Australian bloke


Aug 20, 2007
Alright, so I thought I'd take a punt and risk creating a personal thread with the 4000 other people looking to get lucky. More than anything else, this is really an experiment to see if I get any nibbles.

About me: I'm a 27 yo guy from Australia. I think my profile says most of that. As most people on here, fun is the objective. Amongst other things, I enjoy chatting, camming and voice.

If you're interested, all of my contact details are in my profile, or just PM me.

Well we can't have you being so sad now can we? I'm always up for a fun chat if you're still around :)
Just thought I'd give this thread a bit of a bump - see if I get any nibbles.
One more bump, as promised. And a poke in your side. And a kiss on the tip of your...... nose :)