Attention Lit incest/taboo authors


Bad Doggie
Jul 13, 2009
A reader sent me feedback this morning with a link to a taboo anthology that contains four of my lit taboo stories. This author has quite a few books in this series which are all taboo themed. If mine are there, odds are some of yours are too.

The reader who was nice enough to call my attention to this reported it, as did I. I suggest anyone who reads this does the same even if your stories aren't there, it can-and probably has-happened to you as well.

What further ticks me off about this, is look at these titles. None of these should have ever passed through amazon, they outlawed the use of 'family terms' in titles several years ago and enforced it for some time, but have gone lax again. Titles like this is what people spot, complain about then there's a witch hunt which seems to somehow affect all erotica, not just taboo.

This is why my suggestion is if you're going to sell, never go exclusive with these people., They do not check to see if the work has been published elsewhere like they claim, and like lit, their rule enforcement is spotty if its even that good. These books are up there, but another author with a similar title will be banned.

Just a heads up that we have yet another one, this one targeting a specific category here.

Here is the link to report. I suggest reporting as many as you can. I've done some this morning and a publisher friend is making their way down the list.
It looks like amazon has pulled all the stories under that author. When I click on your link, I see that story, but when I click on the author link on that page, I see random shit.
It looks like amazon has pulled all the stories under that author. When I click on your link, I see that story, but when I click on the author link on that page, I see random shit.
I saw that too earlier, just checked and his books are there, they're six or seven spots down. This is another thing Amazon does to indy erotica authors, even clicking their name you don't see them right away.

Once you find them, click on some to see if any of yours are there, he doesn't bother to change titles.

I wouldn't expect anything to happen today with it being a holiday. He put them up on Friday to get whatever he could out of a three day weekend because I always feel these are the same people doing this over and over. The fact they uploaded that many books all at once as a new author was another thing amazon is supposed to take a closer look at.
The link you supplied leads to a Amazon SORRY - we couldn't find that page.

At least it does for me.
Looks like they already removed it, surprising seeing its a holiday weekend, but I imagine they must have gotten quite a few reports considering how many people they ripped off.
I didn't know amazon published erotica. Is this something people here actually make money at?
I didn't know amazon published erotica. Is this something people here actually make money at?
I wouldn't quit my day job... Some people do ok, but by all accounts, it's a challenge.

I couldn't see if any of mine were included. I just reported the whole series as inappropriate.
I guess I never thought about mainstream places selling adults entertainment. I don't have many stories overall, and only one or two I'd even consider cleaning up for a real publication.
I saw that too earlier, just checked and his books are there, they're six or seven spots down. This is another thing Amazon does to indy erotica authors, even clicking their name you don't see them right away.
Sloppy on my part to have not searched further down.

Once you find them, click on some to see if any of yours are there, he doesn't bother to change titles.
I thought the author was posting anthologies, so I wouldn't be able to see the titles of the actual stories. The author seemed to go for "Dick" and "Cock" in his titles, which isn't something I do.

I wouldn't expect anything to happen today with it being a holiday. He put them up on Friday to get whatever he could out of a three day weekend because I always feel these are the same people doing this over and over. The fact they uploaded that many books all at once as a new author was another thing amazon is supposed to take a closer look at.
As you said, this should be a big red flag for Amazon.

Looks like they already removed it, surprising seeing its a holiday weekend, but I imagine they must have gotten quite a few reports considering how many people they ripped off.
Congrats on getting the message out and shutting this thief down.
Sloppy on my part to have not searched further down.

I thought the author was posting anthologies, so I wouldn't be able to see the titles of the actual stories. The author seemed to go for "Dick" and "Cock" in his titles, which isn't something I do.

As you said, this should be a big red flag for Amazon.

Congrats on getting the message out and shutting this thief down.
Well....came home to an e-mail from another author and this same guy-look at the title and cover same guy under a different pen name is doing it as well, and they started the same date 7/1

You can have multiple pen names under a publisher account, but if amazon blew up all of one pen name I don't why they wouldn't shut down the actual account...or how someone is easily getting multiple accounts you need a unique bank account for every publisher account and rules are you can only have one.

One way or another amazon is obviously not bothering to vet anything at this point. So back to filing complaints.
Well....came home to an e-mail from another author and this same guy-look at the title and cover same guy under a different pen name is doing it as well, and they started the same date 7/1

You can have multiple pen names under a publisher account, but if amazon blew up all of one pen name I don't why they wouldn't shut down the actual account...or how someone is easily getting multiple accounts you need a unique bank account for every publisher account and rules are you can only have one.

One way or another amazon is obviously not bothering to vet anything at this point. So back to filing complaints.
That sucks. So much should trigger red flags. For example, the first title that comes up for me is >>>"Suck Daddy's D.i.c.k-Rough Filthy Adult Taboo Erotic (Collection 6T: Anthology of taboo sex stories Book 10)", and using periods to break up a dirty word should raise a red flag.

Edit: Looking at Amazon's Erotica Collections and Anthology list, 21 of the top 30 are obviously incest from their titles (link). Authors Joanne Jones, Frankie Pritchett, Randy Martin, Willy Bacon and Kristin Buford on the list look like their covers were done by the same person.
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