Aussie personals

Aussie aussie aussie oy oy oy!!!

Hi all Aussies.
I thought I was all alone here.
32 m, north central vic.
Open to ideas with my not that interested but coercible lovely wife.
Email us at and we'll see what we can come up with ;)
Well, word must be spreading amongst the aussie population, theres more and more of us here every time i look. Great stuff. But we have to introduce more. The Yanks seriously outnumber us!!! Bless their hearts...

Another Perthite here... 31, male, married (and happy) ...just a voyeur...

Good to see so many of you!

Dips :D
G'day everyone ^_^
I'm from Sydney meself, been that way for the 19 years of my life. I always like havin a chat to anyone local - feel free to drop us a line
Like my name says...

Hi Everyone, Melbourne Male here. Great to see so many Aussies. Any Melbourne women intereted in chatting, feel free to pm me.
Hiya fellow Aussies, did you know that there's a thread here at Lit where Aussies gather to chat and meet each other?

Here's the link, just click on it..

We're planning an Aussie Lit get together in Sydney for the end of November. If you're interested in meeting like minded Aussies in real life, come and say hello in the Aussie thread, and have your interest noted.

Hope to see you all there... :kiss:
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Me too

Hi all,
I am new as well, I'm from Victoria, Ballarat ( thats pretty close to Melbourne LOL) so anyone that wants a new friend - please get in touch!:kiss:

Wrer in the planning stage for a LIT meeting in SYDNEY at the moment the idea is for NOVEMBER at SANS SOUCI on BOTANY BAY.

DROP in the link LADYBIRD has up for details, we had15 ppl at the last one in SYDNEY.
Guess most of the AUSSIES arein the AUSSIE thread in the PLAYGROUND... :D
* bump * for Shad.

Are you coming to Sydney with us in November? ;)
Whats happening in Sydney in November LB?

and I'll come if we can share a room...heehee
shad said:
Whats happening in Sydney in November LB?

and I'll come if we can share a room...heehee

It's a deal sexy!

November Aussies from Lit are having a get together, a chance to put names to faces etc.

We plan to hold it in Sans Souci, apparantly there's a caravan park there, that also has cabins. So we can all stay the night there and not worry about drinking and driving.

Orlanth and Burnout are coming from Queensland, nostress and Graebeard are coming from Melbourne, you and I from Perth, and maybe Notnatural, and a whole lot of Sydneysiders. Should be a lot of fun, the last one was huge. :D
I will see if I can get there...I know I am going to sydney in June, my timing has been way off lately
shad said:
I will see if I can get there...I know I am going to sydney in June, my timing has been way off lately

Sounds like the story of my life hon. :)

I hope you can, it's going to be a lot of fun, and I'd love to have you there with me. :kiss:
Hey There

Hey there all you sexy guys and girls .. Im west aussie too up here in sunny port hedland... :p So anyone want to chat ??Leave your email address here and ill get in contact with you....
Im red head blue eyes cuddly and a very open person .. Happy marriage but like to play....So what u waiting for ........... :kiss:
LADYBIRD.....are you driving around WA advertising LIT..????????? :confused: :eek:

& why haven't they found the AUSSIE thread in the PLAYGROUND.:confused:

:rose: :kiss: :kiss: