ATTN. Newbies! You Are At The How To Board


We are in for it now.
Dec 10, 2000
Not the I'm Looking for...

My Whatever is longer, Tighter or Go to my Spam site!

If you need help with something even if it's a little strange...fine as long as it fits the Rules here.

But make damned sure it has How to or something very similar in the title!

Knowing you are serious about it helps. Although how to sneak up on fucking your Mother or Sister or other family members probably will not get the answer you want.

This in a Information Board NOT the "Hook Up" Board!

This Not the General Board and NOT the PlayGround...Not that there is anything wrong with that.

All the Boards are listed here!

Have a nice stay!
Try one of these instead :D

...though it does kind of look like fish oil :)
What if I want to find out how to make my whatever even longer and tighter? Sheesh.

What if I want to find out how to make my whatever even longer and tighter? Sheesh.


Well, yeah thats the idea.

For a better ideal look at some old threads and see what worked what did not.

There are some...different questions that were taken seriously and answered as best anyone here could that would NOT have went over well on some other Places.

Now keep in mind I am NOT driving this Bus, LadyG is.

(I just feel that, lately, this needs to be kept right at the top of the How To page one.

Not that the influx of recent topics hasn't been entertaining and all, but there is a fetish board now. *cough)

Carry on!

(I just feel that, lately, this needs to be kept right at the top of the How To page one.

Not that the influx of recent topics hasn't been entertaining and all, but there is a fetish board now. *cough)

Carry on!
Is annoying the fuck out of people a fetish? 'Cause some people seem to be getting off on it.
Is annoying the fuck out of people a fetish? 'Cause some people seem to be getting off on it.

lol! I was actually referring specifically to the "how to seduce your family member"-type issues, but yeah, I think annoying people could be a fetish, too.

I can't stand the whole "I just found a thread with the last post from 2008 so I think I'll comment on it" group of newbies, either. But hey...that's why I log off and read a book sometimes. ;)
This Not the General Board and NOT the PlayGround...Not that there is anything wrong with that.

Oh I don't know. Seems like some parts of the How-To are doing a really good impersonation of the GB these days. :rolleyes:
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Oh I don't know. Seems like some parts of the How-To are doing a really good impersonation of the GB these days. :rolleyes:

The How To... does not have the paranoia or sheer hate the GB has and that sets it well apart.

A genuine question, no matter how naive it may appear, will mostly get a genuine response.
Fresh blood is always good. Every board I know of is encrusted with barnacles who believe they own the turf, and anyone with an unorthodox opinion gets warning coughs from the board deacons. A million years ago a troll was a rude teenager who posted lewd grafitti on boards where old ladies roosted, to startle them, now a troll is anyone the barnacles dont like.
Fresh blood is always good. Every board I know of is encrusted with barnacles who believe they own the turf, and anyone with an unorthodox opinion gets warning coughs from the board deacons. A million years ago a troll was a rude teenager who posted lewd grafitti on boards where old ladies roosted, to startle them, now a troll is anyone the barnacles dont like.

You know, I get that and would agree if this were any other forum. The G B, The Playground, The BDSM... all of those, you need to kind of pay your dues and find your place.

But the How-To is supposed to be a place where people can come and post a question and get help or where someone can post something that they think will help others. A place where there isn't a need to put in time before posting. Not a place where a small group of posters run roughshod over other people's questions, deride, belittle, and question the authenticity of a poster (unless of course they are one of the oligarchs, then whatever is said is witty and completely appropriate), or decide which naive little questions are valid and which are not.

Wow, NL is right. The How-To doesn't sound anything like the GB. :rolleyes:
You know, I get that and would agree if this were any other forum. The G B, The Playground, The BDSM... all of those, you need to kind of pay your dues and find your place.

But the How-To is supposed to be a place where people can come and post a question and get help or where someone can post something that they think will help others. A place where there isn't a need to put in time before posting. Not a place where a small group of posters run roughshod over other people's questions, deride, belittle, and question the authenticity of a poster (unless of course they are one of the oligarchs, then whatever is said is witty and completely appropriate), or decide which naive little questions are valid and which are not.

Wow, NL is right. The How-To doesn't sound anything like the GB. :rolleyes:

I've been online forever it seems, and since 1997 every board I've been on has evolved a clicque that attaches itself like stubborn barnacles to the board and resisted newcomers. School was the same, ditto the military, ditto work, etc. Its human nature. The newcomer eats crap or knocks the ringleader on her ass to get some respect. Hell! My old man had 2 families. I'm the oldest. When I met my five sisters for the first time they pulled the same shit and I had to be unpleasant about it, to let them know I was first, and they can kiss my ass if they dont like it. The oldest of the daughters didnt like being dethroned.

HOW TO is a lot like the GB. The AH is worse than GB. It took me 6 years to wear down the AH ringleader to where we're okay with each other.
Not a place where a small group of posters run roughshod over other people's questions, deride, belittle, and question the authenticity of a poster or decide which naive little questions are valid and which are not.

That's really not the case. Check out JBJ's stories for an example of what he means by unorthodox opinions. He's really the only person who gets made fun of around here.
But the How-To is supposed to be a place where people can come and post a question and get help or where someone can post something that they think will help others. A place where there isn't a need to put in time before posting. Not a place where a small group of posters run roughshod over other people's questions, deride, belittle, and question the authenticity of a poster (unless of course they are one of the oligarchs, then whatever is said is witty and completely appropriate), or decide which naive little questions are valid and which are not.
Whenever I think this board sucks (it sucks hard right now and hasn't been truly awesome since 2005-06) and I find myself not being able to say anything constructive, I either cut way back on posting--like I'm pretty much doing these days--or I do what I can to improve it.

You've made a couple of passive-aggressive posts about this forum in the past couple of months. Of your 4000-odd posts, only 200 or so have been in the HT. What are you doing to make the forum better? :)
Whenever I think this board sucks (it sucks hard right now and hasn't been truly awesome since 2005-06) and I find myself not being able to say anything constructive, I either cut way back on posting--like I'm pretty much doing these days--or I do what I can to improve it.

You've made a couple of passive-aggressive posts about this forum in the past couple of months. Of your 4000-odd posts, only 200 or so have been in the HT. What are you doing to make the forum better? :)

No one owes you an explanation.
Whenever I think this board sucks (it sucks hard right now and hasn't been truly awesome since 2005-06) and I find myself not being able to say anything constructive, I either cut way back on posting--like I'm pretty much doing these days--or I do what I can to improve it.

You've made a couple of passive-aggressive posts about this forum in the past couple of months. Of your 4000-odd posts, only 200 or so have been in the HT. What are you doing to make the forum better? :)

I haven't made any passive aggressive comments. In fact I'm not sure it is possible to be passive aggressive in an online forum. I have stated my feelings and my thoughts in a manner that I thought would not make any one person feel like they were feeling singled out because I felt a) it is not just one person b) it would allow anyone who thought it applied to them to think about it and change their behavior if they wanted to and c) it was better to maintain some civility.

I look at this forum and realize that it is no longer a How-To forum for people to get help. It is a miniature wannabe GB. It is a place where the group "in power" gets to slam and make fun of those people that they feel are not asking the "right" questions. They get to pretend they are some how better than the GB because in the GB people are just assholes when they say mean snarky off topic things, in the How-To when people say mean snarky off topic things they are just trying to 'he-e-elp'.

And who says it's my job to clean up the mess that has been made here? I made my point, listen or don't listen. Change or don't change. Agree or don't agree.

Seems to me you post here a hell of a lot more than I do and by your own admission it sucks. You could probably affect a great deal more change than I. So, what are you going to do to make it better?
A lot of what happens on the GB is guys playing grabass with other guys.
They are rules for the How To Board, and the Private Message function works well.

I for one am going to start using it sooner and more often.

If that doesn't work, we can always go back to the way we handled thing before a Mod was appointed.
or decide which naive little questions are valid and which are not.

The totally ridiculous will always be treated with an element of humorous ridicule - as in the OP " Although how to sneak up on fucking your Mother or Sister or other family members probably will not get the answer you want."

If I smell a troll I will check previous posts from that person. If I see a gender confused person who on one thread is spruiking for fuck-buddies and in another trying to announce how committed they are in their relationship but "how do I make her/him..." I will have no hesitation in pointing the inconstancies out.

A genuine question for blulilacgrl, can you list some recent OP posts or indeed people who you believe have been treated unfairly.

Of course their are the long term GBers who will pop in and try and impose their vitriol and misery on anything that moves, but I simply put them on ignore.
Interesting you think because some post more than others that they're some kind of Oligarch in existence. One could say the same about almost every sub forum in this place, including The Playground. There is without doubt, a handful of people that are here on HT more than others (just like on every forum on Lit) that doesn't make them anymore powerful, just more on your radar because they're here more. Like everything in life, things change as people come and go.

I've never seen anyone be mean or snarky to any genuine call for help or information. Like any situation some people are just generally more trusting than others and take people at face value, others who have been around longer are probably a bit more suspicious. Threads do tend to be de-railed a bit here but it seems to happen as a natural course of conversations not as a genuine attempt to derail.

Some of the people here are the most genuine and caring people you'll find if you took the time to get to know any of us beyond what you judge us to be.

I agree with Eilan, you've been quite passive-agrressive a few times. It seems the only time you bother posting here is when you want to have a dig at someone or something... so I don't know... maybe if we all bother you so much don't post or read this forum OR (novel idea) post more and actually facilitate the change you feel so strongly needs to happen. As it stands now, you're just another critic disguised as a helper on a high-horse. *shrug*

I post when I feel I have something to say, if I feel that a piece of advice I can give will be useful or of some service. I do not feel the need to meet some post quota in this forum so that I may be considered part of the "How-To crowd". Either my advice is good advice or it isn't. *shrug*

As to this term "passive aggressive" that keeps getting tossed about. I have been upfront in what I think. That you are clear on my thoughts means that there has been no passivity. The confusion may lie in the fact that I choose not to be openly hostile.
As to this term "passive aggressive" that keeps getting tossed about. I have been upfront in what I think. That you are clear on my thoughts means that there has been no passivity. The confusion may lie in the fact that I choose not to be openly hostile.

Being passive-aggressive has little to do with being clear on your thoughts. It's in the delivery - masked hostility which you've alluded to by "choosing not to be openly hostile."

I'm in no way trying to provoke but I will check on things and I will point out where I believe I see inconsistencies.
What the fuck! I go away for a few days and I come back to fuckin' Litsters acting like goddamn high schoolers!!

Has it always been this way and it just took a little distance for me to see it? Or have people that I previously thought were interesting just sunk to new goddamn lows?

...and a few from that post on as examples of hostility in delivery.

The mistake in what followed from there on was based on "I go away for a few days and I come back...". If you indeed had been around to witness how things had unfolded or checked back through the posts, maybe your view of the "fuckin' Litsters" may have been different. I likewise, was away from the internet while on holiday for much of that time, but when I saw regulars embroiled in such a stouch (what a great word that is - stouch ;) ) I made the effort to go back through and check. For my take on it, the regulars where right on the money.

We could end up with a he says she says and a few confused as to who they really are says, but really want everyone else to believe their nonsense says... or just the usual look at me says and if you dare to criticise or disagree says then they start threatening everyone via PMs. This has happened all before hasn't it? Ultimately I have now just done my share of reigniting past arguments where someone had once again weighed in too fast without checking past posts. I have even done that myself and apologised for it as well.
Being passive-aggressive has little to do with being clear on your thoughts. It's in the delivery - masked hostility which you've alluded to by "choosing not to be openly hostile."

Passive aggression~ Non-active forms of aggression such as pouting, passive obstructionism, sulking, stubbornness, and intentional procrastination when these behaviors are motivated by the intent of irritating or getting back at another person

Funny, I neither pout, obstruct, sulk, procrastinate, nor prevent anyone from doing as they will. I simply voice my displeasure and annoyance.

Are you saying I should be openly hostile? Perhaps it is that way of thinking that has the How-To forum reminding me more and more of the GB.

I'm in no way trying to provoke but I will check on things and I will point out where I believe I see inconsistencies.

...and a few from that post on as examples of hostility in delivery.

The mistake in what followed from there on was based on "I go away for a few days and I come back...". If you indeed had been around to witness how things had unfolded or checked back through the posts, maybe your view of the "fuckin' Litsters" may have been different. I likewise, was away from the internet while on holiday for much of that time, but when I saw regulars embroiled in such a stouch (what a great word that is - stouch ;) ) I made the effort to go back through and check. For my take on it, the regulars where right on the money.

We could end up with a he says she says and a few confused as to who they really are says, but really want everyone else to believe their nonsense says... or just the usual look at me says and if you dare to criticise or disagree says then they start threatening everyone via PMs. This has happened all before hasn't it? Ultimately I have now just done my share of reigniting past arguments where someone had once again weighed in too fast without checking past posts. I have even done that myself and apologised for it as well.

But I will point out where I posted that comment. I posted it on the blurt thread if I recall correctly. I did not direct it at any one person. I did not ask anyone nor did I encourage anyone to pile on with me. I stated (okay ranted) my opinion, and left it there for others to do with as they pleased.

And isn't that the very purpose of the Blurt Thread? Is it isn't, I sincerely apologize.