ATTN: Friends of mine: If you say one word to Hanns you go on my IGNORE LIST

sexy-girl said:
but its probably not a bad idea to actually put people on ignore that continually interact with hanns ... its as if some people only come to literotica now to interact with hanns

For one, we can interact who we want to interact with. If someone else thinks that they have the "power" to make anyone not interact with certain individuals just because she has been offended, then the problem is with her and not the others. Everyone comes to Literotica for the own reasons... some to have a social life, others to talk meet other people for adventures, and others yet just to talk about sex with experienced people.

that said, i hope you understand that if some interact with hanns its not their only reason for coming to the board, but perhaps because he actually makes things a little bit more interesting. trolls come and go, just like bitches. you guys have to learn not to make a big deal out of everything and take it as it comes like the mature adults we are supposed to be.

i don't make a big deal out of it in fact i ignore hann's and the threads he starts even if they are started by him or him as a troll like this one i know im breaking my rule of that now though

im not actually going to put people on ignore for interacting with him or even tell people what to do ... but the people that do continually interact with him over and over i do think less of them when i see that

when people act in shock when he makes fun of someone's mother dying or of a person being raped then the next week they reply on one of hann's threads and say something like "that was actually funny" when he's making fun of something else ... to me that's just saying it was ok for hann's to make fun of someone being raped or of tan being killed hann's didn't know when he was making fun of that that she was faking it

i think when people interact with hann's they should remember that he does stuff like that and by you interacting with him you're OK'ing him making fun of people being raped ... so yes i am going to think less of those people

and interacting includes flaming him or making fun of him or anything that gives him attention that he wants i guess people will dislike me for posting this post but thats your choice

this is the first rant post i've made about hann's and i know its hypocritical of me so im going to shut up about it now
sexy-girl said:
i don't make a big deal out of it in fact i ignore hann's and the threads he starts even if they are started by him or him as a troll like this one i know im breaking my rule of that now though

im not actually going to put people on ignore for interacting with him or even tell people what to do ... but the people that do continually interact with him over and over i do think less of them when i see that

when people act in shock when he makes fun of someone's mother dying or of a person being raped then the next week they reply on one of hann's threads and say something like "that was actually funny" when he's making fun of something else ... to me that's just saying it was ok for hann's to make fun of someone being raped or of tan being killed hann's didn't know when he was making fun of that that she was faking it

i think when people interact with hann's they should remember that he does stuff like that and by you interacting with him you're OK'ing him making fun of people being raped ... so yes i am going to think less of those people

and interacting includes flaming him or making fun of him or anything that gives him attention that he wants i guess people will dislike me for posting this post but thats your choice

this is the first rant post i've made about hann's and i know its hypocritical of me so im going to shut up about it now


lavender said:
You're right unregistered, I was full of shit. So what? I made some idle threat that was ridiculous because I was in a pissy mood.

What's your point?

Breaking News: Friends of Lavendar's may now speak to Hanns without fear of being blackballed. She admits to being FULL OF SHIT.
This is the last post I am making on this matter. I'll be honest here, any single person who quotes him, goes on my ignore list. Any single person who starts a thread about him, goes on my ignore list. Any person who even responds to him whatsoever, goes on my ignore list.


Yeah it did. Gin-gin took a powder not long after her ability to troll unreg went the way of the dinosaur.

:eek::eek: blahhhhhh:pblahhhh:p,,,poo poo.. haha la la la la la la...:p