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LB alls going quite well for me thanks.

hmmm not sure on Snookums - havent seen him around.

*looks in Dragonettes direction quizzically*
Sorry Ladybird
Monday morning was the only night i have slept properly this week believe it or not so i missed your wave, when are you coming back?
~looks innocent~

*looks in Dragonettes direction quizzically*

Nope, not me, I hate fur balls, and I am on a diet!

Maybe it was Draconianau, he swirled a cat in the bar, which is now wondering around very dizzily, maybe that was Snookums?
I'm happy to hear that Henry. As for Snookums, if he's not here, you can be sure he's hanging around the Beast thread... such a silly cat! I keep telling him no one is going to fancy him....

Gil... I am looking forward to it as well. And don't forget buster... I want a BIG hug from you... ok!

Well Herc, keep an eye out for me about 11.00pm Monday night.. but you've got to wave first this time... I don't want to look so silly again. LOL

OK my friends... time to find something to eat, and then enter the land of nod..

Ta ta to all, take care... byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
LB i might take a wander over there and see if hes hanging around.

bye take care and have fun in Sydney LB

me knows you wouldnt hurt Snookums Dragonette.
Sweet ones LB

Go dream!

Get revitalised!

Couple of busy days!

See you very soon!

Thanks to all for the warm welcome, you really know how to make a person feel good about being here.
Yes I have Norton and it is a pain in the arse, but it has kept me clean so far.
It is a much smaller turn out then I thought

BUT Drgaonette & Ladybird are both in line for BIG HUGS
Yep Gil

It will be a huggle fest!

See you again then Gil, yeah, I have met Gil before, we are long time friends

Aye Henry, cats are safe with me, don't much like cats, but I do have a hairy pooch, old, fat, and half hairless, but thats his fault not mine, he pulls his hair out!
Stupid mutt is allergic to himself!

Actually he is supposed to be my daughters dog, but he has lived here all his life (12 years) and now she lives in a town house, she takes him occasionally for a visit, but it's a long way now and she has stairs and birds, he is terrified of those!
all i will say is if Snookums is in that thread he is stupider than what i thought.

*finds the bucket and throws up*

Was that a fur ball you coughed up:eek:

Where did LadyofLUST go:confused:

Azure is it an early flight would have to be up extra early for that.
Gil that beast thread is totally repulsive.

sorry to anyone here who visits it.
11.30 is the flight Gil.....someone is picking me up around 7.30am to get me there and so on

Hear that the virgin terminal isn't that easy to get to either.
I hope you enjoy your weekrnd and you are back safe and sound very soon:rose: :kiss: :kiss:
yeah it is not as easy as qantas for is just for work hon...wont be doing any tourist things...I will have my little comp with me..I might drop in if I get the time to say hi and check pm's emails so on...I will be back home monday

~holding Henry's hair back while he spews in the bucket~...totally agree with you hon
as I say Henry to each their know how I adore animals..and I think it is cruel...I don't know about you but I have never seen a animal go up to a human and ask for me it is forced and cruel
yep cruel and forced and not warranted on animals.

animals deserve respect just as most humans do.

they have feelings - ppl just dont realise they do.
yep..There are plenty of adult toys out there if you don't have a need to go abuse a animal..and this is a totally grose subject..soooooooooo..hows the weather
weather here has been warmish and slowly cooling down with a nice breeze now Azure.

hows the weather been there?
well days have been mild..nights are quite me anyway but I feel the cold very easy

anyway I better toddle off to bed....big day tomorrow....take care Henry..I may pop in over the weekend if I have time..I will have my laptop with me:kiss:

Sleep sweet everyone:kiss:
Nite Azure sleep well and sweet dreams

have a good and safe trip and take it easy.

Well, as a dragon, that makes me a beast!

I have never looked at that thread, but I have chatted as a dragon, which of course I am......

Therefore, I actually have a few stories to continue writing which might change the outlook, shocked me to start with, but........
It's all in the imagination!

Then again, there are quite a lot of beasts around here!
Some are very cute, I do adore anything draconian! oh, and Knights of course!
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