel winners have decended from urban areas and been in skilled work, whilst this is not the case with most people coming from muslim backgrounds.

this is really funny:rolleyes:
People need to understand that Kybele is going on to teach sociology.

I've met a few sociology teachers. Every one of them looks up to people like Che Guevara, and the students lose marks if they refuse to tow the far-left line.

Sociology is basically telling people what to think: "You must think like this, that and the other." i.e."you must buy all the left wing propaganda if you wish to pass this course."

Sociology teachers are a complete farce, and an insult to the educational system.
The interesting thing is, is that nobel (sic) prize winners seldom have superhigh IQs, they just work hard. Educational achievement is to do with background and opportunity and most jewish(sic) (and note, they aren't like racially jewish(sic) for the most part... you need to understand and distinguish between race and religion a bit, though I appreciate that you may find that concept a tad to sophisticated) nobel (sic) winners have decended (sic) from urban areas and been in skilled work, whilst this is not the case with most people coming from muslim (sic) backgrounds.

Can you document that assertion? What are the average IQs of Nobel winners?

Over the years Jews have accepted conversions, but they have genetic links that go back to the Israelites of the Old Testament. That fact is not in serious dispute.

"[M]ost people coming from Muslim backgrounds" do not do skilled (I think you mean professional) work because they come from an inferior culture:
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It has the advantage over his idol Murray in that it's not doing a dodgy biased re-analysis of old datasets, but is more in the way of a meta-analysis of peer reviewed social research.

From a sociologist's point of view, he has picked some good examples of how those outstanding 'geniuses' are more products of environment than anything else. I may use it as a source on my access course, but if any of my degree students cite it, they will lose marks.

What you are saying is that you give bad grades for ideological reasons. :mad:

Moreover, you seem to have trouble writing clearly. Do you seriously expect us to believe that you teach at a university level? :confused:
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The interesting thing is, is that nobel prize winners seldom have superhigh IQs, they just work hard. Educational achievement is to do with background and opportunity and most jewish (and note, they aren't like racially jewish for the most part... you need to understand and distinguish between race and religion a bit, though I appreciate that you may find that concept a tad to sophisticated) nobel winners have decended from urban areas and been in skilled work, whilst this is not the case with most people coming from muslim backgrounds.

I'll take it as a compliment for all the wonderful jewish mothers in this world and for the record we have made our sperm available for christian lesbians looking to give their child an edge over the competition.
I'll take it as a compliment for all the wonderful jewish mothers in this world and for the record we have made our sperm available for christian lesbians looking to give their child an edge over the competition.

Good on you! :D

I said Jews are morally superior, in addition to being biologically superior. :D
What you are saying is that you give bad grades for ideological reasons. :mad:

Moreover, you seem to have trouble writing clearly. Do you seriously expect us to believe that you teach at a university level? :confused:

Please read the post again. Outliers, amusing and informative as it is, would not be suitable as a reference because the student would be making what is known as a secondary reference and since most of the studies cited in the book are widely available, the student should read the original. This is a basic tenet of academic referencing. Further, whilst 'Outliers" is essentially a meta-analysis, the depth of analysis it contains isn't sufficient for degree level study. It has nothing to do with the ideology of the book. The 'ideology' such as it is is largely consistent with most current social research which is that it is a person's environment and background combined which allows for the creation of outliers.

The only exception to this would be if the student was doing a study of statistical studies that were then written in lay person's terms.

I apologise if you find my posts difficult to comprehend, I'll try and dumb them down a bit for you in future and take more care if I happen to be posting in breaks from work. Sometimes multi-tasking, even if it's just play, can result in slightly scrambled posts.
Please read the post again. Outliers, amusing and informative as it is, would not be suitable as a reference because the student would be making what is known as a secondary reference and since most of the studies cited in the book are widely available, the student should read the original. This is a basic tenet of academic referencing. Further, whilst 'Outliers" is essentially a meta-analysis, the depth of analysis it contains isn't sufficient for degree level study. It has nothing to do with the ideology of the book. The 'ideology' such as it is is largely consistent with most current social research which is that it is a person's environment and background combined which allows for the creation of outliers.

The only exception to this would be if the student was doing a study of statistical studies that were then written in lay person's terms.

I apologise if you find my posts difficult to comprehend, I'll try and dumb them down a bit for you in future and take more care if I happen to be posting in breaks from work. Sometimes multi-tasking, even if it's just play, can result in slightly scrambled posts.

Congrats Kybele on just ending this thread. Totally brillant ending. :D