At least one House Member knows how to react


Nov 9, 2000
It was just a dust jacket, the real book she was reading was "A Republican guide to cuckolding your Speaker of the House"
i posted about this over in another thread but it definitely deserves its own :D
Katie does it again :) smashes the talking point that more fentanyl seizures mean lax border security when, in fact, it paints the very opposite position
She then asked Chief Border Patrol Agent John Modlin if he could identify the cause of the surge in fentanyl seizures, to which he replied that he had no idea.
"For me, as a mom, that is a sign of success," she said. "I don't want that fentanyl in this country. It is dangerous and kills people and makes our community dangerous. And to me, this is a sign that our Border Patrol and our agents... are doing their jobs. What I find interesting is, despite success here, what we are seeing is an effort to characterize seizures as failures."
Both sides of the circus were entertaining us all. It’s sometimes hard to believe adults are in the room.